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South Caldwell at Butler - Live updates

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by mincmi, May 22, 2007.

  1. TBA

    TBA Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 11, 2005
    The Fan

    The role of the fan is to cheer, support, and uplift the team and its players.

    Let's be good fans, and leave the critiquing to the coaches.
  2. Baseball Mom

    Baseball Mom Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 23, 2007

    Yes - the South Caldwell coaches were at 2 of Butler's conference tournament games. Some of the Butler players are on the Pineville Legion team and beat the players :donatello: from South Caldwell's Legion team last year. That is the beef.
  3. Baseball Mom

    Baseball Mom Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 23, 2007
    Mickey didn't twist his ankle because he was mouthing off at Bumgarner and not watching what he was doing - he was rounding first to go to second and hurt himself trying to get back to first base. Yes - they had a lot of class at the end. I was very disappointed in Bumgardner's attitude last night. He did not huddle with his teammates, he walked very slowly to the mound and took his time instead of running onto to the field like his teammates. He was very arrogant I thought.
  4. sprtndad

    sprtndad Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 24, 2006

    There is no beef between these 2 teams. Yes I am sure the coaches from SC scouted Butler. That is their job to get the team prepared. Providence coaches were at SC conference tourney scouting as well. It is all part of their job. And also if I remember correctly Caldwell Legion knocked Pineville out of the playoffs last year. So if there is any beef it would be on their side and not SC's.
  5. carolina30

    carolina30 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 23, 2005
    Madison hardly ever huddles with the team when he is pitching - he is trying to stay focused on what his job is that game. He is not arrogant, that is the way he comes out every game. He could be in the dugout saying a prayer, because if you watch him he will kneel and say a prayer right before he starts every game.
  6. scfan

    scfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    Baseball mom; Bumgarner has a routine and sticks to it. When pitching he stays totally focused and don't huddle with the team coming off the field. As a matter of fact Messer does the same when he is pitching. And no he don't run on and off the field and shouldn't. He's a pitcher just as Messer, Poovey and Brown are and you won't see any of SC's pitchers running on or off the field. Not arrogant just smart
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I believe you will find that most "pitchers" follow this routine. Believe me, if you have ever been a pitcher or a parent of one, then you should know that he doesn't want anyone to distract him...he is that focused. Some run to the mound, some skip over the base paths, some stride slowly, taking advantage of every second to review their gameplan.

    Quite honestly, I respect a pitcher more that takes his time vs the revved up "lets charge" one's that race to the mound. Most of those guys have no clue what their gameplan for that inning is...or in many cases have no idea who is coming up that inning.

    Please, this is not little league...this is HS baseball at the highest levels. Where you are witnessing the cream of the crop. Another thing about an "arrogant" pitcher....they are the best. If they don't have a touch of arrogance, they are probably not very successful.
  8. Double Dog Dare

    Double Dog Dare Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 14, 2006
    Different Points of View....

    Isn't it amazing how folks can view the same game so differently (especially women and men)?

    I don't know MB personally, but I'd sure as heck draft him....he is confident, skilled, arrogant, 6' 5"/220 lbs, has a huge competitive fire, and stepped up admirably to the immense pressure of being the leader of this ballteam during a season of such high expectation. (That last quality is HUGE....and rare.)

    The only thing that can hold this kid back is this kid....by the way, did I mention he throws the heck out of the ball????

    As a ridiculous sidenote, had he and Mickey Brewer gone to blows, my money was on Mickey. He's another kid you'd just love to have on your team, for many of the same reasons as listed above. He was very underrated as a football player this past season.

    GOOD LUCK TO SC....stay focused and finish your business.
  9. Westsider

    Westsider Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 14, 2007
    Just to be sure, is the game tomorrow night at Deal Stadium or South Caldwell?

    UABBLAZERBALLA Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 31, 2006
    It will be at South Caldwell.

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