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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by LDFRDGUY, Jun 13, 2007.


    LDFRDGUY Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Apr 13, 2007
    davidson county
    Which D1 colleges do you think have the best softball programs [east coast] other than michigan and tenn. ?:feedback: also do you think a dd can go d1 without going to a hs with a powerhouse softball program ?
  2. onedogfan

    onedogfan Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 25, 2006
    A player doesn't even have to play highschool ,ask any college coach and just how many college coaches do you see at a high school game anyway.This has been addressed several times in the past and I haven't ever heard of a player playing D1 that didn't play travel ball that was recruited out of high school.As been quoted before don't choose a school for softball but for the whole program and don't compromise your education just to play.Too many change their major at these big college programs and can't find decent employment when they get out or end up doing something they don't want to.
  3. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

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    Jul 1, 2005
    The Chicken or the Egg?

    Travel Ball doesn't create D1 players. D1 players are exceptional athletes who have a passion for the game and choose to work hard at getting better. Their presence boosts the caliber of whatever team they are on, high school or travel ball. In NC they play both HS and TB because they can. HS has its purpose just as TB does. Both are necessary for the success of the well-rounded STUDENT-athlete.

    College coaches can't go to many HS games because the seasons overlap. But, yes you do find college coaches at high school games, especially the big ones late in the season.

    An interesting note: When one reads press releases from colleges announcing the signing of players, or one reads colleges' published media guides, players' high school accomplishments are ALWAYS listed. TB accomplishments are occasionally listed.

    Has there ever been a North Carolina TB player recruited to play in college who did not play HS ball? In NC, high school ball is not a bad game--and its getting better. Our girls benefit from being able to play both.
  4. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

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    Jul 1, 2005
    Va. Tech., Ga. Tech., NC State, UNC, Alabama, LSU... east coast softball is definitely on its way up.

    DD can definitely get to D1 without going through a powerhouse HS. But they need to be good enough to be recruited to a powerhouse TB program where they'll be seen, or be very proactive in pursuing the college where they want to go school. A good trick is attending a clinic held by the particular college.

    Don't be disappointed if DD is not as good as DaD thinks she is. Some of us have been there!
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2007
  5. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

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    Jun 15, 2005

    are there any current NC players that you can project ( playing / starting/ playing a key role) on TV in the D1 softball college world series in the next few years? this obviously means are there any NC players that you can predict would make it to one of the traditional powers? like Tn, Ariz, UCLA, Ala, Fla, etc.

    or can UNC, NCSU, ECU, VT, other ACC teams move their programs up to the "next level"?
  6. prklandsoftballdad

    prklandsoftballdad Set my brother FREE!!

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2004
    Watch out for the Grieve girl from Enka and Ashton Ward from Butler both going to Tenn. Grieve especially could make an impact as a freshman and keep an eye on Casey Faile from upstate SC at LSU. Saw this young lady pitch this past weekend. WOW
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  7. cth1611

    cth1611 Full Access Member

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    May 17, 2006

    betterbatter has the most accurate response for this question.

    Many teams have talented players that could excel at a higher level. The few that do have more desire, focus, and willingness to achieve their goals than the rest. Many claim they want to play college ball but few are willing to sacrifice and put forth the extra effort needed for that final step. I'm referring to training, conditioning, nutrition, etc. Lets not leave out academics. Many outstanding players are not accepted buy the larger D1 schools because of grades.

    All of the above is required at what is supposed to be the "most fun" time of their lives. Things like summer trips, boys, hanging out with friends and family, all take a back seat to playing big time D1 softball. I assure you almost every girl you watched in the NCAA WCWS have similar stories of sacrifice for the love of the game.

    This is not a decision that parents make for their daughter or child. They must provide the funding, transportation, facilities, etc. for her but only she can put forth the effort to attain her goals. She has to want it. Not half the time, not 75% of the time, but all the time.

    Thats alot to ask of a teenager with all the fun things to do in this day and age. Look at all of us parents. How many of us put forth the extra effort to play college sports. I thought I had the desire but obviously I didn't. Its all about compromise and sacrifice. I will support my daughter at whatever level she chooses. And with that be proud that she made her own decision.

    LDFRDGUY Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Apr 13, 2007
    davidson county

    We all understand about the desire and dedication that a dd has to have, but have you ever seen many go to the D1 level from a average to below average hs program. If she is on a up level tb team and has the desire and dedication and has developed the talent from all the years of work, how many have you known go to top D1 schools soly because of the tb play
  9. PitcherzMom

    PitcherzMom Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 25, 2006
    Great post, CTH!

    You hit the nail on the head. :clapclap:
  10. chachacha

    chachacha Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 14, 2006
    I would say most, if not all, go to D1 schools primarily because of travel ball.

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