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NC Lady Lightning Looking for quality players

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by LLTC Coach, Mar 12, 2007.

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  1. LLTC Coach

    LLTC Coach Banned From TBR

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    Feb 14, 2005
    NC Lady Lightning are looking to aquire 2 quality players (Catcher and utility player) for the upcoming season.
    Must have a desire to pursue playing in college.
    Catcher- quality pop time with leadership skills.
    Utility player that plays both 3rd base, 1st base and outfield.
    Both players should be able to play both 16A and 18A this coming season.
    We have just been accepted to play in the Team NJ Showcase, Edison NJ June 21-24. This is a big opportunity for any player that wants to been seen by all of the top colleges. We will also be playing several other showcase events this summer and fall so there will be lots of opportunity for exposure.

    Contact Coach John if you have an interest @ [email protected] or call me at 336-499-7653.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2007
  2. lightningdad

    lightningdad Member

    Likes Received:
    May 3, 2006
    Congradulations Lady Lightning

    Congradulations Lady Lightning for being chosen 1 of only 34 teams in the nation to go to NJ.What an honor.Enjoy it, you have earned it. What an opportunity for 2 young ladies to get to go play in front of a lot of college coaches not only here but a lot of other tournaments as well.
  3. Loveofthesport

    Loveofthesport Junior Member

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    Mar 12, 2007
    Great job by the Lightning

    This team has a great group of youthful players that are going to make great college players. I wish them the best of luck this season.

    With sophomores and juniors players such as Nikki Edwards, Tisha Mahon, Heather Taylor, Elisha Elliott, and Shay Sullivan, this future for the Lightning looks bright. They also have a couple of strong freshman that will make a good contribution.
  4. LLTC Coach

    LLTC Coach Banned From TBR

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    Feb 14, 2005
    Yes, I always miss them when they leave but we always seem to bounce back every year. When some move on, others come in and we continue to get better. It happens to every team and yet we all survive. We think the core group that has been around will continue to breed success.

    I wish those players the best and good luck to them.
    Thanks for the good luck.

    Coach John
  5. Double Dog Dare

    Double Dog Dare Full Access Member

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    Jun 14, 2006
    Innocent Bystander....

    What happens when the coaches that volunteer their time decide it just isn't worth it anymore to deal with the parents????

    There's a whole lot of teams.....that NEED a whole lot of coaches that are willing to donate their time and money to "try" to do the best they can for the girls that play for them. I don't know Coach Korn at all....but at least he's out there every week making it happen for whoever decides to show up.

    I raise my glass to the coaches, good or bad, that are at least willing to donate their time to the girls!!!!! (the loud-mouthed parents usually aren't willing to do it....just to criticize and complain.)

    Good Luck, Coach Korn......here's to a successful 2007!!!!
    (I just hope you don't beat us....haha!)
  6. Bmac1

    Bmac1 Full Access Member

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    Aug 21, 2004
    It's the Tournaments

    By getting his team into the Team NJ Showcase, John has taken a HUGE step in getting his players seen. Again, very few college coaches ever go to high school games, but they ALL at some point go to the ASA showcase tournaments.

    By playing on a team such as John's that is trying to and succeeding in getting into the the larger showcase tournaments, there is no need to pay a recruiting service or transfer to a certain high school in hopes to be seen.

    Find a coach and team where trophy hunting is not the main goal but rather putting the players in the right tournaments to be seen and competing against the best competition is the goal.

    Bottomline is that John should be commended for getting his team in the large showcase tournaments. Keep it up John. Next step Colorado!!
  7. lightningdad

    lightningdad Member

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    May 3, 2006

    Thanks Ben for the encouragement and thats exactly what we have tried and succeeded in doing here. What an opportunity has been given for some fine young ladies this summer. Its all about being seen and what a great time to be in front of them this year. Keith
  8. softballjunkie

    softballjunkie Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 9, 2005
    Go here

    Beach Mom, I was merely stating the fact the almost every time Coach Corn comes onto a board ( not just this one) rocks seem to get thrown his way. I do not know Coach Corn. Or have I ever talked to him. I have on occasion coached against his team. In other words I don't know him at all personally. But he must have pi**ed some people off and apparently more than one. I don't know if he is a good coach or not. It seems he has surrounded himself with a quality group of young ladies. It just seems that most of the time whenever he makes a post " digs" have to be made. I just asked that if he makes a post, let him make it and be done with it.
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