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Legion Right move or not?

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by Plate Dad, May 10, 2007.

  1. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004

    Btw, good to hear from ya IntimidatorCoach,,,,,,,, hope jr's doing fine.
  2. Intimidator Coach

    Intimidator Coach Premium Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    lol @ jr...
  3. observer

    observer Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 4, 2003
    I'm just curious: Is playing sports in high school only about getting ready for the "next level"? Does anyone play for the love of the game anymore? Are there any parents out there who realize their son (or daughter) may be a very talented high school athlete, and it's okay if that's where it ends? Of course, we all want our children to excel and want to provide the best opportunities for them to succeed, but is there anybody out there that is happy with the fact that their child loves playing ball, appreciates the discipline and camaraderie it brings, and can send them out into the world to pursue another avenue of opportunity that has nothing to do with sports?
  4. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

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    Nov 21, 2005
    I feel the same way. I was wondering when someone was going to post this. Whatever happened to playing for a love of the game? There are some very good athletes that don't play after high school. Does that make them a failure? Sometimes I get the impression that the parents want their kid to play after HS more than the kid. Whatever happened to having fun and getting a good education and going to a good university, or finding a good job?

    The lessons you learn on the sports field help to lay a great foundation for great employees. This may sound strange but I only hire athletes. I've been that way for 23 years. They don't have to play in college. I just want people that are competitive, know how to play as a team, can multi-task and manage their time well (which athletes have to be able to do), and strive to achieve. And for what it's worth, I usually find better employees from the college ranks at D2 and D3 schools than D1.
    Last edited: May 11, 2007
  5. Baseball Cat

    Baseball Cat Junior Member

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    Mar 9, 2006
    Glad to see these post about for the love of the game. I have a son that is a HS Senior. The team he plays for has had a very successful season of which he has helped contribute to this success. He has been approached by several college coaches about signing with their programs. The schools that are interested in him are not schools he wishes to attend. Watching this process I became a typical frustrated parent. One night my son and I had a long conversation about baseball and attending college. On thing I found out was my child has spent countless hours researching where he wants to attend college to get a specific degree. The choice was narrowed down to two schools that have this specific degree he wants to attain. The school he will be attending this fall has spoke with him about trying out as a walk-on and that is what he plans on doing. He also made the comment that he loves playing baseball but it is not the end of the world if it does not work out. He is looking forward to graduating from high school and playing Legion ball this summer. All I can say is the young man is focused on what he wants to do with his future.
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I love to read these posts. Baseball Cats' son has his head on his shoulders. You know he will be successful in whatever path he chooses to take.

    A couple of things to keep in mind about TBR is this:

    - The premise is that all players will hang their cleats up one day. The longer it is extended the better for them.
    - The site provides information to parents/players how to get themselves prepared for those interested in the "next level". To my knowledge, there was not any information available in our state on "How to do this." What does one need to do their Soph, Junior and Senior year.

    In no way does TBR want to detract from any player that loves the game. And no way does TBR want to be an "elite player" website. But it does want to continue to provide information to help those interested in the "next level".
    And to continue to recognize players that that deserve recognition for their performance in a particular game. Your son may be the 9th batter on his team; He may be the utility player that plays little. But if he did something special to contribute to his team, he should be recognized for his performance.

    For those that get little attention from their local newspaper; what better way to wake up the next morning and read a post about the heroics of your son and how his performance helped his team win.
  7. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    It's all about the love of the game. A player should be allowed to explore other venues without the added pressure of some coach or other pushing them into something that do not want to do. Here, Here on the muti tasking and management of their time.
  8. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

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    Jan 7, 2004
    Plate Dad,,,,,,,, whats up with the title of this thread? If you do have specific issues with certain coaches, theres no reason to invoke the entire legion nation.

    Braves knows I love (and have participated over the years) sharing information about ballplayers, whether they play beyond HS or not is an individual's choice, and Lord knows I wish them all the best. On a personal note, I've shared about my oldest son before, but will gladly do it again. My oldest son had just a tremendous HS & legion career, hitting 10 HR's in HS, another 5-6 HR's playing on some great legion teams, he was mentioned regularly in the local papers about his glove, the word "webgems" was often used in describing his play even on a nightly basis, and if I sound like I'm bragging, I'm sorry but many of you saw him play,,,,,,, anyway one day my son looked me squarely in the eyes when I said something about playing in college, and he said "dad, since I ain't going pro, my major in college and how seriously I take it, will affect me the rest of my life",,, I will never forget those words, because those words impressed me so much that I knew instantly my little boy had turned into a mature young man. So he hung up his cleats after HS, and as much as I loved watching him play over the years, I was even more excited because I knew my son was dedicating himself to becoming just as successful AFTER baseball. Theres no question how proud of him I am.

    And thats what I've enjoyed about TBR, the sharing of knowledge, information and stories from areas that we didn't know about before TBR came along.
    Last edited: May 11, 2007
  9. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    If you will read my post again. I do not attack Legion. I refer to coaches that use that venue or others to suggest to their players to play it and drop their summer programs. Because it gives them control. I think that all ball clubs and organizations have their place. From Little league to travel and showcase. I also think that a kid should not be subject to what I feel is a threat in so many words to play in any organization or team. Just to set the record straight my son does not play legion. Why??? His choice, not mine. It is his choice to play for what team he wishes. I only provide him with guidance in his choice (what it takes to play for that team or coach). I was refering to SOME (not all) high school coaches that tell their player they would be better off playing legion not that team may have given the player the tools he used to become the high school player that the coach got in the first place.
  10. TBA

    TBA Full Access Member

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    Apr 11, 2005
    Love of the Game

    The love of the game is what it is all about, but it is addictive and it is hard to let go of, you just want to keep playing.

    Play ball till you can't play anymore.

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