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Bringing in Players

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by maggie, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 1, 2005
    Abby Fan, you're a class act who follows good strategy that gets results...many results. Unfortunately, there are wannabees out there who are either doing it for the wrong reasons, or are quite clueless.
  2. jfagala

    jfagala Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 22, 2006
    Monroe, nc

    Yes, I put out our schedule in early March and people plan around that. Yes, they must miss some practices, but during that week, they are responsible for getting to a batting cage 2x or pitching 2x min if they are a pitcher.

    It works out.....and they end up back for the tourney.
  3. dogjaw

    dogjaw Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2006
    I know for a fact that Abbey Fan had starters missing at the Burlington Showcase as they were playing with our missing starters at the State Games and we also had to bring in a pitcher for insurance and to let our starter rest when we could as we only had one picther at this tourny . As far as bringing in ringers , they are already on a quality TB team somewhere or they wouldn't be ringers and Abbey Fan was missing his ringer to State games as she was voted All-Area player of the year yesterday
  4. CometFan

    CometFan Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 1, 2003
    Lake Norman
    Abbey Fan, I maybe should have removed this thread when it first started. The reason I didn't is that the originator of the post is a well known poster under another screen name. The moderators of TBR see the IP numbers of posters and are able to check those IP's to see if they are using multiple screen names. I would never post who these people really are. Hopefully this won't happen again.
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Thanks cometfan, but why would someone have multiple names? to instigate?
  6. bubba hut

    bubba hut Bubba Hut

    Likes Received:
    Apr 21, 2005
    lake norman
    Well Said !

    Very well said coach ! I agree with you 100%
  7. bubba hut

    bubba hut Bubba Hut

    Likes Received:
    Apr 21, 2005
    lake norman
    Gold Teams

    Sounds like you need to start your own Gold team ?
    Maybe then, you can be happy :chillpill: :52:

  8. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 1, 2005
    Whats wrong with this discussion? Who cares if someone has multiple screen names or changes their name? Why do we need a shepherd to lead the flock is some certain direction. Can't we be free to have open, civil discussion or ask questions? This shouldn't be the right wing of TBR!
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Give me a break! This forum is not about you or how you believe this forum should be moderated. I started this forum to allow the young players that play softball to get some recognition at a time when there was none. I don't understand the tone and the direction some people want to turn TBR towards.

    It's not about you, it's not about the coaches you dislike, the players you are jealous of, the teams that you don't like. It's not about stirring the pot or taking shots at fellow members. If that's the kind of forum that you are wanting or seeking....fine, but it's not going to be the direction of this board, so I suggest you find another one.

    So, you think this thread is good for the players? You believe whining about a transgression that one "believes" is the case is good for softball? You believe that it's fine that HS coaches don't post on here because they fear attacks from a cowardly poster(s) that hide behind a screen name (or when they believe they are known, they create another one). You believe that when someone's daughter is being slammed on the board that is okay, because we should be free to say what we want. You believe any rumor or hearsay should be posted for all to discuss. You believe any warts that can be found about softball should be expressed.

    Quite frankly, I have had enough. There are some great posters in this forum. They provide excellent advice to those that seek it. Many have sacrificed their time to coach your daughters. But many of you want to whine about what they do wrong or complain about the team your DD plays for. If you don't like the way something is going, then fix it. Get off the internet and sacrifice that time to help where you can. But don't bring your problems here.

    I don't mind admitting that I was leery of starting this forum, but cfball convinced me it was something that was needed by the softball community. He told me that the supporters of softball wanted a place to recognize the girls and to provide needed information to help the players and their families. I told him that as long as it can accomplish those goals and not become a place to vent or rant and rave...then go for it.

    For those of you that do not like this direction or want TBR softball to be something else then do what cfball, dawgfan, cometfan and now Cheeze have done....start your own.

    Many people have stated, "Softball gets no media coverage". jeez...I created this forum to help in this area. Why would you want to tear it down?

    I really hope the majority of posters in softball want the same thing as I stated. But if the majority of posters want this to be free wheeling, to say whatever you feel, to vent about any subject you feel is deserving, then let me know that the majority feels this way and I'll understand what you want....... then I'll be convinced that TBR softball forum has served it's purpose.
  10. hrslugger

    hrslugger Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 11, 2005
    Why question the kids?

    Mr. Guru,

    Knowing who you are this post you posted really bums me out. You are really taking away from the kids that have no opportunity to come on here and defend themselves. I will agree with you politics do play a big part in the softball community today, but why hold the politics against the kid. Most of the time the kids have nothing to do with the politics.

    No, to be the best you do not have to play the best. But to improve and get better as an athlete you have to compete against the best. I do agree there are more than 20 good athletes in the state that could have an opportunity to play at the GOLD level. Also remember that they choose not to. Those that have chosen too will benefit from it. I am not saying that the girls on the Lady Blues GOLD roster are all the best in the state, but they find a way to win and find a way to play together. They all perform at the highest level they can and that being said will allow them to succeed. So don't hold that against the players.

    It's too bad that there are so many out there that want to question what others are doing, rather than supporting the student-athletes that represent your state and represent your state well. Be proud to be affiliated with all those players that do well in this state.


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