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Thanks to all .....

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Crazecoach, Dec 16, 2007.

  1. Crazecoach

    Crazecoach For HIS Glory...

    Likes Received:
    Sep 7, 2006
    Newton, NC
    I would like to thank everyone for the many prayers and support for my dad as well as my family over the last week. His blood pressure came down to 150 over 73 (it's not where we want it, but it's a start) and they let him come home after a solid week and a half. Many thanks to the WHOLE Lady Blues organization for the flowers, calls, e mails, etc. It meant so much to Dad to have people he doesn't know truly praying for him. Kip called at least 2-3 times daily to check on him, that meant a lot to us all. He is home for my sister's birthday(today), my birthday(tomorrow), Christmas next week, and hopefully for good. He's already talked about coming out to the fields to meet everyone and thank them all. Like I told Kip Friday morning, it's a miracle! He was going to die and they have no answers for why he can leave. After the pastor came in Thursday night to pray one last time and go over his will, we decided as a family to stay and pray over night. IT WORKED! Thanks to all!

    Merry CHRISTmas!

    Nathan, Michele, and Chelsea Cullars
  2. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 12, 2006

    Power of prayers can be unreal! So happy for U, U will certainly have a Merry christmas
  3. Crazecoach

    Crazecoach For HIS Glory...

    Likes Received:
    Sep 7, 2006
    Newton, NC
    Shameless plug....

    I would like to say that I encourage ALL parents to consider asking for tryouts for all the Lady Blues teams in the future! The coaches from ALL teams really care about their girls and their families and it showed once again with my dad. These coaches never met my dad and some never met me(yet...), but they (EVERY ONE) called or e mailed to show concern. A true class act off the field as well as on! I have never been a part of something so powerful as TRUE teamwork and committment to their player's families! My hat is off to this organization for what they did for my daughter and my family. Nobody wanted to take credit for the flowers sent to the hospital either from the Lady Blues....

    THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!

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