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So this is how Burke County is going to address the student transfer issue?

Discussion in 'Girls Basketball' started by bigdan, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina

    CHIMIKE3 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 7, 2007
    you are so right.....

    Great job, Big Dan, on that article that appeared in the Morganton Herald. There will eventually be open enrollment in Burke County, and the teams with the best programs in specific sports will attract the best athletes to those sports. Look at Caldwell County. All the good baseball players go to South. Four years ago, they had a player from West and one from Hibriten that went to South and contributed. West, before its disappointing season last year, was getting all the basketball players. And all the good football players were going to Hibriten when they were on top. Now, they're going to South. The same thing will happen in Burke County.
  3. scfan

    scfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    I'd have to say you are totally off on the Caldwell County thing. SC is very overcrowded and for the about the last 10 years they allow NO transfers for any reason. No way around it cause several have tried. Unless you move into the district you don't change. Some have however done this but it is checked pretty close here and a couple were caught trying to use a false address and sent back to their original school. I don't know of anyone transfering to WC to play basketball and the same for Hibriten to play football. If anything they would have wanted to go to WC for football they were much better. But overall SC is the hardest school I know of to get into. As for the 2 baseball players a couple years ago I know for a fact that both of their families PERMANTLY moved to the southern part of Caldwell.
    Now as for the Burke County thing the school board has really dropped the ball and left themselves open for a lot of grief. Glad I'm not in their place
  4. DownSouth

    DownSouth Full Access Member

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    Jan 31, 2003
    In the L.A.
    scfan... you are right about most of that. West did have some interesting transfers a couple years back. Stoney Polite and another kid transfered from Freedom and I want to say that both stayed the rest of their HS careers.

    AS for baseball players transfering into South just to play baseball... Marc lived in Granite the whole time and Charlie's brother was SRO at South.

    OTHERWISE... Burke Co is playing with fire on this whole transfer issue and I really feel this is one of the reasons they are going to be unable to field a football team at Patton. I realize this is the wrong thread, but is Patton going to have to pay a forfeit fee for all these football games they are missing?
  5. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    2K per game in the CVAC, not sure about the other games...
  6. Freedom Sball

    Freedom Sball Full Access Member

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    Apr 27, 2006
    Word is, Patton will cancel the varsity football schedule and may not get charged as the other CVAC teams will play each other. Patton is supposed to play a JV schedule. All this can change Monday when the board talks about it. A lot of people told them they wouldn't have enough kids to fill a team.
  7. whspioneers

    whspioneers Full Access Member

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    Feb 8, 2006
    If all the CVAC teams are going to rotate and play one team in the league a second time then why don't East Burke and Freedom meet up again? Thats always a huge draw for which ever school is hosting.

    Play the original game scheduled on the last friday of the year, make that Fat Friday and make it count in the league. Then add the second game early in the year at the opposite site. The kids would love it. It would increase income. School spirit would be high. I think its a win win.
  8. Freedom Sball

    Freedom Sball Full Access Member

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    Apr 27, 2006
    The three players denied athletic elgibility last week were approved last night by the board.
  9. tonync55

    tonync55 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 16, 2004
    Western North Carolina
    Man this has turned into a circus down there in Burke county. First I hear Patton will have
    to forfeit all their varsity football games because it doesn’t have enough players. Then I
    hear almost the entire freedom baseball team will play for Patton and even take the
    freedom head coach with them. I also have been told the Patton girls softball coach has
    already resigned because he didn’t have enough players to field a team{no pitchers}.
    They should make a movie about Patton High School. They could title it “What if we
    built a new school and nobody came”. I look for this same thing to occur in McDowell
    County when they open the new high school they approved to build this week. The
    McDowell School Board will be just like Burke County .They won’t have the balls to
    enforce the rules as they are written.
  10. BB Fan

    BB Fan Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2007
    "What if they built it and nobody came" athletically that seems correct. I hope McDowell Co will learn from the mistakes the Burke Co has made. Hopefully the McDowell coaches will have more scruples than the Freedom coaches seem to have shown. Maybe the Freedom coaches have played on the fears of change to the kids and their parents; and the school board has bought into this. I heard all transfer requests were granted.

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