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#1 Butler Vs #2 South Caldwell

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by 007, May 18, 2007.

  1. MOOSE

    MOOSE Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
    didnt harrington 1 hit butler for 4+ innings after pitching tues
    Last edited: May 19, 2007
  2. BulldogFan3

    BulldogFan3 Full Access Member

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    Apr 30, 2007
    No our pitcher (Andrew Smith) is deffinately used to big league scouts being at the game so not real worried about that, and believe me im trying my butt off to find something to make fun of MB for cuz i cant say anything about his baseball skills, but i think out hitters will do ok with the fastball and HOPEFULLY alot better than they did against Harrington
  3. BulldogFan3

    BulldogFan3 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 30, 2007
    that he did
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    You can compare Andrew Smith to Jimmy Messer. Same makeup, same stuff.
    I couldn't begin to imagine who will win. Madison is absolutely a stud and can be a gamemaker...at the plate or the mound. In my opinion, the key to the game is Severt...if he can get on base to set the table.

    My darkhorse hero would be Gehringer. The kid has been playing HS ball for 8 years at Butler. He seems to always be involved in a big play...in the field or at the bat.

    There will not be many hits in this game which leads me to think that fielding will be the difference. It should be a great one. I know one thing, there will be more people at Butler than all of the people that live in Mint Hill.
  5. BulldogFan3

    BulldogFan3 Full Access Member

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    Apr 30, 2007
    yeah i agree and hopefully it wont be too hectic i kno ill be there to get a seat but i feel bad cuz i know some ppl arent going to get in
  6. luigiboy

    luigiboy Full Access Member

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    May 10, 2006

    What day and time is this game being played? I haven't been able to make the trip home to watch my beloved Cherryville Ironmen play this season so as much as I hate to do it I'm going to get my baseball fix by coming out and supporting the Caldwell County boys when they come to Matthews. If anybody asks though, I'll be denying that last part.
  7. central-d

    central-d Full Access Member

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    Dec 22, 2003
    sballdad; we have played SC and Butler this year and one thing I will tell you is Butler is NOT better at every position than SC. SC has some very good position players. From what I have seen I would almost put it the other way. Butler is a very good team but not up to the level of SC. Even at that as far as the game goes I couldn't predict a winner. SC is the better team but when you get to this level of the playoffs it all comes down to who gets hot, who gets the breaks and who blinks first. Wish I could see this one. What I really wish is we had started the game Friday with Harrington
  8. catcher10

    catcher10 Full Access Member

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    Oct 19, 2006
    central-d; I agree with your comments based on the Butler team you saw last night. I believe that Butler played worse than even the lone loss to Anson County. Had Harrington started, would the outcome have been different? Maybe, but we'll never know. I was impressed by Butler's ability to work out of jams; they stopped scoring threats in several late innings. Intentionally walking Harrington in the top of the 7th (the go ahead run) was either crazy or brilliant. Coach Cousar sent a message to his team that no matter what had happened up to that point; he still had faith in them. No second guessing today. You guys played a great game and it will be some time before my finger nails grow back. With all due respect to AC, the real test will be on Tuesday.
  9. BulldogFan3

    BulldogFan3 Full Access Member

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    Apr 30, 2007
    yeah ive seen just about every butler game this year and trust me that was probably the worst performance ive seen, and in my opinion that games done and over with its behind us and we seem to bounce back from games pretty good, for ex. 5-2 over JM then 11-0 over weddington, so i think we will give South Caldhell a heck of a battle and pull out the victory, if we play our best i know we will win but if we play average could be another story, key is that i dont think any of our guys are scared of bumgarner, at all, but we will see
  10. footballfever181

    footballfever181 Full Access Member

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    May 12, 2007
    game of the year! we know neither team is unstopable, but when they play good they're both pretty damn close.
    SC 4
    Butler 2

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