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PG World Wood Bat 18U

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by hotbox, Jul 3, 2007.

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    SCPBUC Full Access Member

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    Oct 25, 2006
    SC Panthers

    GAME 6

    SC Panthers 4..............................4.....8.....1

    Virginia Cardinals 0........................0.....3.....2

    Winning Pitcher: Hamilton Bennett (6-0) (Winthrop) 7 IP; 3 H; 11 K (85 pitches).

    Leading Hitters: SCP - Stephen Andrews (L. Rhyne) 2-3 (HR); Byron McKoy (Temple) 1-3 (RBI); Preston Shuey (F. Marion) 1-2 (RBI); Eric Semeniuk (08 Providence HS) 1-3; Garrett Koster (08 Ft. Mill HS/Winthrop) 1-4 (3B); Tyler Tewell (09 Butler) 1-3; Kolby Epley (COC) 1-3.

    SCP advances to the round of 16 with a championship round game versus the East Cobb Astros on Sunday morning.

    SCP 2007 (16-5)

    Diamond Devils advance to the sweet 16 from the Carolinas.
  2. hotbox

    hotbox Full Access Member

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    Jul 22, 2003
    WWBA 18U

    SC Panthers and Diamond Devils made the Sweet 16. All other Carolina teams complete play Sunday in the consolation pool. Dirt Bags did not play today; assume they went home. Sand Gnats lost out in championship pool.
  3. Love the Game

    Love the Game Member

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    Jul 7, 2007
    After doing a little fact finding, money was also involved. Appears ECU offered more and showed more attention. Can confirm some truth to the JUCO thing but not sure how much. ECU also has some different admission standards. Appears it's going to work out best for both parties. Good luck to Seth and NCSU.
  4. deuce

    deuce Full Access Member

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    Jan 28, 2006

    Sorry Love the Game but your facts are wrong. For the last 5 weeks when asked about Seth all I have given is the politcally correct answer, Well I've bit my tongue long enough. Here as a father is my side of the story-As for your fact finding- There is no money involved NCSU waited so late to spring all of this on us the money is gone for 07 recruits. You are right ECU has always shown alot of intrest in Seth. The admission standard comment don't know where that one came from but Seth had already been admitted to NC State in fact I have already paid the Tuition deposit and he has taken the Math And English placement test. As for the JUCO thing sit back this could take a little bit so bare with me. I know there is two sides to every story and this is my side. Seth was called by coach Avent to come down and talk (May 29th) Seth thought they would tell him to come in for summer school and pick up some extra hours. When he called me after the meeting ( that I nor Seth's mother were invited to) All he could get out was it's not good. When he was able to talk as he drove back from Raleigh he said Coach Avent and Holliday(sp?) sat him down and said they thought it would be in His intrest to spend a year at A JUCO in Florida and these are the reasons they gave Let me remind you that Coach Roberts was not in this meeting and he is the one that had recruited Seth for over a year had been to watch him play at High School, State Games and with the Dirtbags, The two coaches in this meeting had saw Seth pitch a total of 3 innings. They said they had heard from a reliable sorce that Seth had a bad attitude . They had not talked with his High School Coach , Andy Partin (Dirtbag Coach) Coach Hardin(State Games Coach ) But attacked him in coach Avents office anyway at one point Coach Holliday sumed Seth up as an a**hole. They said he need to go to JUCO to I Quote get that out of him don't know what that is but as told to me that is what was said. They told him He did not have a good enough curveball. Seth was named on the Impact Site as having one of the best if not the best Slurve(Slider / Curve). They told him it would be better for him acedimacally. Seth's final transcript had a higher GPA than it did when they were recruiting him , he had already been accepted to school. When Seth called me and told me his options and yes one of them was to come to NC State ( but you want get to pitch much and with the new NCAA rules it will be hard to earn a 33 percent Scholorship) I called Coach Avent and Asked for Seth's release. After 2 1/2 weeks (Don't know why it would be so hard for a coach to release a kid with a bad attitude) several phone conversations ( Seth was asked to wait and make his dissision after the MLB Draft ( Don't know what that had to do with the above issues they talked to him about) and with the help of a wonderful person in the compliance office and Athletic Directors office. He recieved his release. and also I was given a Offical Apoligy from NC State University and the Atletic Dept. And I Quote "For the way this has been handled , For the personal attacks verbally made pertaining to your son that have no merrit, and some other nicely worded things. Can't send my Son to school on this piece of paper I recieved but it was nice.
    My biggest problem with this whole situaion is:

    If you figure out you don't need or want a recruit for whatever reason , don't attach his character especially if you haven't done your homework
    Don't have a meeting and not invite his parents when your making dissisions that effect the kids future and his parents pocket book.

    Coach Avent told me on the day he made Seth Scholorship offer he said He's not a big guy but his heart is as big as his chest. It turns out that is the only statement He has ever made that I agree with.

    As I said before there are two sides to every story this is mine.
    Sorry to go on so long but I have heard alot of speculation about Seth's situation and I have just let it go. I hope I have not offened anyone, I know alot of people will say I should not have posted this but I just felt I needed to.

    Thank You

    Randy Simmons
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    That's okay...I'm glad for you to get this off your chest. I am going to close this thread because there is not anything else that can be said.

    But I did send you a PM.
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