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Area 3 Playoffs Thread

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by JM15, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. west boy

    west boy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 22, 2007
    Well........... Rowan committs more errors and strands plenty of runners on base when they had to have them. Randolph continues to smash Rowan starting pitching. The relief pitching has been pretty good, but starters Keegan Linza, Cy Young, and now Lee Dupre have not done very well to be quite honest. Something strange occured in this game in the middle innings, I can't remember exactly what inning, BUT Randolph assistant coach went to the mound twice in that inning and the second time, you have to pull the pitcher and they did not. I don't know if they just did not realize that or what, but they did not pull him when they were supposed to the second time. Gantt said something after the inning was over with, but by then it was too late. Rowan rallied to tie the score at 3-3 only to allow Randolph to pull away in the next inning for 4 runs. Folks, this is NOT the Rowan team that has been playing great defense and getting timely hits all summer. I know they are up against a team that is as good if not better than they are, but they are just killing themselves the past couple of games. I wish Rowan couldv'e played some tougher games throughout the season and in particular they were supposed to play Caldwell County twice this year but Caldwell had to cancel both times due to league games they had to make up. The series shifts back to Newman in Salisbury Wednesday night with Randolph holding a 3-1 series lead. I HOPE to see a better fielding and clutch hitting Rowan team. Weston Church should get the start for Rowan. I'm guessing maybe Yow for Randolph?? I could be wrong. I know they're still resting and holding back on some of their better pitching from the previous series with SR.

    Oh and by the way, yall were talking about a good crowd at McCrary Park tonight, which there was, but you should come to Newman Park. There is always a huge crowd, especially now in the playoffs. The half and half Monday night was $539!!!!!
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2007
  2. JM15

    JM15 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    May 11, 2003
    Old Cary, NC
    Salisbury is just a little to far for me. Asheboro ain't too bad, but Salisbury is stretching it. I'll probably head back down to McCrary if there is a Game 6 there.
  3. Boxman

    Boxman Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 10, 2003
    FINAL Game 5

    Rowan County 7
    Randolph County 3

    Randolph leads series 3-2
  4. west boy

    west boy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 22, 2007
    Rowan only committs one error in the game and it ended up not hurting them. After the 1st inning, Weston Church pitched 7 solid innings for the win. Ben Bunting lead off with a single and Neil Pritchard hit a two run shot over the left field wall for a 2-0 lead. Rowan then responded in the bottom of the 1st to tie it at 2-2. Church's long overdue two-run homer put Rowan ahead 6-2 that provided some cushion for Church on the mound. Bunting who started on the mound took the loss. The series shifts back to McCrary Park in Asheboro where Rowan will be looking to win there for the 1st time this year. If Rowan can somehow win Thursday and get the series back to Newman tied at 3-3, I think they have a good chance. I'm thinking Corbin Shive will get the start for Rowan.
  5. legionguy17

    legionguy17 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 3, 2007
    Is Randolph giving Justin Yow a week off heading into the tournament?? It seems to me he would have thrown by now. The last game he threw in the South series was Thursday night.

    and what was the # on the half and half tonight at Newman Park??
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2007
  6. west boy

    west boy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 22, 2007
    $519 I think
  7. travisunc

    travisunc Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 4, 2007
    Yow is on vacation according to the folks at Randolph.
  8. Boxman

    Boxman Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 10, 2003
    Game 6

    Rowan County 11
    Randolph County 7

    series tied at 3-3
  9. legionguy17

    legionguy17 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 3, 2007
    Rowan wins Game 6

    Rowan takes advantage of Randolph's mistakes to win game 6 11-7. I wasn't at the game but listened to the last 5 innings on the radio. If I make any mistakes, I'm sure west boy will correct me when he gets home. Randolph jumped out to a 5-1 lead with the help of Hunter Ridge's homer in the 1st. Rowan starting pitcher and slugger Neil Pritchard was thrown out in the 5th along with head coach Ronnie Pugh. I don't know what their status will be for tomorrow night. By the 6th, Rowan had battled back to make it 6-4. In the top of the 6th, Rowan scored 4 unearned runs with the help of 3 Randolph errors (3 of their 7 on the night) to take a 8-6 advantage. Randolph scratched out 1 in the bottom of the 8th and had a chance for more. With a runner at 2nd and 1 out, Pritchard's spot came up and would have probably been walked intentionally. However, because of the ejection, the guy in his place was pitched to and Rowan was able to get a strikeout for the 2nd out. They got out of the inning with no further damage. In the 9th, Rowan tacked on 3 runs w/ a Jason Ridenhour RBI single, an RBI HBP, and an RBI walk. Randolph was not able to come back in the bottom of the 9th. According to the radio, Rowan's first 8 runs were unearned. Tanner Brown earned the win in relief for Rowan while Seth Isaacs (4 unearned runs) was the tough luck loser for Randolph. Game 7 at Newman Park tomorrow night. Winner will play Garner in the first game of the tournament, loser takes on defending champ Morehead City.
  10. west boy

    west boy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 22, 2007
    Randolph committs plenty of errors ( 7 I think) and their head coach and Neil Pritchard were both thrown out. Pritchard (starting pitcher) was arguing with the home plate umpire all night because of calls not going his way. The ump finally said that's it, and threw him out. He remained out there for a while to argue a little more, and then Pugh argued and was thrown out after Pritchard was thrown out. Rowan only committed one error and that was in the first inning. Starter Corbin Shive was touched for early runs in the bottom of the 1st after Rowan had taken a 1-0 lead. Rowan took advantage of costly Randolph mistakes. Tanner Brown was great in relief along with Alex Britt, Matt Hall and Keegan Linza in the bottom of the 9th to secure the win to force a game 7 Friday night at Newman Park. A very large crowd is expected, so if you are going, you better have get there early. Newman will be rocking for sure tomorrow night. Not sure who will get the start. Possibly Keegan Linza or maybe even Cy Young. I'm sure both would like to redeem themselves for the way the both pitched in the first two games.

    Pugh will not be allowed to coach Friday's game and Pritchard will not be allowed to play. An ejection is a one game automatic suspension.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2007

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