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Opinion about playing up

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by TD4SC, Nov 8, 2007.


    LDFRDGUY Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Apr 13, 2007
    davidson county
    My dd has played up as a pitcher, I don't thimk I would have let her pitch 16u as a 12u to that kind of competition for her safety if nothing else. My dd has pitched 2 age groups higher and I'm still wondering if it's the best decission. Maybe we need to let them be young while we can and stop pushing so much. I do agree to challenge her as much as possible but jumping 2 age groups may be a little much. JMHO
  2. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 1, 2005
    12's playing 16's?? Sounds like some parents along with their egos need some readjustment. Maybe one or two DD's on the team can handle it, but there's no way every 12 year old on that team is that kind of superstar.
  3. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc

    it took the 18u's four or five batters to move all the way up front and start drilling the ball. the very young lady pitching adjusted her butt on the bench and was happy about it.
  4. CanAmMan

    CanAmMan Full Access Member

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    Apr 15, 2003
    I can see playing up one age group but not more than that.
  5. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

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    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Agree--- But Be Careful !!!

    Make sure your kid is mentally ready and physically ready to play against older kids..if you dads remember there are a lot of personal issues going on with 12-13 year old girls if you catch my drift without spelling it out to you ( Hint--MOOD SWINGS ) !! Remember just because Joe's DD is ready doesn't mean your DD is ready, she may not be physically/mentally able to move up to the next level of ball so don't push her up if she isn't ready !!! Also the muscle maturity in a 12 year old isn't the same in a 16-18 year old so don't expect her to be at the same level of play, if you do you and your DD will feel frustration...now don't misquote me and say the GURU said that my DD can't compete with older girls,I'm saying be careful and not expect the same results every time !!! On the other hand challenge is good, ole saying "You play up to your competition or down to your competition", I believe this with all my heart, you play the same mediocre teams all the time that will be the way your DD will play also. Remember to evaluate each DD, and see if they are capable to play older kids, if she is not ready you will be able to tell real quick !!!


  6. TD4SC

    TD4SC Full Access Member

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    Aug 30, 2007
    South Carolina

    16U pool games - Central Park

    Field 4 8:00am 94 E Cobb Bullets vs Worth Cobras-Black

    Field 4 11:30am 94 E Cobb Bullets vs Ga Extreme

    This is the tournament we are playing in! Now you know my concern! Our girls will battle. Our pitchers could get hurt.
    Our pitchers all can bring it pretty good. Catching 80 mph plus line drives could be a problem.

    Are you with the Sting?
  7. change-up2

    change-up2 Full Access Member

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    Apr 2, 2005
    TD4SC --- I see will see you @ the Rip It

    Yes I am with the Sting -- I will be the shivering old guy with a camera --I will try and get some pictures of your team to post on the boards .

    I guess really the most concern I have is a 12-13 year old pitcher throwing to 16-17 year old hitters ---------- the ball can come back @ 100+ MPH on a 45-55 MPH pitch in the zone. As Marlinfan and cheeze105 have said ... correct position after the release is critical !!

    This was a 14U pitcher vs 14U hitter == the ball was lined back so fast ' it hit her.. and frequently a subject on this board. This past year alone I have witnessed or heard of at least 8 pitchers that this has happened to---just a thought ??

    This girl fortunately was not hurt BAD--- and pitched the next day.



    Last edited: Nov 9, 2007
  8. Coach Roger

    Coach Roger Full Access Member

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    Dec 5, 2005
    SE NC
    With todays athletes and hot bats, I can't imagine sending a DD to the mound without a mask and as much leg protection as she can stand. It ain't worth the risk.
  9. JefferMC

    JefferMC Full Access Member

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    Aug 10, 2005
    Upstate, SC
    My 14 yo DD was pitching for her 14U team this fall in a tournament that combined 14U and 16U teams. A 17 yo high school senior drove the ball right back to her. She fortunately took a glancing blow to the cheek/jaw and pitched the next game (she would have kept pitching that one if she could have figured out how to hold the ice on her face).

    I figured that was my opportunity go get her to wear a gameface, so I struck while she was still sitting in the circle: doesn't she want one now? Still the answer was no. (Which is a real shame, because the batter's dad offered us his DD's gameface that she won't wear. Dad and daughter are a class act.)

    I've seen the continual change-up baffle a strong hitting team. And yes, 4 to 6 batters is the average adjustment time.

    I can't imagine have a just 13 yo pitching against that list of 16U teams.
  10. Coach Roger

    Coach Roger Full Access Member

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    Dec 5, 2005
    SE NC
    I'm not leaving that decision up to my DD. I issued executive order on that one.

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