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2007 NW4A Early Predictions

Discussion in 'Football Forum' started by whspioneers, Apr 15, 2007.

  1. baseballislife10

    baseballislife10 Tiger Baseball Fan

    Likes Received:
    Mar 4, 2007
    However, with the blocking and without eric.... there is also no 55 yard run. Im telling you i give alot of credit to the blocking and the team im just saying eric is the main peice to the puzzle and he shouldnt be underestimated. To prove what im saying. The team that just went to the final four in the state, two years ago when they were a JV team and eric wasnt on it because he was playing varsity. They went 0-10. Without a bunch of people they go from very good to mediocre. Without eric they go from very good to very poor.
  2. reynoldsrocks23

    reynoldsrocks23 1999,2002 4A State Champs

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    May 12, 2003
    Courage is FEAR, that said it's PRAYERS.
    So you are saying that no other running back could have run that 55 yards? Come on, I would be willing to bet with the same blocking most running backs in WNC would have scored. It was very well blocked. It wasn't like ACR missed a ton of tackles on that play. There was a huge hole there. Don't take me wrong, he is a great player, but I just don't like to see one player given all the credit, when especially in football, it's a team effort.
  3. mtnman606

    mtnman606 Full Access Member

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    Jan 3, 2007
    someone who has coach middle school football at watauga there were two running backs that where as good and faster than eric is and just as hard of runner he is but sad to say they got into trouble and never went on to school that run at acr could have been made by me i am 39 the blocking was that good but i have seen some runs that he has made that it seems only he could make that play.i do think there are some others that can make alot of plays like adam our qb
  4. baseballislife10

    baseballislife10 Tiger Baseball Fan

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    Mar 4, 2007
    i was with reynoldsrocks up there a little bit on the part that there are a couple of other rb's that could have made that run. Ill tell you right now thats second hand information that there were two running back as good and faster then eric. I played middle school football with him, and trust me from the 3 or 4 years in front of him up until this date there is no one that was even in his league at running a football, especially in middle school. When he played middle school it was amazing to watch what he would do with a football. If the coach needed a score he would give the ball to eric and with eas he would run it in. In the game that my team played him he scored 5 touchdowns on about 6 runs and thats because he tripped on one of them. That was just in the first half, he didnt play much of the second... his coach was good with sharing the ball. As for that play for 55 yards. He had very good up front blocking to get him through a hole. But he also juked a couple secondary men then out run one of the fastest safeties i saw all of last year. The safey dove and tipped him but eric tightroped on the sideline the last 10 yard and dove in. Dont get me wrong, the blocking was excellent but it wasnt by any stretch made easy. As for the story about the two running back equally as good as him, im afraid thats no where close to being true, atleast not at watauga.
    Last edited: May 8, 2007
  5. mtnman606

    mtnman606 Full Access Member

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    Jan 3, 2007
    yes it was i will not say there names on here but if you like since you are from watauga if you would like to email me [email protected] i will give you there names now eric iis a hell of a player and playes with more heart than anyone i have seen but there where two rb that was faster and just as good so email me i will gave you there names you must have forgot i am sure if you think back to who was plaiyng middle school ball that are not in school anymore so please get back so i can tell you who they are . and what team did you play for?
  6. mtnman606

    mtnman606 Full Access Member

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    Jan 3, 2007
    oh you playd on the west team and you did beat me but i had two players that not only me but others coachs say if they had stayed in school and did not get into troulbe eric would not have 40 times a game.and could you feel the way you feel because you played with eric i am saying that i think he is one of the the top two players to play at watauga ever.and this is 1st hand son i know i was the coach ok.
  7. Wise One

    Wise One No Doubt

    Likes Received:
    Apr 9, 2003
    State of Confusion
    Oh, the off season and eveyrone is undefeated!

  8. Indy 85

    Indy 85 Full Access Member

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    Apr 21, 2007
    I only know of one kid that may have had Eric's speed and was a good running back in middle school. He decided to concentrate on wrestling and has never played high school football. The only other kid(father) that you could be talking about did play JV ball his freshman year but was clearly hesitant to hit. Poor decisions and lack of contraception knowledge cut his athletic career short. There are no other kids that have come through Watauga with Eric's talent. Eric does cast a big shadow over this team and rightfully so. However, WHS will not win any conference or state championships without contributions from others. With a passing game, Eric can get his 200 yards on 20-25 carries instead of 40. Beason at QB and Adam at RB/WR. Just my 2 cents.
  9. mtnman606

    mtnman606 Full Access Member

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    Jan 3, 2007
    the two kids i am talking about never played in high school at all they both got in trouble and never made it the one kid played 1 year of summer bball with watauga .eric is the best 1-2 players that ever played at watauga all i am saying is i know of two football players that if they had done right and stayed with it they would have helped watauga win alot of games and eric would not have to do it all.adam is a very good player i think they shoul play adam at rb some to help eric and let beason play qb.and you can email me at [email protected] indy and i will gave you there names.since you are from watauga and know who played middle school when eric did.
  10. mtnman606

    mtnman606 Full Access Member

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    Jan 3, 2007
    indy you know who i am talking about but i did not know he played 1 year the other kid i do not know who you are speaking the other kid i am never did a thing but get in trouble but dont you think if that one kid who has a kid now good have been a great player with eric there to push him and show him the right way to play.but he was fast and could throw the ball i seen him in middle school make some passes that we could use now.i played for steve when i was in school i have nothing but respect for eric.he is what every dad would want there son to be like and i am not talking about football a hell of a young man.

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