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High School Rule Changes for 2008

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by aguyyouknow, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. catcher10

    catcher10 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 19, 2006
    I would vote 9nine9 for President!
  2. catamount36

    catamount36 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2003
    i would vote for him too if i didn't know where he came from:hypocrite: just kidding. the only good thing about the courtesy runner is that it speeds up the game a little bit. with my wheels i wished they HAD it when i played.
    even though it may not be a BIG role. some guys take pride in being the courtesy runner etc. i like most of the rules as they are.
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    This is a fun thread.

    I agree with the catchers making great managers. But why do they continue to call that position "tools of ignorance"? Those guys a pretty smart to me:laugh4:

    Now I have a radical rule change. When a coach starts to look like Tommy Lasorda in a uniform, make him wear a coat and tie like Connie Mack. :cheer:

    BTW, I dislike the DH rule at any level. But I understand the concept of getting more players a chance to be a part of the game, so I can tolerate it.
  4. TheOriole

    TheOriole Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 27, 2005
    Charlotte, NC

    36er I could rollllllllllllllllll faster than you could run in a wheelchair!:bike:
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Now, in no way am I suggesting catamount to wear a suit and tie. First of all, he has been skiing behind his yacht all summer, so he looks like this::189:

    second of all...he doesn't own a suit or a tie:laugh4:

    EDIT A bad thought just crossed my mind. Can you imagine Catamount going out to argue a call with an umpire dressed in suit and tie? Before he could reach the white line, the umpire would be on the ground laughing with tears in his eyes. Nope...that rule won't work
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2007
  6. SuperJon

    SuperJon Full Access Member

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    Jul 14, 2005
    I like the courtesy runner for the pitcher and catcher only when there are 2 outs. If a pitcher leads of the inning with a single, I don't think he should immediately get a runner.

    We need the 10-run rule. We really do. In our conference, we have Atkins HS. We beat them 24-0 and 26-0 this year, throwing our weaker pitchers and playing the starters an inning. We had a starter his a double, triple, and homer, all in the bottom of the first, against them. The 10-run rule is needed.

    I agree COMPLETELY about seeding the playoffs. In 2006, in the 2A east playoffs, you had 3 of the top 5 teams in the state (West Stokes, Cedar Ridge, and North Lenoir) all in the same part of the bracket. West Stokes/Cedar Ridge was 2nd round, with Cedar Ridge/North Lenoir being 3rd round. Had they seeded, West Stokes and North Lenoir would've been on opposite ends of the eastern bracket (meaning they could only meet in the Eastern Finals) and West Stokes/Cedar Ridge would've been a 3rd round matchup, not a 2nd round matchup.

    Also, with the playoffs, we need to get rid of the extra round we just added.

    As for the coaches coaching their kids in the summer, there is a new governing body called NABF that allows high school teams to stay together in the summertime. I don't know much about it, but in Virginia a ton of high schools have done that, depleting Legion teams in the process.
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I like a rule that would allow a HS coach to coach his team in the summer, but let me play devils advocate. Will it place undue pressure on a player to "have to" play for his coach vs another opportunity? Will there be left an impression that if you don't play for this team, you won't make next season's team? And lastly, will it cause morale problems inside and outside the program from the parents and kid that was not invited to be on the team?

    It could pose a problem
  8. thomasmagnum

    thomasmagnum Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2007
    how about if the dh isn't good enough to play in the fiield he work his butt off so he can play defense?
  9. SuperJon

    SuperJon Full Access Member

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    Jul 14, 2005
    I agree completely. I just know in VA, a lot of kids are playing with their high school as opposed to Legion ball.

    I'm not a coach, but here's how I think I would handle it: I would have my kids try out for Legion ball or Showcase teams. I want them playing the highest level of competition as possible. The kids who either a) can't afford showcase/Legion (some Legions charge) or b) don't make the other teams could play with the school team in the summer. It'd give the younger kids a chance to play and learn to get better, along with the better players playing high competition and getting better at the same time.
  10. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2005
    already in NC

    at least one part of NC does that high school summer league; this is the 2nd year. called something like the Central Carolina high sch summer league. I think 38 teams this year. varsity & JV.

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