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Finally...it has to be said (A TBR Classic)

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by olefty, Oct 18, 2006.

  1. catcher25

    catcher25 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 16, 2003
    No I am not kidding about my original statement and you can not say that its not true. Is legion baseball getting watered down yes. But its because of the situation of adding to many teams in small areas. The showcase stuff is a money maker for people. How about I run a showcase put a different college hat on people and charge kids $100 to come. I guarentee that I would have 50 players show up that think that there are scouts watching. Scouts are everywhere they show up when you least expect it. Ask any college coach what they think of showcase they will say that I will find them no matter where they play.
  2. faninthestands

    faninthestands Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 19, 2006

    I can't really say that I have enjoyed reading your posts. They are always the most negative comments posted. What difference does it make to you how other people spend their time and money? You obviously go to the showcases yourself looking for competetive players to play at your school. Seems like this would make your job easier as far as scouting for players. There are more players to look at at a showcase tournament than at any legion game. My sons have played on legion teams and I can say that there have never been any scouts there or at their high school games. High school coaches can and do help with college recruitments. You have probably called a kids high school coach for recommendations and never seen them play for that particular coach. The majority of showcase teams in our state do a very good job of exposing their players to colleges, and I'm sure you have wanted several to play at your school. So if showcase ball is so bad, don't come and watch. Sounds like it would save you alot of HEARTACHE to just stay home.
    To everyone who has played or is considering playing ENJOY yourself. You will never meet as many people and have as much fun with your family.
  3. olefty

    olefty Full Access Member

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    Feb 11, 2006

    It is absolutely not illegal for myself or any other person involved with college athletics to be a member or poster on this board. It would be illegal for me to use this board to give my college an unfair advantage in recruiting players. This has not been done and has never been done. You can read any posts I have ever written and you will have no idea what school I represent or for that matter I have never blatanly brought attention to myself as someone in the college baseball world.

    We are required to pass a very diffiucult and extensive recruiting tests once a year that is taken with the utmost sincerity by the coach, school, compliance office, and NCAA. You don't have the slightest clue what is legal or illegal by NCAA standards and if you took the same compliance tests that I have taken and past every year I have been a coach you would undoubtedly fail it every time.

    If you want a board where you are the specialist with the insight then by all means go somewhere and start one, I have been asked to give my opinions and knowledge to help some parents figuye this whole confusing and stressful thing out. Except for you, I have never been disrespected or threstened by a poster. This is my life, job, and love. even suggesting that I am in some violation is threatening my place in the baseball world. I don't appreciate it at all
  4. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    Braves, look what you started,,,,,,,,, AGAIN...:piss:

    Man I leave this board for a couple months to go watch Jr. play some pigskin and come back to find you guys are tearing each other apart...:flaming:

    Guess I'll stick around awhile...:satana:

    Btw, glad to see the coaches on here,,,,,, but can't remember whens the last time been called "boys and girls".... :rotflmao:

    Later dudes.
  5. Dbacks20

    Dbacks20 Moderator

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    Jul 3, 2004
    Charlotte, NC
    Andro...I agree with what you are saying here..."that if you can play, you will be recruited"....but, I think we miss a bigger point sometime and that is, it doesn't matter if it is Legion, Showcase, or High School...if the Coach you are playing for is not "spreading the word" or having you play in front of the right people, getting recruited is going to be tough...what I'm saying is that it is not always the Team, League or venue you are playing in but who is putting your name out there for everyone to know to come see a player play....IMO
  6. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

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    Jan 7, 2004
    Dbacks,,,, hope your boys doing fine.

    Hope alls well with you too Andro.

    You too CoachEvans,,,, I agree with your last comment,,,, that everyone's situation is different. Folks need to lighten up,,, if someone wants to spend $$$ to play showcase, wish them well,,,,,,, if someone else wants to play legion ball because they have a good situation in their home town, wish them well. Whats so hard about that? Does it matter who's right or wrong, I mean really is anyone going to go back and change their mind because of something said on here? Whats best in Caldwell County may not be the best thing to do in Raleigh,,, or vice versa. If I'm smart enough to understand that, I know some of you guys can.

    I hope for yalls sake I ain't the smartest one on here.......:newsmile42:

    Btw,,,, since this is HOT topic,,, let me add here that theys a Kannapolis freshman up there giving 'em hell in chapel hill at 2nd base. Boy can hit.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2006
  7. PersonRocketDad

    PersonRocketDad Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jun 17, 2004
    Roxboro NC.

    tj21 I think that was the best thing that has been said!!!!!! My goodness.....just keep it simple and do what your sons heart desires. Heck my son did both and had a ball and memories for a lifetime. Did I spend money.....yes because Thanks to the Lord I have been blessed to do WHAT I CHOOSE to do for my son and had a ball and he did to. To each his own and there is no right or wrong answer to this question of showcase vs. legion. And it really saddens me to no end to see personal attacks on people that are doing us a favor by sharing there OPINIONS and there experiences. Us parenst are very very grateful for this info and appreaciate there comments!! Thank you!!!
  8. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    PersonRocketDad,,, a lot of folks on here know me, and they know I'm heavily involved in legion ball,,, but I don't "think" I've ever said anything negative on this message board about showcase ball. We've had legion boys leave and go showcase awhile, and they all came back. I have my opinions. But I also realize we are very fortunate where I'm at to have great community support for our legion team, and theres great pride among the boys to play here. I realize thats not the case everywhere. But after looking at both legion and showcase, I have simply found that both have advantages, and guess what,,,,,,,,, theres enough months in the year that players CAN DO BOTH.

    Good to hear from you too and wish your son the very best.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2006
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    That's it exactly, PRD. It's embarassing for me. I have asked a few people that I know, as a favor to me, to help the parents/kids that read this board with some excellent advice. Whether one agrees with them is not the issue, but they know more about the current recruiting process then anybody else on this board. Instead of people treating the coaches with some common decency as "guests" of the board, some make comments that do not need to be said on an open forum. The coaches have more important things to do than visit TBR, but they were invited to "share their experiences". If you all don't want them here...fine...they don't come here to benefit themselves. But I thought it would benefit us.

    To the coaches: I am genuinely sorry for the approach that was taken. I can assure you that it won't happen again. I hope that you guys will overlook this and will continue to share your thoughts and wisdom to the majority that read TBR
  10. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Now tj, you know this happens twice every year. Just save your posts for the last 5 years on this subject and re-post. The funny things is...if I ever need to get you to post on the board, I'll I have to do is post something about Legion ball....it's almost like telepathy

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