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Caldwell County Post 29

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by Carolina Man, Jun 16, 2007.

  1. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC
    Granted, Caldwell has had a lot of great baseball talent come through their stables over the years but as we all know there is a lot of variables that take place in winning a State Title. Talent, everybody playing together reaching for the same goal and lucky breaks here or there comes into play. Pulling high schools together to play as a team when they have been raised since childhood about cross county rivalries. Key Players having prior commitments that interrupt the flow of the season (usually during playoff or state tournament time) or rotation of pitching staff. Some Players trying to get ready to go off to college, some players signing pro contracts, some players having to deal with their high school football coach about practice's being missed while they are chasing their dreams of winning a State Baseball Title for their County. The list goes on and on about all the variables that go into winning a State Championship. Its all about commitment. Baseball or the sandy beach, baseball or the girl, baseball or football, baseball or showing up at college on time. Learning how to act when its your first time away from home without your parents. Teams coming together at the right time after a long season and jelling at the right moment. Jealous of bench players over field players and learning to become role players of a championship team. But bashing Caldwell's coaches for missed opportunities....I don't think so...I can't see that and I've followed Caldwell baseball for years and have been really close to it for the last 7 or 8 years with the exception of last year due to reasons beyond my control. I will agree if we can get Bobby Cox to move here and try his hand at legion ball then maybe....

    Carolina Man
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2007
  2. MOOSE

    MOOSE Full Access Member

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    May 31, 2003
    and the third best player a d1 acc pitcher cant play because of arm surgery everyteam has their problems. i thought going in that caldwell was in a rebuilding year. didnt expect a lot guess i was wrong. had very few college players also. no excuses tought i felt like it was cherryville year all along . congrats to both teams success.


    Likes Received:
    Aug 21, 2007
    I agree that there are many things that go into winning a state championship and I understand that coaching these teams is not easy. But in my opinion Caldwell should have many more state championships and a big reason why they haven't is the coaching. I'm not into bashing coaches, and I know having a lot of talent doesn't necessarily mean you are going to win, but if you have that much talent and you put good coaching with it, most likely you will win. Definitely in legion baseball. And when I say win I mean state championships. I do not agree that this year was a rebuilding for Caldwell, they never rebuild, they reload. And also South Caldwell won the HS state championship so don't use that excuse. They easily have more talent than any team around year in and year out, and that was the case this year aswell. But Cherryville has the coaching, Bobby Dale is one of the best in the business and it showed.
  4. TBA

    TBA Full Access Member

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    Apr 11, 2005
    '07 Spartans

    I have been involved with this core group since they were 10-11 years old, and they have done some special things. They competed well in AAU and USSSA traveling all over the Southeast. Most notably was their 2005 NC American Legion Junior Division State Title and their 2007 NC High School 4A State Title. They also had two state runner-up and one 3rd place finish in the three year span. They were an exceptionally talented group that made us proud. They have gone their seperate ways now, but they will always be remembered as a very special group.
  5. 1945ball

    1945ball Junior Member

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    Aug 11, 2007
    How can it be a rebuilding year those kids, they have played ball together since they were young kids, with the proper coaching they should have went all the way. They had greater pitching depth more than they have had in some years. This year and last year should have been the year for the brass ring. For the past 5 years Post 29 has had the type of players that should have won titles. If they had the quality coaching of Bobby Dale I feel sure they would have had back to back titles. Stop with the excuses. Also I'm not saying he is not a good player, but how can a kid that only pitched 11 innings in HS even be part of the equation.
  6. MOOSE

    MOOSE Full Access Member

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    May 31, 2003
    to me when you dont have the horses you had the year before and you dont have college players then it is a rebuilding year in my opinion. i still dont like the age limit as high as it is but thats another argument. dont think we had many 19 yr olds. look at the toughness that college experience gave a team like cherryville. if all the players we had would have made it to the field the last 2 years we may just have had those 2 championships. ancient history now.
  7. bred4this

    bred4this Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 31, 2007
    College vs high school players

    I agree college players get more experience than high school players, but the idea still holds true. If you have all college players it still wouldn't matter! You have to be an awsome genious in the game infact because now you have to incorporate all the different college styles in with others and maybe high school styles. That is where Bobby makes his mark. Now think about this...... A group of basebal players that know and have played with eachother since they could spell baseball are put on the same team throughout the years. They know every move, who can do this that and whatever else. A family so to speak. A coach of that team just had the state championship handed to him on a platinum platter. All that coach has to do is know situations and call for a bunt, a steal, hit and run, delayed steal, and anyother situation you can think of. The hardest part of baseball is finished. THE TEAM KNOWS EACHOTHER'S STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES!!!!!!!! The fact that you have guys from Hibriten and West joining is irrelevant due to the usual 29er starting line-up. I saw the deepest bullpen and starting rotation of my life this past summer. The pitching? No. The defense? NO. The offense? No. State Champions? Yes, why not coaching..... Pitchers throwing 136 pitches a game then start in right the day after. No bunting, scared to call a steal, what's a hit and run? All things that great coaches know. The whole college player on a team is an advantage, but not when your starting 9 have played together since they could practically hold a bat or throw. I would much rather have a team of those guys than a mix of college and high school players on a team. So what coach is going to bring the dynasty to Caldwell?
  8. 1945ball

    1945ball Junior Member

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    Aug 11, 2007
    I agree with you 100%! I don't care how good the team is without a coach that knows when and what calls to make all the talent in the world is not going to bring the dynasty to Caldwell. It is time for a coach, not a politican.
  9. MOOSE

    MOOSE Full Access Member

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    May 31, 2003
    i seen them try to bunt lots of times and it wasnt pretty so a good coach would have them bunt anyway i guess or maybe a good coach would tell them the secret that makes you a great bunter especially when the team needs it. do i wish they could bunt and hit and run yes do i wish the coach would have bunted more nope if you are not good at it dont do it
  10. bred4this

    bred4this Junior Member

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    Aug 31, 2007
    NOt bunt

    If you dont bunt you dont stand a chance. Think about it, your team can bunt.... now so many doors open up that leaves their defense guessing. You can't bunt.... you teach them how to bunt and when to bunt, you still show it, they would bunt just enough to let the league know they couldnt. If you cant play small ball with the long ball, you have no offense!!!!!

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