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Breaking News: McDowell coach resigns

Discussion in 'Football Forum' started by bigdan, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. fmrtitangreat

    fmrtitangreat mcdowell titans

    Likes Received:
    Aug 22, 2007
    not to start an argument at all- but the coaches that are there now, only a hand full are paid. the rest are there for the kids and volunteering their time for no pay. not saying good or bad either way just that not all are paid. i played for riggs and i know that he always wanted bigger kids- the offense was set up around the option series and that was what we ran until it finally got to the point where he ran the I Formation and we pounded the ball(ie behind dustin wiseman,danile stafford,issac stockton,jacob creson,gary bass,trey white). The size on those teams were the biggest since the late 90's when you had jason moody,brian walker,travis watkins etc. Maybe a new coach will get the school fired up again like riggs did when mcdowell went from having 17 players in 1998 on the final game against freedom to like 50 varsity players the next year. its crazy being a 4a school and going to the games on friday nights and seeing like 30 kids on the sideline.
    -shout out to the bball teams good job last night against rs central-
  2. TitanFanForever

    TitanFanForever Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2007
    I agree it would be wonderful to see that many guys standing on the sidelines again.. and to know the excitement of beating Freedom at their home to win a playoff position.. those were great years and I too am hoping that a new coach that understands the demographics of McDowell County and will come in and get everybody fired up again, fans included. It's hard to go to schools like TCR, AC Reynold's and see the fan base they have compared to ours. I myself follow all the games and have even in these losing seasons and I no longer have anyone attending the high school. The kids deserve that. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the next coach will be able to turn that all around.
  3. footballfan60

    footballfan60 Junior Member

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    Sep 30, 2007

    No one at Mcdowell High is that big exept Carson Gowan and I don't think they will let him play anymore. Even if there was someone that big who wanted to play no coach in his right mind would tell him he couldnt play due to size.
  4. fmrtitangreat

    fmrtitangreat mcdowell titans

    Likes Received:
    Aug 22, 2007
    exactly- as small as the teams have been for the last years theres no way.
  5. billybobblockhead

    billybobblockhead Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 19, 2003
    around the block
    I'll throw this out there as a possible argument. Remember this is my opinion only.

    Any kid that WANTED to play football was out there. I have heard this argument for years; "the best quarterback (or, you fill in the position) is walking the halls, not playing ball." Well, that is not exactly correct. The best quarterbacks (or running backs, or guards, or defensive ends) are on the football field. How can you be the best and not be out there?? If you think you are the best, man up and come to practice, otherwise, shut up. Man up and get off your lazy rears and come to the weight room during the summers, otherwise, shut up. You're NOT the best if you're not out there. The BEST are the one's that come to summer workouts and that actually put the uniform on every Friday night, not the ones that want to live on their amazing youth league accomplishments.

    [end opinion]
  6. TitanFanForever

    TitanFanForever Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2007
    As I said previously I know first hand that there were guys that went to summer work outs... were at practice everyday... and were told they were too big too play...
    It had nothing to do with being lazy they just didn't fit into the big picture Riggs and Haynie had...
    Those boys even though they got little to no playing time continued to go to the summer work outs.. practice and actually put the uniform on every Friday night. They wanted to be there but they were TOO BIG to play...
    It baffled many of us for years why the guys who had the amazing youth league accomplishments and had a god given talent for the game opted to sit in the stands, guess the view was better there than from the bench.
    I'm hoping that when we do get a new coach he's old school football and brings back good ole Fightin Titan smashmouth football.
  7. footballfan60

    footballfan60 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 30, 2007
    I have been told that over twenty people have applied for the head coach job and heard rumors that Gowan is a possible prospect for the job and I know that he would change things around for us.
  8. titan90

    titan90 titan90

    Likes Received:
    Jan 26, 2005
    maybe johnny anderson will come back and he will bring with him all his assistants from the 80's and 90's (coy gibson, bill chapman, flea blake, jim melton).
  9. Wise One

    Wise One No Doubt

    Likes Received:
    Apr 9, 2003
    State of Confusion
    They better name a coach pretty soon or some Charlotte school will have all of their players.

  10. tonync55

    tonync55 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 16, 2004
    Western North Carolina
    I heard from a pretty good source that Gowan wasn't interested.

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