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Lenoir Rhyne

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Braves, Jul 1, 2007.

  1. LRBaseballer

    LRBaseballer GO CUBS GO!

    Likes Received:
    Jul 24, 2007
    Hickory, NC
    dissapointment is the only word that comes to mind right now. I don't know coach Knight, but I will shortly. It's nothing against him, but Coach Hendricks deserved this position. I think that its a great thing that Coach Henry got a promotion, but McGeachy missed this one. Coach, if you do decide to go somewhere else....best of luck. This program, and most of all YOUR pitching staff will miss you.
  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    This reminds me of something. We have always heard that a young player needs to always compose himself in a professional manner because he never knows who is watching. Well, this is true in the college baseball coaching profession.

    There are some college recruiters who have treated a player horribly during the recruiting process. And they have developed a history of leaving players/parents that they no longer recruit with a bitter taste in their mouth. I have witnessed this in a few cases and it seems to occur with the same individuals. I have heard or read about those same coaches applying for HC's positions and never being promoted. Jeez...I wonder why?

    They should have understood that when you do not act professional, especially during the recruiting process, that those things are noted and remembered. And you never know which family that you upset with careless common decency has friends in the Athletic Department.

    The point I am making is "you never know who's watching" goes both ways. Of course, there is politics in baseball. It's the American way.

    PS- this comment in no way applies to John Hendricks
  3. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    You bet it does!!

    You better believe it goes both ways. I cant tell you how many times my son has been told "Dont go there". That coach said __________!! And then he did this __________!! When you hear this enough times from the right kind of people you better believe that it matters. Honesty and just flat out being a good person goes along ways both ways. There is alot to be said for being a straight shooter and being honest. The word gets around very quickly if you are. And even quicker if you are not.
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Amen, brother!
  5. andro

    andro Full Access Member

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    Nov 4, 2004
    G Wood
    A different viewpoint

    I'm going to be the realist here.

    I'm glad that you guys got something accomplished here, i really do, but I'm not sure that anything really did. Being very close to the situation, I feel like something else took place. One that would be the most neutral.

    Hypothetically speaking... What if you were an AD. Your head baseball coach resigns middle of the summer with no prior warning. You don't like your assistant, but come to find out that everyone else involved with the program does. With a short amount of time, you must #1 hire a new coach and #2 please as many people as you can in the program. In order to avoid a mass exodus with a team that just set the school record for wins and has a tremendous recruiting class coming in you must figure out a way to avoid the eminent break up of this group.

    This hypothetical AD could hire the coach that he wanted and give the assistant a temporary bump in salary and title to keep him there, avoid the split of the program, and tell the new coach that he must keep him there for one year. Then throw him to the wayside the following year. Not to mention this all happens in such a short amount of time that this assistant can't find anything concrete enough to leave for.

    Bottom line, I'm still shooting arrows at this guy. He had his man, and turned him down. He kept that team together by this miniscule promotion in which Hendricks probably already deserved. Paul Knight is a pitching coach. John Hendricks is a pitching coach. In DII baseball guys, number one assistants coach something different than their head coaches. Especially pitching guys. Mark my word, this move was made in the interests of the personnel, not in the interest of the assistant coach. When the guy that put that very same personnel that I just mentioned together and in the long run gets burned by it. I have a real problem with it.
  6. LRBaseballer

    LRBaseballer GO CUBS GO!

    Likes Received:
    Jul 24, 2007
    Hickory, NC
    i'm not so sure that geach held the team together.....some pretty solid rumors are circulating about some extremely key players making an early exit at LR and going elsewhere. The reason that Coach Hendricks did not get the job is personal between him and the AD. In my mind that just tells me that McGeachy cares more about himself and his own feelings than that of the team, parents, recruits, and everyone actually involved with the team. If McGeacghy actually cared about the BASEBALL team, then maybe he should have shown it by attending the home games, AT LEAST.
  7. Truthbetold

    Truthbetold Member

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    Aug 10, 2007
    This is my first post on TBR, although I have been following the progress of this and other threads for months. I simply wanted to say that I wish the best for the program at Lenoir-Rhyne, the new coach, coach Hendricks, coach Pait and his family, and the players. I am alumni of the program and will be a life-long supporter.
    I also would like to offer the players at Lenoir-Rhyne a bit of hopefully helpful advice. Guys- you are in college to get an education, and to play baseball. I hope that you are able to place your thoughts and feelings on this matter completely out of your minds. Regardless of what coaching staff is in place, it is you that wins, and it is you that loses. Coaches do their best to put the right people in the right spots, and to develop abilities and talents. I do not know Coach Knight, but I do know that in order to coach this game for a lifetime, you must love the game. So he will work, as every coach does, to make you the best you can be.
    I do not want to tell you what to do or what to think, but when the time comes for a group of individuals to again become a team, there can be nothing of the sort I read about on these posts in your minds. It will tear the players and the program apart. You should not begin a season with a bitter taste in your mouths, though I understand that is how some may currently feel.
    I feel what you feel, but you must come together in order to be successful. I wish you the best of luck in this coming year, and I hope the veteran players will not let these feelings harbour in their minds and they try to do what many could not before them. Make your focus a Conference title and a regional berth, rather than focusing on aspects which are now set before you, that you cannot change.
  8. LClefty04

    LClefty04 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 5, 2004

    That post was by far the best post in this thread. You hit the nail right on the head. I feel the same way you do and hope they play good for the coach and have no hard feelings towards him. Best of luck to everybody within that program this year.
  9. LRBaseballer

    LRBaseballer GO CUBS GO!

    Likes Received:
    Jul 24, 2007
    Hickory, NC
    I'm just ready for all of this to be done with. I want to play baseball, and that's all there is to it. Coach Pait will most certainly be missed, especially by those that have played under him for a number of years, but we have to move on just like he is doing. I think that most of the guys are just apprehensive about what to expect on that first day. I really hope that the rumors are false about certain players leaving. This is a good nucleus of players that can go a long way this year if we stick together. I'm sorry if some of the things that I posted came across as negative, I guess that I was just reacting before I really thought about the things that I was saying. I would also like to thank coach pait for being the coach that he was for the last four years, there isn't a better man in the world.
  10. TheOriole

    TheOriole Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 27, 2005
    Charlotte, NC

    TruthbeTold! Especiqally for your first post on the board.. Def puts things in perspective. Kudos! :beatdeadhorse5:

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