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2008 nw4a baseball...i know its early but any predictions?

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by tarheels45, Jun 28, 2007.

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  1. 007

    007 Full Access Member

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    Mar 10, 2003
    Why does everyone assume Adam Church is the catcher again ?
    The best catchers at Watauga are Baine Martin and Jake Wallace.
    Get Church out from behind the plate and watch his offensive production skyrocket.
  2. more13

    more13 Member

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    May 10, 2006
    There is no doubt Watauga will have the lineup and defense to be top 2 if not #1 but the question is will the pitching be up to the task.
  3. 007

    007 Full Access Member

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    Mar 10, 2003
    Watauga's pitching will be solid.
    Tyler Moore had an outstanding season in 07 and will anchor the staff.
    He really only had one bad inning as a starter all season, otherwise he probably would have had a sub 3.00 ERA. This guy works hard and should set the tone for the pitching staff.
    Ethan Moyer was lights out in 06, but took a pitching sabbatical in 07.
    He could dominate in 08.
    Jake Wallace has the potential to be a bigtime #1 starter.
    Jon Sharpe and Austin Storey are outstanding pitching prospects from the JV.
    Trey Dunnigan could be the best of the bunch if he gets healthy.
  4. tarheels45

    tarheels45 Junior Member

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    Jun 28, 2007
    a lot of people are sleeping on alexander, jv's are stronger than they played last year, i think. I think they could be contenders. South Caldwell, has to have more than one pitcher. I've heard, i dont really know, but ive heard, jv's were decent, not great.
  5. Indy 85

    Indy 85 Full Access Member

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    Apr 21, 2007
    Stud Line-up:
    1. Ethan Moyer-SS
    2. Ben Roberts-CF
    3. Trey Dunnigan-1B
    4. Jake Wallace- 3B
    5. Adam Church- C
    6. Baine Martin- LF
    7. Austin Story/Kyle Miller/Matt Phillips-DH
    8. Trey Lowder- RF
    9. Cal Hardee- 2B

    Pitching: Tyler Moore, Wallace, Moyer, Dunnigan, Jon Sharpe

    Breitenstein will not play. Would love for him to but this line up will hit 30 plus HR's.
  6. Pioneer-Pride16

    Pioneer-Pride16 Baseball is Everything

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    Oct 7, 2006
    pretty dadgum accurate, whoever you are....
  7. whspioneers

    whspioneers Full Access Member

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    Feb 8, 2006
    Watauga might jack a few more HR's but don't expect 30 plus from a lineup that has 6 players that have seen limited varsity pitching. Dunnigan and Wallace have great power and so do some of the JV's coming up. However their is always that adjustment from a JV pitcher who throws 80 down the middle and varsity pitchers who can go low 90's with better off speed stuff and location.

    WHS will finish 2nd. South will win most if not all the games Messer throws and they will throw Messer vs WHS.

    Breitenstein will not be playing baseball. He probably will be in spring practice at some college for football.
  8. 007

    007 Full Access Member

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    Mar 10, 2003
    Watauga-life after Bstein

    It would have been interesting to see where Eric B. would have ended up in baseball if he hadn't played football. I'm thinking major DI for sure, then a
    5th round or better MLB draft pick.

    As far as post-EB lineups, maybe I'm out of the loop, but I wouldn't have the best pure hitter on the team splitting time at DH, when the majority of the pitchers will hit for themselves anyway. Without EB, Kyle Miller is my 3 hole hitter every game. If that means moving Dunnigan to an outfield corner and Miller to first,so be it.

    At a minimum, Cal Hardee will be at short when Moyer pitches, and maybe Wallace too, so Cal could actually be at short more than Moyer.
    Two great options.

    I know catching is not the most popular position, but it's important and Watauga has four good ones. I'd split it up ala Carlton and McCarver (personal catchers).
    Moyer/ Martin

    Should be an exciting year no matter how the lineup shakes out.
    I don't think Watauga wil hit 30 hrs either.
    I'm thinking more like 45.
  9. Pioneer-Pride16

    Pioneer-Pride16 Baseball is Everything

    Likes Received:
    Oct 7, 2006
    it'll be an exciting year.
  10. baseballislife10

    baseballislife10 Tiger Baseball Fan

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    Mar 4, 2007
    As i look down the list of talking about Watauga... I see Jon Sharpe down at the bottom for all pitching... He was clocked at 85 mid season jv and has actually been improving as far as velocity is... looking to me like he can pump it up to 86 87 possibly 88.... kid can throw real hard. The time he was clocked was an away game at SC in the 6th inning. Needs a little work on his off speed but that will be down by the time season starts. Pitches with great command on the mound and will be someone to watch out for. Keep in mind he will only be a junior. He will be either number 2 or 1 for the pitching staff. Emo will def be first in relief the kids a little nasty. As for the homeruns... Watauga had a 10 inning scrimmage today and knocked out 5. Dunnigan will be the first baseman this year speaking of homeruns... he had 1 and two off the fence. K Miller or Matt Phillips will be dh depending on the pitcher. Pitching is a small problem because they dont go that deep but their bats easily make up for it. They are also already juiced up for Messer. The thing about this team is the more speed the harder they hit. First jv batter facing a hard thrower for the dirtbags bringing it around 90 he hits about a 350 foot bomb on a two two count. Dont worry about the jv players they are hungry for more this year on the varsity level. Good luck to all
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