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Bone Head Plays

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by GloveSide, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. GloveSide

    GloveSide Full Access Member

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    Jul 19, 2007
    Cumberland County

    Though its not about baseball it was funny. At the driving range one day. Very hot down in Georgia that day. Middle of the day. No gloves. Hands sweating badly. Yup.

    I had gone half way through my second bucket and 3 wood takes off out of my hands on the follow through stroke. Whirl whirl whrl...it lands about 30 yards away. :oops:
  2. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

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    Mar 12, 2006
    Golf - Ok

    I go golfing with my brothers and my dad a few years back. My oldest brother is up and of course we are giving him a hard time about his swing. It sucks to say the least! So he tries to really rip one. Well he does but the only problem is we see his driver flying through the air right towards the green on the hole beside us. I mean his driver is wayyyyyyy up in the air and heading towards some guys putting. We yell fourrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! The guys look up like we are crazy because we are not even on the same hole as they are. Then they look up just in time as the driver is coming down on top of them. They scatter as the driver comes down right in between them. I am on the ground laughing with my other brothers. My dad is letting us all have it. "What the "F" is wrong with you dumb "A" @^^#@%@#^@! "I cant take you boys nowhere!" Well that just makes it worse we really start cracking up now. I really felt bad for my older brother he was the one that had to walk over to the green and get his driver back. When my brother got back my dad says "Ok clutz you had enough fun making an ass out of yourself today"? I swear I have never laughed so much in my life. Those were the days.
  3. PhillyDave

    PhillyDave Senior Member

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    Apr 28, 2004
    Didn't happen to me ..... but a buddy of mine actually hit the tee marker with his drive and the ball shot back over our heads, with everyone hitting the deck. What made this worse and funny, ..... was that this was the first tee and there was a boat load off people watching. I laughed my ass off! I bring this up from time to time, but my buddy still doesn't think it's funny!:22_yikes:
  4. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

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    Mar 12, 2006
    You can

    really get embarrassed on the golf course. At least I can because Im horrible. I was on the first T at the Wake Forest Country Club a few years back. Off to the left of the fairway only about 40 yards away a man was using a backhoe to dig out a drainage ditch. He stopped and turned off the motor and motioned for me to go ahead and hit. I turned to my dad and said "He has no clue who is getting ready to hit this ball". My dad says "Just dont hit the guy and it will be ok". Well I hit it and it goes screaming right over his head into the woods. My dad says "Sad thing is that might be the best drive you have all day". He was right.

    Anyone want to go golfing!:34:

    I promise you wont be the worse guy if you go with me!
  5. niknat

    niknat Full Access Member

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    Apr 11, 2006
    Hendersonville, NC

    We may have to start a new thread just for golf now.

    I was playing in a company golf tournament at Reams Creek in Asheville area, beautiful golf course. I was just warming up for the first shot of the day and I always would swing just one time as hard as I could to break the rust loose. There is no way I could ever throw a golf club that far again if I tried. I mean It was at the peak of accelleration and the club just slipped. It was whirling like a helicopter toward the 9th hole green. Nobody was playing there yet because it was so early. But with it being that early the groundskeeper was mowing the green. I swear it was heading straight for him so I yelled FOUR!!! as loud as I could, and that's pretty loud, but he was pushing that mower so he couldn't hear a thing. I cringed as the club landed right beside him and took out a gopher-hole size divot in the green. First of all this guy was pretty rough looking and it was early in the morning not to mention I had just knocked this hole in the green that he would have to repair. So I have to walk over to the green about 50 yards away to get my club when I notice that about 30 of my co-workers had just seen the whole thing. I was embarassed at first then I had to walk on to get my club. The guy just picked it up and started to walk toward me. When he got to me he just handed it to me didn't say a word and just walked away as I apologized. Before I could get back to the tee I was crying from laughing. It was my best shot of the day. Then I had to tee off in front of all those people. I hit a house with my first shot.
  6. BaseballMan

    BaseballMan Full Access Member

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    Mar 18, 2005
    NIKNAT - That opening drive at Reem's Creek is a doosy, huh. It looks so tame but if you don't lay up with an iron and miss just a little, its off the mountain left or in deep woods right. Nasty little short par four. Great course!!!
  7. TheOriole

    TheOriole Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 27, 2005
    Charlotte, NC
    What about the...

    hidden ball trick and YOU are the runner picked NOT GOOD!:ack2::ack2::ack2::ack2::ack2:
  8. NC Baseball Fan

    NC Baseball Fan Full Access Member

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    Jul 31, 2006
    caldwell county

    Me and a couple of friends were playing golf in lenoir at country acres one day. We were on hole 17 and had all hit our drives so here we go for our second shot. My buddy Tom V. gets out and grabs a club then sees he has parked too close to the ball. So he walked over to the passenger side of the cart to back it up. But instead he slips and falls into the floor board of the cart. His knee gets wedged on the gas in reverse. :auto: He started flying backwards wide open and hanging on for dear life. :hihi: One leg and his club were out of the cart dragging the ground. I can still see the sparks fly as he crossed the cart path. After about 100yds he slams the cart in foward and it started making an awful sound, you know, Bddddddddddd d d d d d till it finally stopped. Bubba and I were laughing uncontrollably while Tom peeled his self out of the cart. He just left the cart were it stopped and walked all the way back to his ball mumbling :arge: "gosh dang devil cart". I swear I have never laughed so hard in my life. :clapclap::clapclap:
  9. TheOriole

    TheOriole Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 27, 2005
    Charlotte, NC
    Love it!!!

    Now that is funny as hell LMFAOROF my nephew years ago at sunset hills their in clotte can t remeber the hill but there is a stepp grade to a small lake pond early morning dew he comes flyin over the crest for to find this second or third shot proceeds to dive the cart sliding that is right inot the freakin lake of course he dove out before it went in funny as hell again!!!!!!!
  10. GloveSide

    GloveSide Full Access Member

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    Jul 19, 2007
    Cumberland County
    Driving range again.

    Years later Im at the driving range again. This time its my young son and his old man. He's hittin away. Lookin real good. Im very proud of him. I on the other hand can't hit the ball straight. I hook about 1/3 of the bucket and then start my journey on slicing the next 1/3. Now you know what happens.
    I start to get frustrated. Next ball I hit. I SLICE THE HECK OUT OF IT and thats it IM MAADDD!!!! I pick up the club and SLAM it down!

    To my astonishment the club head(5 wood) breaks off and bounces 5ft in the air over the fence into the parking lot. It lands on the hood of a car of a family that had JUST pulled in to that particular parking space. The driver is starring right at me. The passenger the mother is looking right at me. And the kid in the back has a look on his face that just says "you idiot." Im just standing holding the remnants of my 5 wood.

    I watch the club head land on the hood of their car, mind you, bounce off the hood, hit the front wind shield and land between their car and the next. All this time we are all three looking at each other. Embarrassing does not EVEN begin to describe this.

    He had not even put his car in park!!

    No real damage to his car. He figured also that my predicament of embarasement and the cost of my club where good enough. :47:

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