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Why I wouldn't be an umpire..#1

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by SoutherNo1, Mar 13, 2007.

  1. rams42

    rams42 Member

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    Feb 11, 2003
    Let me tell you what happen at AC Reynolds last night.

    Play at the plate, Reynolds player rolls the Cougar catcher ball pops out the umpire calls the runner safe, balls on the ground. ACHS coach Gary Comer argues that the runner is out because he ran over the catcher and should be thrown out of the game, clearly the runner lowered his shoulder and hit the catcher with intent. After a long discussion the umpire decided this:

    1} Runner is out at home plate for running over the catcher,but

    2} They are going to satisfy both teams and not eject the player,
    Now how does that call go hand and hand. You call the player out
    for running over the catcher, but you dont eject him.

    3} Some umpires should take a serious look at becoming Wal-Mart greeters
    instead of calling high school baseball.

    By the way that player got the winning sacrafice fly ball to win the game for Reynolds.
  2. Stretchlon

    Stretchlon Stars

    Likes Received:
    Nov 15, 2006
    Rocky Mount
    Umps call

    If it was Malicious intent on the part of the runner then the umpire needs to call him out and toss him from the game. Did the 2 umpires conference together in order to change the original call?

    PS: not sure about Walmart but there are a lot of ex-umpires flipping burgers these days.
  3. LegionPost46

    LegionPost46 Full Access Member

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    Jan 14, 2006
    a classic

    true story

    we've got a runner on second and one out. pitcher throws ball 2 to the batter. the catcher over throws the pitcher. my runner on second gives a couple steps towards third and then goes back to 2nd. on his way back the ball rolls and hits him in the foot. the base umpire calls him out.

    as i am completely confused with this ruling the umpire tells me that he was hit with a live ball and by rule is out. at this point i'm shaking with pure confusion. i look at the guy and say "ok so you're saying if a runner gets hit with a live ball then that runner is out." he says right. so i come back with ok on the next ground ball i'm going to have my infielders light up their baserunners "catball" style. you going to call them out? he of course says no and threatens to run me out of the game if i don't sit down. i of course do since i was by myself (it was a jv game), and i know that one of the goals of high school athletics is to promote lifetime values and sportsmanship. then after i go back to third steaming i kind of see it starting to sink in on him that he completely blew that call.

    unfortunate situation because he wouldn't ask for help and his partner woudn't overrule him. in the end human mistake and we all get over it. however, not a game goes by that i see him that i don't give it to him about that.
  4. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    Unfortunately there are guys out there umpiring who don't need to be, they are clearly in it for the wrong reasons. With that said, there are some very good umpires out there too. Truth is, there are many rules in the rulebook that occur so very rarely that very few people even know the actual rule, and that includes fans, coaches and umpires,,,, which (I believe) is the intent of this particular thread to share some unfamiliar rulings. As for me personally, I have umpired and I will again. When I'm spectating, I don't mind an umpire who misses a bang bang play because nobody's perfect. But I don't like it when it seems all the calls are going one way, period. I agree, it would be nice if more umpires knew the rulebook, but to be fair, it would be nice if more coaches, players and fans knew the rulebook too.

    I applaud the umpires who go out there everyday and do their jobs because they love the game, and they sincerely try to do their best, because those guys get yelled at too, I applaud them for what they put up with (sometimes resulting in threats). I have always believed good communication will handle most any situation.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2007
  5. UK7Dook3

    UK7Dook3 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 6, 2005
    Yes, the ball is live...so it is a balk.
  6. UK7Dook3

    UK7Dook3 Full Access Member

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    Apr 6, 2005
    By rule, the force play at first means the run is not counted. That may not sound correct, but it is the rule.
  7. LegionPost46

    LegionPost46 Full Access Member

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    Jan 14, 2006
    i agree tj. i posted that story because it is funny. not making fun. he just blew the call, it happens. i've blown pitch calls. i've blown decisions sending runners home. part of what makes the game great. but i see this umpire a lot and we still joke about it.

    as a young man i was a bit hotheaded and argued/complained/begged on every call. but now i realize that the human aspect of the umpires is important to the game. if questzone called all the balls and strikes the game would lose a lot. and one of the greatest compliments i have recieved have come from some umpires that where here when i played and are still here now while i'm coaching when they say how much i've grown up. everyone gets a chance to change
  8. UK7Dook3

    UK7Dook3 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 6, 2005
    Does not have to be malicious. If the runner collides with the catcher & did not slide or try to avoid contact...he is "Out...Out". There is no in-between.
  9. UK7Dook3

    UK7Dook3 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 6, 2005
    Live ball.

    If an umpire deems a kid is intentionally doing something that is detrimental to the game, he has the right to eject him. But if the pitch is delivered, the ball is live unless time is called.
  10. UK7Dook3

    UK7Dook3 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 6, 2005
    Here is one of my favorite situations that few people know the rule: Pitch delivered, batter swings & hits the catcher's mitt. But he also hits the ball & it goes over the fence.


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