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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by maggie, Sep 22, 2006.

  1. Bmac1

    Bmac1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 21, 2004
    In the past 2 years, I know of 3 pitchers, a utility player (with speed and big bat) and one catcher (POP 1.46-1.6 and big hitter) that were offered 100% athletic scholarships. It's really not the norm I know, but these were players who always put up big numbers and some could play more than one position well.

    But what I think caught the eye of the college folks was that each of these young ladies did really well in national ASA showcase tourneys and also played great in big games (HS championship, ASA state, ASA nationals)
  2. rangeroo22

    rangeroo22 Full Access Member

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    Jan 9, 2006
    Super Athlete/Non Scholars?

    I would venture to say that an athlete who doesn't qualify for academic scholarship money but is a "super" athlete would fill that role as well. These type athlete/non/scholars would still most likely end up at D1 schools with large athletic scholarship dollars available though....
  3. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    Still must qualify.... Get through the clearinghouse

    This type of athlete is high risk...She still must qualify based on the clearinghouse criteria...

    She would most likey be directed / encouraged to play in the JUCO ranks, which would hopefully improve her academic performance and while getting her collegiate experience.

    Too much risk for a 4 year program; not knowing how the kid will handle the rigors of a college academic load, as well as the "job" of playing DI softball.
  4. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

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    Jul 31, 2003

    We have all given some great tips and some wonderful ideas were provided. I guess we need to cover one last thing. If a kid is playing this game to get a college scholarship only, she and her parents are missing the boat. Play the game because U love it, go to the college because U like it best, work hard on your studies so U can get a job in the profession U choose. Softball provides many benefits and I guess U need to weigh all these benefits when considering playing the sport, travelling all around, and spending the time it takes to be a great player. U meet many new friends, U learn how to deal with difficult people, difficult situations, good times, bad times, adversity, joy, budgeting time and talents, sadness, teamwork, seperation from love-ones, and becoming independent. Lots of life's lesson learned between and outside those white lines. I am glad my daughters played the game, glad one still does and actually still loves the game after two years of college play. I would not care if she got a dime from the college, we got to spend tons of time together became extremely close and have the up most love and rspect for each other because we truly know each other as a person as well as family member. Heck it also helped our family stay close travelling and cheering for our kids. "Forget the money", enjoy the ride, U never know when the ride might end. Softball is a wonderful game and the kids that play it are truly gifted! Heck so are we to get to watch them play.:rolleyes: ;)
  5. EnkaJet04

    EnkaJet04 Full Access Member

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    Mar 5, 2003
    Bmac, this is the point exactly. If your DD has the grades then they can choose to go to school of their choice. If they don't have the grades then maybe they can get into one of those schools via their softball abilities through playing travel ball. If their grades aren't there then they have to compete with the academic brains out there and probably wont get admitted and have to settle for a school that wasn't their first or second or maybe even their third choice. All the other points made are valid as well but this one is the KEY.

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