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South Meck Position

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by honker58, Jun 6, 2006.

  1. Dbacks20

    Dbacks20 Moderator

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    Jul 3, 2004
    Charlotte, NC
    I gave my 2 cents worth on the other thread and with that said....This is still the only option for South at this time....I have to admit, I expected the program to suffer but not drop off as rapidly as it has. I did expect the overall talent on the team to carry them a little better than what they have so far.

    The decline in the program probably affects us more because we have been a part of a winning South Meck program for a long time......

    I agree with a lot of what Dead Red had to say...but, I think the Coach can change some things himself....such as, if pitching is a problem (which it is) and the pitching coach is the JV Coach...then change the assignments....bring the JV (pitching) Coach to Varsity and send one of the Varsity Assits to JV....split the practices, after fundamentals are worked on together, Varisty should be working with the Varsity Coaches and the JV should be working with the JV Coaches.....the both have separate needs and should focus on different things.

    Coach J obviously didn't know as Dead Red said: "the lions den" is was walking into....I do feel if the program has any chance of getting back where it needs to be the "powers to be" need to start making some decisions that can possible still impact this season but definately set the table for next year. :bomb: :flameme:
  2. 4-6-3-DP

    4-6-3-DP Full Access Member

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    Jan 23, 2007
    Just curious as to if he seems to have lost the players yet or are they buying into him and his staff?
  3. TheOriole

    TheOriole Full Access Member

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    Jun 27, 2005
    Charlotte, NC

    everyone has to deal with the cards they are dealt...obviously very trying for everyone who follows/involved in South baseball...I have been on both endso fthis type of situation/noboby likes to lose the coach probably moreso than anyone...just gotta keep on doing what one thinks is right, no?...too bad all energy and effort cannot be directed at to what is at hand/stake right now... JMHO:tank:
  4. Dbacks20

    Dbacks20 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jul 3, 2004
    Charlotte, NC

    As an outsider now looking in ...I don't think he has lost the players yet becuase they are still not sure what they are "buying into".

    The Staff has only been together for a short period of time because of football obligations...based on what I've seen so far I don't think the players really have figured our what the programs game plan is at this time.

    I do feel there is time to get "buy in" to the program....some decisions and changes need to be made to do so. IMHO
  5. heels77

    heels77 Junior Member

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    Mar 22, 2007
    IMO, you nailed one of the most serious problems at South Meck right now. If there is a game plan, the kids do not know what it is. And, of course, they were used to such a structured program under Bagwell, and this is just a very different environment for them. Coaches and players alike seem to be "feeling" their way, and that's causing disatrous results so far.
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    There you go....that pretty much sums it up.
  7. TheOriole

    TheOriole Full Access Member

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    Jun 27, 2005
    Charlotte, NC
    Change is inevitable...

    growth is optional" says Ira Blumenthal. However, it takes time...how much hard to say...I never got the time needed...and sadly, the same will happen at South. For the sake of giving the man credit I sure hope he does, and I am in his corner. Everyone knows what shoes he had to fill as did I, but you have to give someone a chance/shot...wait it out thru the ups and downs and if THEY are doing what is right and know their game things will turn on the upswing ultimately...Deal with the cards you ve been dealt as I did...do the best you can, including the team, quit complaining about the ills and try and be positive as all get out! Finally, this is HS baseball-a mere game! A far cry from all the suffering and pain people worldwide are having to endure and die over every second as we speak. Best of luck to both teams..play hard..play clean...be aggressive..and enjoy each fleeting moment as if it might be your last game! :)
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I understand where you are coming from Coach, but this situation is nothing like yours was. You had a plan and how you wanted to run the program. And yes, we need to give the coach time to adapt.

    The concerns are with the commitment to baseball, the time spent in evaluating the players while forfeiting a very promising year for the seniors (one that they will never get back).

    The cupboards weren't bare at SM. I know one thing, Coach, if you had this team they would be competing at a higher level....and you don't know the players either. I don't care if SM loses the majority of their games, but I should expect to watch this team compete, to improve in mental mistakes each game...anything else is gravy

    As I said before, if I didn't care, I wouldn't say anything.
  9. TheOriole

    TheOriole Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 27, 2005
    Charlotte, NC
    Don t get me....

    wrong posters! I understand / agree with all has been said..and yes it has to do with commitiment as far as time and something that in which hasn t been discussed/ignored to some extent-knowledge of the game. I had very little time...two months to take charge of a team who lost a beloved coach for the most part who had taken them one game shy of the 4A finals and try to provide them with a new direction/philosophy , style, and respect for the game where this Coach at South has/had a similar task at hand. So there are some similarities...No doubt I feel for their players as I did for mine over at Prov as we were not having the success and meeting the incredulous expectations everyone had set for us. I hope he knows the game well, and is fact working/doing /trying his best...yet if not then yes for the expectations and standards to remain the same change may be in order..if so give him more "time" this is all I ever asked for during this one of several stints during my career YET the ugly incessant smell of the sewer was a constant presence all around me genuine and hard efforts. Hope this is not the case over there..I suspect it is...IF SO don t blame the coach for most folks have hit oit on the nose!!! Last point/comments is it is DUE to the lack of quality administrators who support/back/ and care for the quality of their athletics oropgrams across the board and what they mean to their communities! Nuff said
  10. PhillyDave

    PhillyDave Senior Member

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    Apr 28, 2004
    I have talked to both the Varsity & JV coach recently, while also talking to some of the parents, and while I do believe the Coach should be holding down just one (Baseball) of the schools coaching duties, the situation is not all his fault. This Coach is passionate about this team and it's players. Going from Bagwell to this Coach is a real change for the players and from what I have told, the players like this guy a lot. While Bagwell is Bagwell, there seems to be a calm about the practices that weren't there before. One thing that everyone seems to forget, just how many players that were at SM last year are now at AK? I could be wrong, but the number is close to 8 or 9. This SM team has approximately 13 seniors and only a handful of Juniors. So, if everyone is expecting things to change by next year, don't get your hopes up too much. This program "WILL" be back! It might take of couple of years, but I for one, think that everyone, including myself, have to give Coach an opportunity to make things work his way. We all must try and remember that Rome wasn't built in a day and this will take more than a day to fix. One more thing, this Coach was hired late, brought in from another state, and then had to put together a coaching staff while being new to the area. At the same time, two coaches from last year, (which happen to still teach at SM) decided to go to other schools (AK & Butler) and coach there. How's that for loyalty to the school and the boys for you!
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2007

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