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Discussion in 'Baseball' started by coachevans26, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Glossing over what issue? The issue is the credibility of the report. For anyone to embrace this long winded, politically motivated report as something earthshaking or revealing is a sheep.

    I don't blame Mitchell. It wasn't his fault. He had no power or authority over players, owners or the Commissioner. This report, in my opinion, is a travesty...and the way it was promoted as something revealing was extremely disappointing. It has no substance or value and in return it probably will ruin some people's reputation. If they had proof of certain players using drugs, by all means present it, but if their proof is hearsay only, do not "call out" names. That happened one time before in our history and they called it "McCarthyism". Nobody should have to fight for their name, character and reputation based on "so and so" told me. That's not right nor fair.

    Now, Baseballfan, if you ask me about the issue of steroids and drugs in baseball, that's a different issue. But to ensure you know where I stand on that: Ban them all for life!!!! They're cheaters!..and they cheated the game. I have no concern for those guys. But I do have concern for pointing fingers and "naming names" and suggesting that it's factual. That's a dangerous game to play.
  2. GloveSide

    GloveSide Full Access Member

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    Jul 19, 2007
    Cumberland County
    Its a sad day we knew was coming.

    I haven't read the report. Its to long. The "list" does imply that those on it used "roids." They are tarnished. My son thinks so. Hey the kids are smarter than us because they can see behind all the hogwash.

    We saw this coming after the players strike. Post strike salaries sky rocketed. I don't have a problem with that. My problem is this:

    I can't take my kid to a game very often or not at all because the price is just to much! The kids want to see these guys play at the level they are playing at. Kids aspire to be like them. Hard work we say. "You can play at their level if you just work hard enough." What are the kids thinking now? What do we tell them now? WHAT DO WE TELL THE KIDS? The kids are making up their own minds.

    And all for what?

    As for the Mitchel report. Thanks for nothing.

    Bud Selig? Thanks for excellent leadership. Not!
  3. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

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    Nov 21, 2005
    I don't know how this will impact kids but it troubles me when you have HS kids taking creatine. Not a drug but not the most healthy thing either.
  4. LClefty04

    LClefty04 Full Access Member

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    Oct 5, 2004
    I have a feeling that these people they were investigating were throwing out names inorder to get thier sentences reduced. We know of course there are people like Bonds who is guilty of course but maybe a couple of these guys aren't guilty but were thrown out there in order for those guys to get people off their backs. Now all these guys maybe be guilty but lets not throw out the fact that these guys giving out names did it for the sake of getting a less sentence.

    Its a thought...
  5. BaseballMan

    BaseballMan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 18, 2005
    Now, Baseballfan, if you ask me about the issue of steroids and drugs in baseball, that's a different issue. But to ensure you know where I stand on that: Ban them all for life!!!! They're cheaters!..and they cheated the game. I have no concern for those guys. But I do have concern for pointing fingers and "naming names" and suggesting that it's factual. That's a dangerous game to play.[/quote]

    Maybe I misunderstood your stance. But I truly believe if they banned everyone that has taken performance inhancing drugs, they would be scrambling for enough players to field teams ala the strike year. I know that sounds extreme but thats how bad I think it got.
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Maybe I misunderstood your stance. But I truly believe if they banned everyone that has taken performance inhancing drugs, they would be scrambling for enough players to field teams ala the strike year. I know that sounds extreme but thats how bad I think it got.[/QUOTE]

    and if that turned out to be the case, I would support them even more.
  7. LRBaseballer

    LRBaseballer GO CUBS GO!

    Likes Received:
    Jul 24, 2007
    Hickory, NC

    and if that turned out to be the case, I would support them even more.[/quote]

    ya know Braves....I think they do need to ban every player that has ever had anything to do with steroids....I know about 50 talented ballplayers, wait.....make that about 15 players that are ready to play right now, all we need is the phone call!
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    ya know Braves....I think they do need to ban every player that has ever had anything to do with steroids....I know about 50 talented ballplayers, wait.....make that about 15 players that are ready to play right now, all we need is the phone call![/QUOTE]

    :biggrinjester::229031_hail: exactly
  9. Stretchlon

    Stretchlon Stars

    Likes Received:
    Nov 15, 2006
    Rocky Mount
    Rocket has lost some steam

    Texas high school group to meet Tuesday regarding Clemens' planned speech
    ESPN.com news services is reporting.

    Roger Clemens' inclusion in the Mitchell report sent shock waves through Major League Baseball, and the pitcher's popularity in his home state of Texas might be taking a hit.

    The Houston Chronicle erroneously reported on its Web site Monday that the Texas High School Baseball Coaches Association had removed Clemens as its keynote speaker at its state convention next month.

    Instead, the organization will decide on a course of action when it holds an executive meeting Tuesday.

    "Nothing is final, but we will be meeting in regards to the issue," Jim Long, president of the THSBCA said, according to the Chronicle. "We would like to talk with Roger, and then decide on a course of action from there."

    Clemens, who pitched for the University of Texas and came out of retirement after the 2003 season to pitch the next three seasons for the Houston Astros, is slated to be the convention's keynote speaker on Jan. 12, with the topic being "my vigorous workout, how I played so long [in professional baseball]," according to the Chronicle.

    The right-hander, who pitched for the New York Yankees last season, was the biggest name linked by former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell to illegal use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. Mitchell's report was released Thursday.

    Clemens, long thought to be the greatest pitcher of his era, is a winner of seven Cy Young Awards, eighth all-time in victories and a former MVP who has been considered a lock for the Hall of Fame. Since Thursday, whether he is deserving of the Hall of Fame has generated passionate debate.

    At 45, Clemens has not said whether he hopes to pitch next season. Through his attorney, Rusty Hardin, Clemens denied he used performance-enhancing drugs.

    " ... I respectfully suggest it is very unfair to include Roger's name in this report," Hardin said last week in a statement. "He is left with no meaningful way to combat what he strongly contends are totally false allegations. He has not been charged with anything, he will not be charged with anything and yet he is being tried in the court of public opinion with no recourse. That is totally wrong."

    Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.
  10. mm77

    mm77 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 5, 2006
    I think we are very quick to assume Roger is quilty based on the testimony of McNamee. There have been numerous reports that McNamee was pressured into giving names to help with his own prosecution. The trainer that Roger had with the Astros has stated that McNamee is a "troubled individual" who was jealous of Roger winning the Cy Young award without McNamee's help. He also stated that McNamee is an alcoholic. Also, the Yankees fired McNamee because he was arrested in Florida sometime in October for sexually assaulting a female in the hotel pool. He met the woman at the hotel bar and it was found that she had a "date rape" drug in her system. Hotel employees rescued her when they heard her calling for "help".

    Roger Clemens very well may have used steroids and I am not defending him but at the same time, I would want a whole lot more evidence than the testimony of one shady individual before I would be so sure he is quilty.

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