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What is TBR...

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by softball4ever1987, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005
    What is TBR??? In my opinion it is a place to come to get information on the happenings in and around the softball world.
    Does everyone in the softball world agree on every subject? If we did all agree on every subject would we need a place to go and discuss things? If everyone in the world felt the same way about everything then we wouldn't need for example: umpires, moderators, referees and judges.
    Why is it, that people can't take hearing the other side of an opinion? The world is made up of different (unique) people, with different (unique) thoughts and ideas and opinions! I guess there are people out there that would love it if everything always went their way, I am not one of them! I appreciate learning others viewpoints on things, I even learn from them sometimes. I enjoy a argument over issues every now and then! If it weren't for that, this would be one BORING world! I think if you are going to go on a forum and post your opinion on a subject, then you better be prepared to hear other peoples opinions that do not match your's! Most of the people that post on TBR are adults, surely by now you have had people disagree with you! I think a lot of you adults need to quit being such whinny babies and take your feelings off your sleeves and except that your opinion is not the only opinion! If you want to write things that no one will question, then keep a journal! If you do not want to hear the answer don't ask the question!
    I think that TBR is a great place to read about the softball world and issues that arise in the softball world and I enjoy meeting new friends that are interested in the same things I am interested in! I like being able to keep up with the results of a tournament I wasn't at or what my friends kids do or so on! If you do not like the same then do not come to this place called TBR! It is like TV if you do not want to watch a channel, change it! But leave the rest of us alone to enjoy reading, gathering, conversing and posting! Keep on POSTING!
  2. Double Dog Dare

    Double Dog Dare Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 14, 2006
    Why are we here? (Man, I'm deep.....)
  3. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    this is exactly what you've posted, a place to learn, discuss, argue a bit (within reason), give advice and praise for your DD's on their accomplishments.

    the problems start when someone posts a thread under an assumed name, with the intent, it would seem, to stir up trouble.

    now, if this thread would have been started from a member who posts on a frequent basis, it probably would have been looked on in a different light instead of being looked at as it was.

    i think you will agree that if you dont have the kahona's to post something under your name, you dont need to post it at all. past history will tell you this, especially when someone attacked a player/pitcher not too long ago. so when i see someone posting for the first or second time and its negative, i'm gonna assume something is up and trouble is on the way.

    i like to argue, i'm a yankee, and i like to hear different sides on different issues, but sometimes a line has to be drawn and one of the big rules on this forum is no dubbing other member, coaches, teams or especially players. it would seem that some members dont have the restraint to follow this rule and thats when all heck breaks loose.
  4. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc

    the above post was not directed at anyone currently posting on tbr softball forum. if i could find the fine print thing, i would insert it here. this was only a view from my aspect as a moderator.
  5. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005
    Don't make me....

    Cheeze, don't make me pop a post on you man!!!!LOL
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Okay, this is what TBR is about:

    TBR Softball Forum Rules


    I had someone, recently, from the softball forum, ask me what the rules are in here. It is really pretty simple. It's about the girls.
    It's about promoting someone that deserves recognition. It's about sharing information that will help in their development. It's about helping the players and parents to prepare for the next level. It's about providing scores and details of games. It's about developing relationships built through their experience with TBR and at the games.

    We all share many commonalities through HS ball and travel ball. By sharing those experiences, good and bad, then someone will benefit. There are a lot of young people that visit our board. It is very important that we teach them, through examples, how to disagree respectfully with a fellow poster. I know it works because it used to be that way in the softball forum.

    We are not about trashing players, coaches or fellow posters. We did not start out that way and we will not build this site on any other terms. There are many, many members that enjoy reading about their team or daughter without the fear of being slammed. There are many, many posters that have been instrumental in shaping this forum into one of the best sites to come for information on FP Softball.

    We have some of the best moderators that one can have. These people have sacrificed their time to help build this forum into what it has become.

    My concern is when we deviate from our goals of this board. When we tolerate, just once, allowing a coach, player or member to be attacked, trashed or mistreated. It is an example that will be picked up by others and it becomes a train out of control. For those that like that style there are many other sites that will accomodate you.

    I don't understand the mentality of not wanting to be respectful towards others, not wanting to share information, not wanting to promote a deserving player. There is plenty of room to kid one another...tease...have fun. But it should be done in fun...not in a smartaleck or attacking way to someone you don't even know.

    I will not allow this site to be the other way. I'll have it shut down before that occurs. The moderators and the original members have done a fantastic job in doing things that go unnoticed and unrecognized. They have been instrumental in developing TBR into a site that is read statewide by players, HS and College Coaches and parents. There have been a few posters that do not understand what we are about....and they will not be back. If you don't like TBR...great....don't visit. But I will promise the majority of members that understand and appreciate an environment that is friendly and informative, that we will weed out the one's that don't "get it" and return this site into the environment that was originally started. I will not argue or debate our goals on the open forum. For those that have any questions pertaining to this...feel free to send me a PM.

    Thank you to all of the members that contribute to the board. The players and their parents truly appreciate it.

    Now, softball4ever, can we give it a rest and move on

    If something I said can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, I meant the other one.
  7. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005

    Okay, I apparently have posted something in the WRONG way, I am waving the WHITE FLAG, can you see it???
    I was trying to make things better not worse! Everyone take a deep breath, take a chill pill, RELAX I am not trying to stir any pots, right now anyway!!! I give in, I have moved on. You will not hear from me again until I want to post something else!!
    softball4ever1987 has moved on!!!!
  8. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    Alls Goood

    Lesson #1 in the "TBR" manual is to not take offense to replies to what you post. Lesson #2 goes like this, your posts are EQUAL and everybit WELCOME. Lesson #3, don't mess with GURU! I hope you'll have as much or more fun with this forum as I have. oh, most of all, I don't see anything at all wrong with asking what is TBR. Good luck! Go fastpitch.

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