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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by EastOfRaleigh, Sep 21, 2006.

  1. Daxter

    Daxter freakin' moron

    Likes Received:
    Jul 4, 2005
    my daughter plays WRMS...8th grade

    I go to practices and sit as a silent observer..just to enjoy watching her play!!

    I'm at all the games and keep stats for the team...i talk to my daughter and all the girls, but only encouragement, never anything negative or demeaning.
    They are most about having fun right now, as only 3 girls on team have prior travel ball experience....and thats what theyre doing is having FUN!!!!!
  2. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

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    Jul 1, 2005

    One should never make that comment. Travel ball vs school ball is apples and oranges. It totally depends on which programs you're comparing.
  3. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    why is that a bad statement??? hs ball in general is elevated rec ball with the exception of teams like cc, km and the like. travel ball will always rule because you can recruit. most schools are limited to the girls in their district, and we have to deal with what we have. that leaves teams like mine with only two or three experienced ball players, and thats a state average. that doesnt make hs ball bad in any sense, but travel ball will always be on a higher level because of that one fact.

    remember my reply was about a hs coach who stated that travel ball didnt count as much as hs ball, right??? and i still stand by my statement that this is nuts. i dont know of any college coaches who make it a practice to watch the average hs game, unless its state playoffs or they are looking at someone in particular.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2006
  4. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

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    Jul 1, 2005
    Start a thread on this. List ALL the quality North Carolina HS programs and compare to the number of quality TB programs. I'll bet HS exceeds TB!

    In TB recruiting takes the place of teaching. Its much easier to recruit talent than to develop talent. Most TB programs lack the ability to develop talent and don't even try. Thats one reason its apples and oranges.

    Eleveted rec. ball? Not in central NC and probably not in the east and west.

    By the way, its almost impossible for college coaches to observe HS because their seasons run at the same time.
  5. CanAmMan

    CanAmMan Full Access Member

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    Apr 15, 2003

    There is no way that quality HS ball exceeds quality travelball. First, what is your idea of quality ball... the teams record? I hope you don't use that for a a hs team. Lets just take Kings Mtn's. conference. If you go by records how many quality teams were there? Now if you look at other factors there were probably not many quality teams. There are probably one maybe two quality teams from each conference.

    How about someone taking a poll of the players and ask them what they would rather play and which has more quality teams?

    IMO, travel ball far exceeds hs ball as far as quality teams.
  6. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

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    Jun 15, 2005

    great post. agree with all your points. hope it will always be that HS's can't legally recuit (well some do recruit but won't start that here & now). Got nothing against TB at all, but they should be able to put together monster teams when they have no limits on areas to recruit from.
  7. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    dont really agree with any point you've made,
    you're telling me that recruiting takes the place of teaching in programs like lady blues, curve, cardinals, cobras, untimate xplosion, troublemakers, dominators, lighting, etc, bs! most and I mean most travel teams practice one or two times a week, and try for three to four practices a month during the off season.

    every travel ball program that i've been involved with (4 systems) practice constantly, bring hitting and pitching instructors in, etc, etc - sounds like you've played for some sorry systems - just a guess based on your opinions

    elevated rec ball, we play in the west, west has taken 3a for some years now, but you take out seven teams from the west, and you have elevated rec ball. did you ever play for dixie youth??? you drafted 14-15 girls and you had to play them, no trading, you had what you had. hs is the same way. i dont believe any hs team could hold up to a good tb team, with two exceptions that i wont name

    college coaches, dead periods dont stop you from going to look, individual hs games are really a waste of time for most college coaches, time is the problem, not schedule. i know this first hand, my golfing buddies are all college coaches in this area.

    i'll tell ya what, make a list of all the quality hs programs, and list how many have travel ball coaches as the head coach, or asst coach.

    hs coaches are greatly limited by shortness of time and quality of players. i cant touch my team until feb, oh sure, i can do 8 or less during the non-dead periods, but i cant touch a girl who is playing another sport, and thats pretty much 10 of the 14 i carry on varsity. does that make my hs a poor quality program??? no, we just follow the rules, and the rules are set up to make it extremely hard to excell at this sport, if you follow the rules!!!!! do tb teams have dead periods??? do they have a priniciple or ad breathing down their neck to keep the rep of the school clean??? nope. so how can my hs team compete with a tb team????

    now dont get me wrong, i trying not to be condensing or insulting, but as a hs coach and a tb coach, i dont agree with anything you've stated. questions - do you coach, are you a player, parent, play hs ball only, hs and travel ball??? just trying to find out where you're coming from. :confused:
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2006
  8. Dawgfan

    Dawgfan Full Access Member

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    Jan 29, 2003
    Mint Hill NC
    My 2 cents

    I also coach HS and summer ball
    I can tell you that because of no limits on where or how you can get players Summer ball is more competitive. But over the years I have been blessed with players that have won two state championships in three trips at HS and summer teams that have won various state and nationals (for what that title is worth)
    I can tell you that from my coaches point of view that playing in the HS State championships is by far the most exciting and important experience I have had in this sport. And if you ask the girls I bet that they would agree.
    And in years to come they will remember the HS championships much more fondly then any summer ball game.
    This is not to take anything away from summer / travel ball. It is in a very large part that those teams and coaches have contributed to the sucess of our HS team. HS and summer ball are, as one poster put it Apples and Oranges. And I feel that they compliment rather then oppose each other.
    Both are important in the student athletes quest to play at the college level.
    Summer ball for the extended season, coaching and exposure to college recruiters and HS ball for the team and community sprit and showing college recruiters that a prospective athlete has the abiility to ballance School, five day a week practices, homework and a social life that is needed to suceed in college
    Thanks for the soap box, and please dont rip me too bad.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2006
  9. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

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    Jul 1, 2005

    You mention 8 TB programs. There were 40 top 10 HS programs last year (1A-4A) in NC. I'm certainly not familiar with all 40, but I wager that few are slouch programs.

    There are 50 HS conferences in NC. Take the top two from each and that gives you 100 programs. Probably not too many slouches there either. And some conferences have three or four decent programs.

    I saw 16 programs in Raleigh last June. No slouches there, and I know several good ones that got bumped before the final four (and they don't get to go pay their money and sign up and play again next weekend)!

    The second and third rounds of the playoffs involved 64 teams playing 48 games. Nearly 60% of those games were one or two run games, suggesting good competition.

    I'm not saying HS is better than TB, I'm saying comparing them is apples and oranges. For example, TB plays time limits, TB plays tie breakers, TB plays drop dead format, TB crams too many games in too little time. (Sounds a little like rec. ball to me). HS plays real softball.

    As for the issue of teaching, does anyone really believe that players are recruited to organizations like Lady Blues, Curve, Cardinals, etc. and then taught to play? No, I think they know quite a lot before they arrive. The function of these organizations is to tweak skills and showcase the talent that someone else has developed over years of work...and some of them do a fantastic job of that. Once again, apples and oranges.
  10. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

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    Jul 1, 2005
    Very well stated!

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