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Player Attuide & Grades

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Plate Dad, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    I wanted to get this feelings on how important is this. I have heard that a scout (college or otherwise) looks at a players attuide. Having seen some very good players during their teams (high school) season as well as post season play. It seems that some coahing in this area needs to be addressed. I have seen the throw the helmet, the bat, hat and glove. These were not in furstation but anger. Coach does nothing. Umpire does nothing. What gives? I will say that some coaches are very strong on this. Setting a good player for this. What do you think??????:drummer:
  2. eterres

    eterres Member

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    Oct 4, 2005
    I'd have to say that in SOME, not the majority, of cases the coach is simply interested in winning. Was at a game the other night, the pitcher was questioning the umps calls from the mound. When the coach took him out late in the game he had some heated words with the ump. Ump could have tossed him, coach could have benched him but didn’t. I understand he is their best pitcher.

    Later heard that he had been picked up by the police twice in the last month, both times prior to the game I watched, for underage drinking but was still on the team starting. IF true, this boy is staring straight into the headlights of an oncoming train but the coach, school, and parents are evidently turning their heads because he wins. A sad situation for the boy and the school. No discipline anywhere.

    Same thing for grades. These kids need to understand that playing HS baseball is a privilege. There are certain levels that need to be maintained to keep that privilege. In all fairness to the players, I understand that the level to remain eligible varies by school district. I believe in Charlotte you have to have a GPA greater than 1.75 to play. I understand that in some other districts you can remain eligible if you fail no more than one course. That means a boy could get 4 D’s and an F and still be playing. That comes out to about a .80 GPA. If true, something is wrong. The boy needs to be studying not practicing. Maybe someone can fill us in on the requirements from various districts as I am going by hear say on this.

    Attitude and grades, two very important factors for a ball player. From what I have seen, I believe most colleges generally hold these two items high on the list when looking for players however, the better the player, the more teams that will take a chance.

    Seems like some of these kids keep getting passes through life until they crash.
  3. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

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    Nov 21, 2005
    I've seen some of the above.

    Guilford County has very low grade requirements. You can flunk 1 class and be eligible.
  4. bbrksfan

    bbrksfan Full Access Member

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    Oct 19, 2004
    I was at this particular game. The pitcher you speak of is their #1 pitcher and very competitive (as he should be) He made a serious mistake in venting his frustration towards the umpire late in the game, as he left the field. This is not acceptable. The pitcher you speak of has sat the last two full games until last night when he pitched 2 innings in relief. The coaches quickly addressed this situation with him and his teammates- Hopefully for the last time. As for outside comments, please refrain from making accusations about lack of discipline unless you have spoken directly with the coach or the kids family.

    As for a kids personal issues, this is not a place to discuss their off field problems. ALL PLAYERS need to respect the game, their coaches, parents, administrators and all authority figures. Your are right!... This is a privilege to represent your school and your family.

    So far this season I have been extremely pleased with the way the players from "all" teams have handled themselves on the field. Majority of players in our conference know and respect each other as a player. Even the most heated rivals are getting along great. It is the parents that seem to have issues with either umpires, coaches or something else ridiculous!
    Come on parents, it is time to grow up! We have done all we can to help them become great players and great young men. Let them do it on their own. Win or lose... Leave it on the field.

  5. PhillyDave

    PhillyDave Senior Member

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    Apr 28, 2004
    This is true! Have been told by scouts that they watch these players from the time they walk off the bus till the time they walk back on the bus. The way they warm up. The way they carry themselves on the field as well as off. Attitude is extremely important. Just think about it......if you have two players with similiar talent, but one has an attitude......who do you pick? Pretty easy decision to me!
  6. bbrksfan

    bbrksfan Full Access Member

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    Oct 19, 2004
    GPA Requirements

    I believe in CMS a 2.0 GPA is required to participate in athletics.
    I would like to hear the reasons GPA requirements are different from one region to another. Is there a region/system that requires higher than a 2.0 GPA? Anyone got any ideas?
  7. eterres

    eterres Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 4, 2005

    I believe I said, IF true. I don't know the kid, I was at the game with a friend, and didn't mention any names or the game and have no idea if it is true. However, by your comments you must. I will say this, ANY boy who displays an attitude such as I saw or mentioned by Plate Dad in his first post AND has been picked up for underage drinking twice (once could be experimentation and depending on past history could deserve some slack) should not be on any HS sports team. They should be getting help. Any program that condons this has problems.
  8. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 21, 2005
    I think every county is different. I'm not familiar with any other county other than Guilford.
  9. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    That is what I have heard. It just seems that it is said and holds little weight. I'm do not want this to be a bashing for anyone. Yes fans should also be held accountable. But, I believe that by letting a player set the tone then it makes the fans more so of a challenge. This also, applies to other sports. I see more and more. I guess because I hold attuide high and being the young adult not a child (In some cases) high on the list. I know that this is a subject more so for umpires & coaches. I just hope that some of the people look at this and start hold them to the high standards of the games for our kids. If they do then maybe this will be forever a dead subject. Remember not bashing anyone.
  10. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    Attitude / Grades

    First of all the vast majority of kids respect the game and show great sportmanship. The vast majority do fine in the classroom. There are always going to be one or two that let their temper get the best of them and that in no way is a reflection on the rest of the guys. Its up to the coaches to make sure that the players do not step across the line. But I can tell you one thing I dont want guys that show no emotion and just go through the motions. You need a little fire and you need guys that play on the edge. I in no way am advocating poor sportsmanship or showing disrespect for the game but I think you get my point.

    Scouts are very concerned with a kids attitude. How does he approach the game? How does he prepare before the game? How does he handle failure during the game? How does he handle sucess as well. Its all part of the equation. Grades are a given for obvious reasons. The guys that take care of business in the class room are the same guys they can assume will take care of business out of the classroom. Its shows maturity and the ability to stay focused. Plus a recruit that flunks out is no good to the program or a guy that has to be constantly watched over. But a great attitude and grades will not get you into a college baseball program or drafted. You have to have the talent as well. Put them all together and you have a ball player.

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