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Bringing in Players

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by maggie, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. bubba hut

    bubba hut Bubba Hut

    Likes Received:
    Apr 21, 2005
    lake norman
    Gold / Hi Level ASA

    Just a side bar note: To verify Abbey Fan's comment...

    As of todays 9:45 am game the Blues have had 57
    different college coaches watching our players at this tournament alone..

    That kind of exposure is priceless..$$$$$$
  2. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005

    My comments in no way are intended for Abbeyfan! Totally agree with betterbatter, total class act from start to finish!
  3. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

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    Jul 1, 2005
    Sorry If my comments touched a nerve. But I see nothing wrong with CIVIL discussion about any subject. Civil discussion includes what has been questioned and talked about in this thread. Civil discussion ultimately leads to understanding about the subject, whatever it is. That is ultimately good.

    Now, when discussion degrades into profanity, or hate, or negative personal comments about youth players, then it SHOULD be moderated, or removed from our forum. But moderating should not stand in the way of discussion of problems. How else will problems be corrected?

    If "bringing in players" is seen by some as a potential TB problem, then bring it up, discuss it, fix it, make the game better. But don't sweep it under the rug. That won't make it go away.
  4. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005
    I couldn't have....

    betterbatter I couldn't have said it better myself! That was a great post!
    Most marriages break up due to no communication! There ain't nothin wrong with talking/typing it out! As long as no one gets hurt! Everyone has an opinion and they should have the right to voice it, it is a PUBLIC forum. We will not all agree on any subject, there is always at least 2 ways of looking at anything. Every subject has angles. Maybe everyone needs to stop taking things so personally and let the posting take place. Like better batter said as long as it is CIVIL!
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    You have no argument from me there. Disagreements are great, but as you said 'keep it civil". But to challenge a particular member and criticize their team in how they organize it is an attack, plain and simple.

    The topic is a good question. It would have been better if fingers weren't pointed. You will not solve the problem nor get "civil" feedback if you try to incite a response through a post.

    I think your post in this thread speaks for itself. "TBR'ers slamming HS ball..." Apparently, you do believe that we have posters that follow this type of behavior.

    That was a cheap shot! You are not the one that gets emails or PM's from people that are upset about a particular post. The moderators on this forum work hard to try to keep this forum positive, informing, entertaining and respectful. If people can not appreciate all the work they do behind the scenes to solve problems as well as the work they do on the board, then you have no understanding of their responsibilities.

    Where are the posts about the recruiting process? Getting feedback from college coaches and what they look for in a player? Highlighting a particular team or player for recognition? How to improve your hitting? How to improve your pitching, fielding? Who are the best instructors out there in each region?
    How can we get more qualified HS coaches? Is it a problem regionally or statewide? What are some of the best TB teams at each age level? How can I get my daughter on a team when we don't live near a quality team? Is travel ball the only way to get exposure? Is 8 yo TB necessary? Why? ...there are endless topics to discuss to help a family and their daughter gain information to make a better informed decision.

    So, what is the positive information one gathers about "bringing in other kids", "politics in All Star selections" (which instead of honoring the girls that were selected, we point out with emphasis the one's that aren't). "My team stinks", "This coach stinks". Sure, these topics will garner a bunch of attention, but it's easy, lazy and self serving. It's usually posted by someone that has an axe to grind. Sorry!..not here. That's not why we started TBR.

    For a sport that is thirsting for attention and much needed information, why is it important to continually point out any warts perceived versus information that will assist in guiding families through the softball years. There is much to be proud of in this sport, the players that play it and the coaches that sacrificed their time to coach it. That's where the focus should be.

    One last point, betterbatter. You mentioned civil in one's tone with discussions, let me add something just as important....respectful. Are the things I stated too much to ask for?
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Thanks for your post. But let me be perfectly clear; this is a private forum with rules. You are a member.
  7. Double Dog Dare

    Double Dog Dare Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 14, 2006
    And the winner is.....

    GAME...SET....MATCH. Braves wins!

    Like good ol' Dr. Frankenstein, if Braves doesn't like the demeanor of the monster that he has created, he will end it....as is his right to do. I really liked the "private vs. public forum" part. (that point had teeth and it made me snicker...)

    So.....how 'bout dem Saints? Looks like they may have a stellar year, eh?
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    No...don't get me wrong. I really appreciate having betterbatter and softball4ever as members. They make the board more interesting. I just want people to understand that it is not a free-for-all, put anything out there and see what sticks.

    I want to be able to see that someone's daughter pitched a great game tonight or had a game winning hit and she and her parents can be excited to wake up the next day to read what was said on TBR...without fear of jealousy or an axe to grind

    I want to be able to have a new member ask a question about teaching their daughter how to improve her hitting...knowing that they will get helpful advice. It should never come to "taking things too personal". There shouldn't be a topic or question that would lead anybody to that position
  9. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

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    Mar 5, 2005
    I agree with some of the points you made.....

    I agree with some of your points on this subject, however, this thread is not the only one, of it's kind to be posted! I do not point fingers or use names in my posts for a reason! I don't think that is the proper way to do things, if I need to do that I pm! So I agree with you on that point! I also agree that it would be nice if everyone would only post positive things, but unfortunately, the real world is not on a path lined with beautiful roses! Some subjects people feel extremely passionate about and when someone brings up those subjects it is always going to provoke another into responding! I don't feel that this thread should have even been started! As my posts kinda made clear. Teams are always going to have reasons for doing what they do! If you don't like the grass in the pasture you are in, jump the fence! When there are 2 people with 2 different ways of seeing the same situation there is always going to be 2 different sides! I think as long as both people are civil and RESPECTFUL (keep names out of it) then those 2 people should be able to disagree on this forum! I am not saying that 2 people should be allowed to get on here and post savage slang and cursing at each other! I feel that people on TBR trying to get a clearer picture of what TB is like, should get the whole picture not just half the picture. I assume that those readers are able to make up their own stance on a particular subject.
    No one can say that everypost on TBR is of a positive nature!
    There are a lot of players that never see their name mentioned on here in a positive manner, whether they deserve it or not! I agree that there should be rules to the posting! I also think that members should not get their feelings hurt, when they post to provoke and they get a response, or a lashing for it! Sometimes people need to hear what they need to hear! I for one am glad this forum exists, but it is public! Yes you have to sign in to post, but all you have to do to read is have the internet, you can have that at local libraries. As I said earlier, there is nothing wrong with disagreeing on the system, as long as it is done in an appropriate manner!
    I also agree with you that we all could think and act in a more positive thinking manner all the time, but we don't. I have read some of your posts that were not exactly the most positive things I have ever read as well. We are all guilty at some point. I do most extrememly agree that NO ONE shouyld go on here and point out a particular organization or coach or player by name! Not GOOD! Careful who you shoot at, they may be armed too! Absolutely no disrespect meant!
  10. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I believe we are on the same page.

    The point about the internet I'd like to respond. Yes, anybody on the internet can read what's posted on here...but they are not allowed to post, unless they become members. It's the difference between playing the game or watching it.

    The part about my posts in here not being positive (other than addressing in a moderator role)...please post the link. That should be interesting. In my 6 years, I can not imagine when...but I guess it can happen. Shoot, one time i posted a topic on a player's achievement. I thought it was outstanding. I never met the young lady in my life, but somebody accused me as being her father, inferring I was bragging. But you know what? If I was the young lady's father, I sure would have been proud...and I would have been proud to post her achievement. Apparently, some people have been mis-informed to think it's not all right to show your pride of your daughter's accomplishment.

    I have to assume most people on here either has a daughter that plays or is close to someone that does. Have you posted their accomplishments? Why not? In the baseball forum we have over 68 college schools that have signed up as members. They read that forum often. Don't you think they are looking for a prospect that they haven't heard? Why can't we do that here?

    I'm telling you though; from my experience as a former ML player, college assistant coach and as a HS coach, none of them will waste their time getting involved in a HS website that is not monitored well or tolerates attacking, slamming and trolling. But if the opposite is true and if they believe the posters are wanting their help in a friendly environment....they will come...and they will provide you with excellent advice.

    That's troubling....and the biggest point I'm trying to make.

    Softball4ever, I believe you understand exactly what I am saying and I don't believe we are much different in our views. I have no problem with differing viewpoints. I have no problem with raising a question that needs or deserves an answer. But, if the point of the topic was to illicit instigation, then TBR is not a willing partner in that. I don't believe I need to further explain the difference. We all know what that is.

    But, let me be frank. If the members of this forum know what we are trying to accomplish, if they understand the simple rules, then they should police it themselves without moderator interference. They should be the first one's to reply, "take that somewhere else. That's just trying to stir the pot". When that happens, I will understand that the members of this board "get's it"

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