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Finally...it has to be said (A TBR Classic)

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by olefty, Oct 18, 2006.

  1. andro

    andro Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 4, 2004
    G Wood
    My two cents

    I think what ollefty is trying to say which I feel like some of you are taking out of context (I've seen this same argument on about fifteen different threads and it gets taken out of context everytime) is that if you can play, you will be recruited. Someone earlier made a point about all of the impact kids were signed to division I scholarships. Can you honestly tell me that they wouldn't be if they had not played for the dirtbags? Word travels. Recruiters will go all over to see everyone. Although yes it does make it easier to see a lot of kids at one time it doesn't matter to the recruiter. They will see them.

    I've seen probably as many showcase teams play in the last few years as anyone on the board. With the exception of the Dirtbags, and probably the Carolina Cubs, I feel like the talent has been dramatically watered down. I have been in legion baseball and showcase baseball. I don't really agree with all of you guys that say the competition is better. I don't feel like the same competitiveness is there. So, really it just means that it pits good player against good player.

    My point is (as which lefties is too I think) don't be fooled by the notion that your son is playing against great competition week in and week out just because he is playing "showcase" ball. I feel like this years recruiting class is very solid, but the showcase teams are extremely weak. (Please don't take that out of context, there are some good ones out there) I saw last years legion state tourney and coached it all summer. There were some really really good TEAMS out there. They played the game right, and practiced, trained to become better. All I'm saying is be careful and know before you commit a lot of money and time to something
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2006
  2. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    Andro,,,, agreed.:xyxthumbs:
  3. 3play

    3play Full Access Member

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    Nov 3, 2004
    Being farely new to the showcase scene I have noticed several good and bad things about legion and showcasing. Showcasing does get your son shown. To what extent? I'm not sure. We have been to both large and small showcases, some have many scouts and coaches, some don't. Maybe I'm not noticing some of the ones who are there. Is it more notice that the State games, high school playoffs, or legion ball playoffs? I'm not sure on that either. My son has pitched against quality ballplayers at each level. The bottom line is what's best for your son. We believe in the summer my son needs more that 3 or 4 innings of pitching per week. Being in the rotation of a legion schedule can only improve and prepare him for college. He has showcased in the fall, although I will admitt fatigue may start to set in. There is no right or wrong. My son has made lifelong friends with each team not to mention enjoying baseball at it's best....
  4. do_it_rightfirsttime

    do_it_rightfirsttime Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 11, 2006
    You are correct in the statement that showcase ball does not mean quality teams. I have seen several showcase events with weak teams. However, the bottom line is if you want your son to be seen by as many scouts as possible, go to showcase events. If you want your son to participate in a program that has structured practices and games, play legion or some other organized program. Better yet, try to do both.
    One other point, the South Charlotte Panthers are also a very talented team that paricipates in showcase events.
  5. ebdean

    ebdean Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 14, 2004
    When something is dying we tend to remember and think of it fondly. If anyone thinks that Legion has no faults then why is it withering away. There is and has been a lot of politics and favoritism in Legion baseball. Markets are extremely efficient. The strong survive the weak do not. I believe most people are smart enough to know what is best for their kids. If anyone believes in Legion then don't spend time telling me how to spend my money, go to work trying to fix it. People will flock to things that work and bring value.
  6. andro

    andro Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 4, 2004
    G Wood
    Sigh... Sigh... Sigh

    I feel de ja vu coming on here in saying that I understand what you guys are saying. Being extremely close to the college coaching world I would say that you guys are getting a partial story.

    I've seen every school at legion games at some point.

    South Charlotte Panthers are one of those teams I had in mind when I said that there are still some good ones out there. They are talented and they play hard and together. Like a legion team.

    Ebdean, no one is telling you how to spend your money, or what is best for your kid. I guess the word insight comes to mind. Isn't that what this board is for. People who have been through it before, posting their opinions. You bring up a good point. The strong Markets will survive. What makes it strong? Money. Most legion teams are non-profit. Showcase teams allow kids to pay to play. C'mon. Legion isn't dying. Go check Caldwell county, Kannapolis roster out.

    Anyway, I'm tired of arguing this... that is my last post on legion versus showcase
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2006
  7. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    I guess I understand why some folks "think" legion ball is dying, if a team isn't supported very well in your community.

    Just like, I guess some small town folks who think everything during the summer evolves around the local legion ballpark probably wouldn't think that it made much sense to paying money and play for an out-of-town showcase team.

    Again, these are individual and personal decisions. Nobody is wrong.
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    You are probably incorrect...they know what is legal and illegal to say on this board. And I don't appreciate you suggesting that they shouldn't be here. I have invited them to come to my board to help with our members; to give people a real insight on the recruiting process. If you disagree with what they say...fine. But for you to post that they should "probably" not be here is none of your business.

    There is no other HS baseball site that will get the information from a college coach's perspective than we do here. Personally, I am extremely grateful that they do post here and believe me...they are well versed in what's allowed and what's not in regards to the NCAA guidelines.
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    It isn't a violation and it served no purpose for moseyak to bring that to our attention.
  10. coachevans26

    coachevans26 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 3, 2003
    thanks Braves!!

    While I dont claim to know it all (I could never know it all anyway), I will gladly answer from my experience any questions anybody has. If I dont know the answer, I will tell you.

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