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NCpreps.com State Basketball Poll (1-1-08)

Discussion in 'Boys Basketball' started by bigdan, Jan 1, 2008.

  1. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    Here are the first boys basktetball rankings for the 2008 basketball season.

    1A BOYS

    1. Mount Airy 12-0 (6) – 100
    2. Cherryville 11-1 (1) – 94
    3. North Edgecombe 8-0 (1) – 85
    4. Thomasville 7-1 (2) – 73
    5. Winston-Salem Prep 13-4 – 45
    6. Hendersonville 9-1 – 43
    7. Polk County 10-3 (1) – 37
    8. Trask 5-0 – 36
    9. Camden 8-1 – 33
    10. Louisburg 6-1 – 32

    HM: Princeton (9-3); Albemarle (4-1); Jones Senior (5-2); Hayesville (8-3); Bishop McGuinness (9-4);

    2A BOYS

    1. Smoky Mountain 10-0 (4) – 86
    2. West Caldwell 9-0 (3) – 83
    3. Graham 8-0 (2) – 72
    4. Bessemer City 9-0 – 62
    5. Richlands 9-0 – 61
    6. Clinton 8-1 (1) – 54
    7. West Bladen 10-1 – 48
    8. Shelby 7-3 – 41
    9. Cummings 6-2 – 38
    10. Northwood 5-0 – 22

    HM: Ashe County (7-1); Pisgah (7-2); Farmville Central (6-2); Northside-Jax (N/A);

    3A BOYS

    1. Concord 11-0 (8) – 96
    2. Trinity 12-0 (2) – 75
    3. Dudley 9-2 – 73
    4. Kinston 9-3 – 64
    5. Northern Vance 9-0 (1) – 62
    6. High Point Andrews 10-1 – 36
    7. Jacksonville 10-1 – 35
    8. Washington 7-0 – 28
    9. D.H. Conley 9-1 – 23
    10. East Rowan 9-1 – 22

    HM: T.C. Roberson (8-2); Hickory (7-1); Rocky Mount (7-2); Ragsdale (10-2); Fike (11-1); North Buncombe (11-1); Southern Lee (8-2); A.L. Brown (9-2); Northern Guilford (7-2);

    4A BOYS

    1. New Hanover 12-2 (7) – 98
    2. McDowell 10-1 (1) – 77
    2. Mount Tabor 11-1 (1) – 77
    4. Vance 8-1 – 56
    5. Pinecrest 11-1 (2) – 53
    6. East Mecklenburg 9-5 – 38*
    7. Clayton 11-1 – 37
    8. Middle Creek 5-0 – 32
    9. Ashbrook 8-1 – 29
    10. Myers Park 8-1 – 27

    HM: Panther Creek (8-1); R.J. Reynolds (8-2); Terry Sanford (11-2); Jack Britt (9-3); North Mecklenburg (N/A); Hopewell (N/A);

    * East Meck had to forfeit 4 wins due to an ineligible player.

    A big thank you goes out to the following media outlets: The Citizen-Times (Asheville); The Courier (Forest City); The Dispatch (Henderson); The Free Press (Kinston); The Observer (Charlotte); The Record (Hickory); The Star-News (Wilmington); WPAQ (Mount Airy); and the NCPreps.com staff;

    FREEDOMFAN Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 19, 2007
    Leading Scorers In the State...Top 11

    D.J. Clement, (Sr), RJ Reynolds, 10 – 284 – 28.4
    Hunter McClintock, (?), Northern Durham – 11 – 309 – 28.1
    Justin Watts, (?), Jordan – 11 – 297 – 27.0
    Josh Pittman, (Jr), Trinity – 12 – 299 – 24.9
    Justin Vanderford, (Sr), East Rowan – 11 – 273 – 24.8
    Catalin Baciu, (?), Veritas – 11 – 271 – 24.6
    Jeremy Atkinson, (Jr), Wilson Fike – 12 – 284 – 23.7
    Akeem Richmond, (Jr), Southern Lee – 9 – 210 – 23.3
    Wakefield Ellison, (?), Asheville High – 10 – 229 – 22.9
    David Best, (?), Sanderson – 12 – 269 – 22.4
    Petey Hausley, (Sr), McDowell – 10 – 220 – 22.0

    Western North Carolina has 5 out of the top 11 scorers in the state. AND STILL WE CANT GET CREDIT LIKE THE CHARLOTTE TEAMS DO! I hate the Charottle Observer. I realize they cover my team, but they should cover a little farther west. Maybe McDowell? I feel kinda bad for you guys over there because you got no respect before the season and you were THIRD in the state last year. I respect Petey, Buggy, Twitty, Church and the rest of the Titans, but the Observer feels like you aren't worth traveling up for.
  3. The Warden

    The Warden Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 21, 2003
    Creedmoor, NC
    The reason why we dont get the love from The Charlotte Observer (or The Harlot Disturber, as I like to call it) is because we're no longer in their coverage area. Im guessing it was last year or about 2 years ago, The Disturber decided that they dont sell enough papers in McDowell County (about 500 a week according to them) and thus it made no sense to cover a team in where no one reads their paper.

    As I was talking with tonync55 at the recent game vs Alexander Central, MHS should remove & retire the 1991 Girls' Basketball Sweet 16 Championship as an act of protest because of their decision to remove McDowell from consideration on the Sweet 16 polls and from their All-Observer teams & Mr./Ms. Basketball awards. Personally, I'd like to think we helped them sell some papers because of how good our teams have been over the years.

    But then again, we dont get the adequate amount of coverage coming from The Asheville Citizen-Times either. Teams like T.C. Roberson, A.C. Reynolds, Hendersonville, Smoky Mountain, Polk County, etc.. will wind up getting more coverage than we do because they're closer to Asheville - despite how well either McDowell boys/girls team fares.

    Oh and by the way .... D.J. Clement doesnt play for R.J. Reynolds, he plays for A.C. Reynolds.
  4. Wildcats

    Wildcats Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 3, 2007
    I also noticed that Cody Shuffler is listed as #8 in rebounds.

    Seems that all you guys are overlooking East Burke. They are
    now 12-2 overall and 2-0 in conference. Looking forward to the
    EB vs McDowell friday night.
  5. titan90

    titan90 titan90

    Likes Received:
    Jan 26, 2005
    No one is overlooking EB. They have a good team and a good coach. It will be a close game in Marion friday night.

    The kid from N. Henderson is averaging 35 points a game. He could be the leading scorer in the state.

    FREEDOMFAN Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 19, 2007
    Uh. Why is that guy saying we are overlooking EB. after the way they played mhs in the championship game i respect them prolly more than i respect my own team! i guess you just wanted your peice.. lol pitiful
  7. swingaway

    swingaway Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 8, 2007
    What are you complaining about

    I respectfully disagree with your complaint. I don't get it! This is a poll of the best teams - not the best scorers. Your argument has very little, if any merit.

    Mcdowell is ranked # 2 in the poll. How can you claim your area is being ignored. Each poll consistently ranks teams outside of the Charlotte area.

    Also, the poll includes input from one Charlotte paper and the following from your area:

    The Citizen Times (Asheville), The Courier (Forest City), The Dispatch (Henderson), and The Record (Hickory). How many of them cover the Charlotte area? How many of them have seen East Meck play?

    By the way, The Charlotte Observer is a for profit venture. Do the math - 500 sales per day generates no profit, no ad sales, no distribution channel, etc... It is not a North Carolina paper - it is a Charlotte paper trying to make a profit. If you want coverage - create the market!

    I don't get your complaint - other area teams are represented very well and the poll has nothing to do with who are the top scorers!

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