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Batting Practice to Game?

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Titans 5, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    Great post Gloveside

    Its kind of funny how a kid can focus on everything but the thing he should be putting all his focus on. Hitting the ball. If you have your focus on your swing your not putting your focus on hitting the ball. Its kind of like giving a kid a hit and run to execute when he is going through a slump. All of a sudden he can not think about anything but hitting the ball because he knows he has to protect the runner. And many times they get the job done because they are only thinking about hitting the ball and nothing else. The swing has to be a forgone conclusion , something that is totally natural to you that you just do. This leaves all your focus on hitting and none on - I got to stay closed , dont drop the hands , dont lunge , get the front foot down etc etc.

    I think we got it figured out gloveside. Just hit the ball!!
  2. Titans 5

    Titans 5 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2007

    to all for the advice. Always helpful to get others prespective when you are dealing with one of your own kids. Believe me, we'll be incorporating a lot of those ideas. Some already have been tried, some not. Had a great weekend this past one as well; now comes trying to put a couple back to back, and go from there.
  3. greenballz

    greenballz Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 15, 2003
    bp is like homerun derby
  4. Mudcat

    Mudcat gone

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Hitting has to be FUN. Sounds like too much thinking when he steps to the plate. Relax, have fun, and hit.
  5. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    If BP is like HR derby

    its not BP. BP should be working on hitting the baseball not HR derby. Change speeds , work inside outside up and down. Off speed pitches followed by gas etc etc. Its too easy to work on what you do good "hitting" cream puffs down the heart the same speed over and over. Its fun and its HR derby but its not going to make you better. BP should focus on working the whole field. And it should be about learning how to sit back on off speed etc etc. HItting is only fun when you can hit. Its not alot of fun to hit if you cant do it.
  6. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    2 things.....

    .....1 is all the hard work in practice is well intended and will result in positives as long as the actual drills that a kid is doing is supervised at least here and there. Practice makes perfect only if perfect practice. Its easy for a batter or golfer to quirk a swing the wrong way because it "feels" right. My DD is going through the same gig. She works relentlessly on batting and can have the ol average day at the plate come game time. IMO preach to your players to work hard AND when game time comes, STOP thinking about hitting techniques, just RELAX and let your game instinct take over from there. I. E. Relax at the plate and have confidence in yourself knowing that you've put in your practice time. AND QUIT WORRYING about stats! Its like dealing with a house cat, if you try to pet them or get them to sit in your lap, they will elude you. If you relax and let them come to you, you'll be in control........uhhh, oh crap, I can't help myself here, the same goes for dealing with.......never mind!......."no, no, no mam, I didn't say would you like to dance?, I said you look fat in those pants"
  7. catamount36

    catamount36 Full Access Member

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    Feb 5, 2003
    one simple rule of thumb... work on your swing in the cage and during bp. when it comes time during the game.... just hit... see the ball and hit the ball. don't worry about your swing, if you extended too early, if your hands where inside the ball... if, if if. just hit.
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Amen brother...and be aggressive too. Absolutely refuse to walk unless you have to.
  9. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    The last two posts

    were outstanding imo. If you have to think about doing it while you are trying to hit , you have not developed it to the point you can do it. No one has to tell you to breathe. No one has to tell you to put the left foot in front of the right foot while you are walking. Your swing must be something you do without any thought process while you are doing it. That is when you can "see the ball hit the ball" and maintain the proper swing mechanics. Because you dont have to think about it to do it. If you put in the work in the cage etc to the point where its just clockwork you forget your even doing it , it just becomes natural to do it. Then you can get in the box and put 100% of your focus on just seeing the ball and hitting the ball. The fact is most kids dont hit enough. They dont work on it enough. They dont put in enough work in the cage on drills and fundementals to develop the swing and make those good habits natural habits. KNOW YOUR SWING. A kid should walk in the dugout and say "I dipped". "I leaked out front". Etc etc. When kids start telling you what they did instead of asking what they did you know they are on the right track. Especially if they are right when they tell you.:13:
  10. JTbaseball

    JTbaseball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 15, 2006
    I'll echo Coach 27. Very good thoughts here especially the ones late. Another optioin for dealing/helping the kid whose stuggling to "take it" to the game. He's probably thinking too much, so take that away and think for him. Make him hit and run (i know he has to swing here and he's been struggling) :). If you are his third base coach, give him the take sign occsionally based on the in game feel you have of the opposing pitcher. Sacrifice bunt. Make him bunt for a hit. Heck, cellebrate an awseome at bat where he walked a crucial part of the game. Find anyway to get in his head and get his focus away from self anlayzing. The name of the game is to score runs. You don't need to hit it to do that.

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