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Coaching Vacancy Updates?

Discussion in 'Girls Basketball' started by bigdan, May 7, 2007.

  1. God of Basketball

    God of Basketball Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 15, 2007
    Everywhere there is hardwood
    Being More Accurate

    Anyone who has coached WHS mens' basketball in the past umpteen years runs many of the same or similar plays of Marc Payne's. Sanders' system is based on Payne's stuff. Watching our guys play Ashe is kinda funny. They almost mirror each other. Payne has changed some of his plays up since leaving, however. As far as his own people, I'm just guessing. I know that Daniel Whitson and John Berry have helped him in the past. My previous post stated, "It may be he prefers his people...."

    You said, "And I would not dare say that his "people" know as much basketball as Dunnigan and Eggers." I never said they knew more. IF Anderson should want to bring his own people in, they MAY know his system (Payne-Jones-Sanders-Anderson) better than others. Just guessing. Highcountryhoops was the first (I believe) to mention that Dunnigan would not be back. As I stated earlier, I hope Dunnigan is back and helps the varsity.

    As far as football, has anyone heard if Anderson will continue coaching football? Jeff Parham at South Caldwell coaches varsity girls' basketball and goes right into varsity baseball. He's been successful in both varsity sports, so it can be done.

    No, I don't coach. I had a kid who played sports at WHS not too long ago. As far as knowing about basketball, as parents, we all read, watch, and think we know more than anyone else:rolleyes5:

    Last edited: May 15, 2007
  2. whspioneers

    whspioneers Full Access Member

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    Feb 8, 2006
    Coach Anderson will still coach football FYI.
  3. whspioneers

    whspioneers Full Access Member

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    Feb 8, 2006
    Also for those of you that don't know.

    Former Head Coach Todd Dixon has accepted the head girls basketball coaching position at Star Valley High School in Afton Wyoming. Star Valley is the defending 3A State Champions in the State of Wyoming. Good Luck Coach Dixon.

    MHSTITAN Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 14, 2007

    Any word on who is going to be McDowell's new girls coach? Keep hearing Silvers, Brookes, and Franklin.
  5. married2aTITAN

    married2aTITAN Junior Member

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    Jan 5, 2005
    Boone, NC
    RE: McDowell

    Forgive me if this has already been discussed, but what's the deal with Silver? Is he considering retiring from coaching or is there some other reason he would not retain the job?

    Drama, drama, drama... This board has turned into the male equivalent of a soap opera - "As Watauga Turns". Are y'all really going to keep this up for the next 6 months? Here's a novel idea: Let the coaches coach, the players play, and the spectators spectate. Sheesh...
  6. whspioneers

    whspioneers Full Access Member

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    Feb 8, 2006
    Anybody thats been around Watauga High school knows that this school is the biggest soap opera ever.

    And that doesn't count the usual high school drama that every high school has. Im talking mostly athletics.
  7. footballfever181

    footballfever181 Full Access Member

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    May 12, 2007
    amen to that. watauga is crazy. Anderson hasn't coached a single game with these girls and he's already being put through the ringer? i'm surprised anyone would accept that job, the way players, parents, fans, everyone treats it! Give him a damn chance, IT'S HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL!
  8. tonync55

    tonync55 Full Access Member

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    Jan 16, 2004
    Western North Carolina
    Coach Silver retired from teaching in March. Under state law when he retired from teaching he also lost his job as coach and had to re-apply for the job when it was posted. The school board will meet Monday night may 21st to either re-hire coach silver or someone else. I hope we have a large crowd of supporters present to show the board we want coach Silver to continue to lead the dynasty he has created at McDowell.:yes: :crown:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2007
  9. Pioneer Fan

    Pioneer Fan Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 9, 2007

    Did you ever once consider being part of the solution instead of part of the problem? If you bad mouth Klay in front of your daughter like you do here, you have unfairly poisoned her against Klay. If all she hears is your ignorance, she too will be ignorant. Her perceptions are formed by you, her parent(s). If all you do is spout negative garbage about the program, then all she will see is garbage. I don't know if we know each other, but based on what you write, I would think you are a miserable loser who believes everyone in the world is out to get you. I wonder if you would be so negative if your true identity was known to everyone. Care to enlighten everyone?

    Watauga County has an open enrollment for athletics. If you don't like the women's basketball situation at Watauga, then take your child to the other high school (that's a joke in case you didn't get it).

    Other parents who thought they had superstars and didn't like the coach/program at Watauga, took their child out of the county (one out of the state) so their child could get to play college ball. Of all those that left, only one, that I know of, ever played any college ball. Guess little Susie and little Johnny weren't as good as daddy thought, huh?

    As for if Klay makes it to conference, my bet is Klay will still be coaching long after your daughter's high school career ends. If she wants to play college ball, do you think your trash talkling will help or hurt her future in college ball? Think about it. For every college that's interested in your daughter, they are interested in another 10 girls. Chances are the daughter of the negative, trash talking parent won't get the offer. Then, who will you blame? It's likely always someone elses fault, not yours, right?

    It's your choice, be part of the problem (and a horses backside) or change your attitude and be part of the solution. You'll be happier and your blood pressure will be lower if you're part of the solution.
  10. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    All you Watauga folks are doing one heck of a job trying my patience... I have already once deleted a thread because a simple conversation turned into a flame-fest if it dosen't stop immediately then I'm gonna shut this thread down as well. :rant:

    BTW, just to confirm what Tony stated earlier there should be some news on the McDowell girls coaching situation late monday.

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