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Goat Pastures or Softball Fields?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by betterbatter, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005
    It is not an apperance that girls, are not treated equal!

    Guru it is not an appearance that girls sports are not treated equal, it is a FACT!! Cheeze, me and you must be the same person, living in two places. Girls sports have always been pushed to the side, forgotten or just plain ignored! And wow, did Cheeze hit it on the nail-head when he said, most AD's seem to be football coaches, baseball coaches, etc....Or dare I say men without DD's in sports!! Because if the AD's were Daddy's of DD who played softball then the fields would get the attention they deserve!!! Or if the Mayor of the community was a Daddy of a DD who was into softball, or the actor (with loads of money) was the Daddy, or the whatever, whereever the sport would get the attention it deserves! Get my point? I have said it a million times, when it affects you and yours, you care! Make sure you get someone involved, high up, in the booster club!
    A few things that you can do is have car washes, etc... I know some of the schools have started doing things such as powder puff football where all proceeds go to the softball program. Put on a tournament, involving major rivaleries in your conference and other close conferences, using facilities close to your facility, let the proceeds go to your softball program. What the heck, go around to local businesses and ask for donations/sponsorships for facility upgrades, let them have a banner for advertisement on the field fence! These type things will help!
    You know what they say, where there is a Will, there is a way!!
    Peace, Love and Happiness, :twocents: :brickwall: :poke: :grouphug: :peacemanmw: :victoryg:
  2. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    SO TRUE !!!

    Excellent Response !!!!----- Guru
  3. Double Dog Dare

    Double Dog Dare Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 14, 2006
    Other Side of the Coin! (Get off your tail....)

    You guys hit a sore spot with ol' DDD.

    Softball parents have the ability to fundraise....just like the other sports do. Also, and here's the BIG one.....softball parents have the ability to go out and work on the fields on their own time and at their own expense!

    Try this one out: Instead of complaining about the poor condition of your community field, go out there and make it better yourself! That's a novel idea, eh?

    There is not a "FIELD FAIRY" that comes down at night and makes all the football and baseball fields look so good. It comes from hard work and parents that are willing to volunteer their time and money all year round. IMO, the responsibility of creating and maintaining a quality facility lies with the parents.

    Get out of your loungechairs, put your scorebooks down, and put some effort into your home field!!!! Your "DD's", as you like to call them, deserve it.

    IT ISN'T THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COACH TO DO IT. My gosh, don't the coaches have enough that they have to deal with??

    In short, quit making excuses and get involved!! Your team will appreciate it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2007
  4. nctiger

    nctiger Full Access Member

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    Feb 21, 2007

    This thread starts yearly, and always the general theme is, "THEY ARE NOT HELPING US", from experience let me say this, if you want nice facilities, get to work and build them.
    Living here in Caldwell county, the school system has never put a cent into athletics facilities, including the football field, baseball field and softball field, the only sports related facility that the county has furnished is the Track, and tennis courts, and thats because they are P.E. related.

    The softball field at South Caldwell is as nice as any in the conference, the field is lighted, with rest rooms and concession stand, plus a pressbox and storeage , the field has a sprinkler system the only thing lacking is enough seating, but that will be taken care of by next year.

    While I was active in the booster club, I had a committee formed to make improvements to the SB field, and this committee got a lot of parents involved and they got to work, and great things happened, and yes, the booster club did come through with money, for the lights and sprinkler system, but coaches and parents install all the above.
    Two of our coaches built the concession stand and restroom, and got most of the material denotated.

    For field improvements and equipment needs (without having to go to the booster club or Ad, this is one of the things the improvement committee can up with) our coach sells signs on the outfield fence, these signs generate enough money for any field improvement, example we planning on adding more sod this year, and we will buy sod, have it delievered, and the players and parents will lay it

    So if you want nice facilities, quit complaining and get to work.
  5. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2005

    And put those cameras and camcorders down!

    no it isn't the responsibility of the coach but he / she needs to be there to help and say "thank you" when others help.
  6. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    best two post of the year.

    exactly....asking for a handouts and pulling Title IX into it, isnt the solution.

    DDD and your post are clear/direct and 'others' here should listen and learn instead of offering excuses, blaming ADs etc......

    and i do believe they are here to learn from those who have been there, done it, did it. wonderful post guys!

    Alexander Central HS Field is another great example of what parents can do!
  7. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    title IX

    We never even considered using the title nine thing. our issue was that our softball field was almost a mile from the school, directly on a highly used street and we had no way of providing security for our girls.

    four of us (two coaches and two parents) have built dug outs, put up fences, fixed water leaks, planted grass, you name it, we've done it. but i just couldnt seem to find enough money in my wallet for lights. lol. some schools have a large booster club system that will be able to finance field improvements, others like our inner city school do not. And yes, I will agree that some AD's are willing to help but cant and some are able to help but wont. ya have to find your own way, but it does take work by many, not just the coach.
  8. NOGA87

    NOGA87 Full Access Member

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    Jan 10, 2004

    The problem is not that the parents don't help...not in the area I'm in anyway...they do help and FAR from lazy...Most of what is got is because of the parents doing it. The problem IS that the other sports, (main sports) have professionals that CONSTRUCT these facilities...and the money comes from the Boosters for these main sports facilities...Fundraising is NOT going to build you a facility. It will however help buy equipment, uniforms and so forth. And again, I can just speak for the area I'm in, but the parents do help a LOT, with what they can. Over the past 5 years it has slowly taken shape...and I said SLOWLY...one thing this year, one thing the next...But when a football stadium or baseball stadium is built, the Majority of them are constructed all at once...and I'm pretty sure, for the most part, that the parents don't get out there and build them...Add finishing touches though, sure they should chip in and do that. And when the school and boosters buy NEW uniforms for the baseball team every single year, and for the softball team every 5 years or so, or they have to fundraise and buy new ones themselves, which they have done, then somethings not right. Sure that's how it's been for years and years and years...but I don't think it's asking too much for things to be done a little more evenly. It'll never be even steven across the board, cause you wouldn't believe some of the conversations that go on, and how female sports can be disrespected by some bassakwards dipstick. If you've never heard those conversations, then you'll never understand. Again, can only speak for this area, but it is SLOWLY getting better...and that's a good thing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2007
  9. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Okay---But You Are Another Tangent !!!

    But the statement is about the girls having crappie facilities,nothing about not wanting to work for it...the boys should have to work also for nice facilities,but they don't...they automatically have nice football fields, baseball fields, etc....do you see where you are not comparing apples for apples...all we are saying is why is it always one sided ????

    Last edited: Mar 16, 2007
  10. NOGA87

    NOGA87 Full Access Member

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    Jan 10, 2004
    It's just a shame when others 'get' by not even asking, but just because that's what they do every year for certain sports. Paid for by the boosters, with no direct fundraising for that sport. And you ask for a left field fence for years and they tell you, "you should just be happy that you have a field." And you're outfield fence is taken up to the foul pole because it's sticking over into a baseball PRACTICE field, that is used maybe once a week? These aren't blaming statements or excuses...they're just the facts. And the only way to get these things corrected is by just being a thorn in someones side every year, or you'll never get it done...And coaches and parents have gone out to do these things just for it to be torn down during another coaches PE class, because the baseball practice field is more important than the field the girls play on. So I don't mind anyone complaining to the AD or whoever they need to, if it benefits these girls and gets them the facilities they need. Every organization doesn't operate the same way, you have to go through the proper channels and a lot of the times those channels just won't open if the resistance comes from the right place, or wrong.

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