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2008 Top HS Teams

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by INTHEGENES, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 12, 2006
    You go Guy

    Awesome, I know U! haha:fan_wave2:

    LDFRDGUY Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Apr 13, 2007
    davidson county

    I was going to go but fagala said that rick got his cooking lessons from prkland and i don't think my stomach could take it. :burgerflip:
  3. proudad

    proudad Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 23, 2008
    trash talking

    somebody needs to monitor what people such as nomore4me and sstokesball write on this board. It makes NO sense for an adult to talk about a child or second guess someone (criticize) for a desicion concernng his/her kid. THAT IS SOOOO LOWWW CLASSSS or NO CLASS and it gives other parents from their respective schools a BAD name!!!!!!!!!!

    Please nomore4me and sstokesball DONT send your names it would be an embarrassment for your kids and friends (if you have any).
  4. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    welcome proudad to this board rocks softball forum. have to agree with you to a point, but remember this is a public forum, however, we do have rules. I've found that most who do this, do it for only a short time and if its done repeatedly, we intoduce them to the "ban" button. Actually, some of our parents kinda police this board and we appreciate it.

    again, let me put this out there: we dont allow insults and really dont like insinuations either. just give us some facts....

    EMS, gaston county has a "one year no athletics" thing for transfers. dont know any other school system that uses this.....anyone????
  5. Scamp

    Scamp Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 14, 2007
    Lincoln County

    I am pretty sure in Lincoln County you have to sit one full semester with no athletic eligibility, unless there is a physical change of address.
  6. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005

    While I agree with you on the do not attack, insult any kid on TBR!

    There are reasons these people make posts such as they have! They are posting it correctly or in the proper manner, but they have a legitimate complaint and are wanting to give that a voice. After reading others posts for awhile they will learn a better way to do their posting!
    It usually boils down to the posters kid goes to this school that the new kid is transferring into and possibly taking a position away from their kid! That is not fair to the kids that were at the school previously!
    Now I am not talking about someone who got transferred with their job, or family situations changed, or what ever, the right reasons! I am talking about the people who have the ability to see that their kid gets what they want or need, be it the fair, correct way, or not! There are rules for a reason againest this sort of thing!
    Just because little Suzzie wants to go to the HS with the ALLMIGHTY softball program, doesn't mean she should get to, if she doesn't live in the district for that HS! Sometimes little Suzzie has to make the best of her situation and make her present HS team better, be the star on her present team, be the player to put her HS team on the map, per say!! I don't think that the people who do these transferrs quite understand that the parents of the kids that are at these HSs first, don't particularily care for their kid to, once again be pushed further on the bench list, by someone new coming in, just because that is what little Suzzie wants! If they would just take a moment and try to put themselves in someone else's shoes, they would see that people will oppose this action!
    People who oppose things will discuss their displeasure with that situation, be it the right way or the wrong way!
  7. lil suzzie

    lil suzzie Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 23, 2008
    Dear softball4ever1987,
    ...or should I say sourpuss?

    I am little suzzie, the main transfer student you are talking about, however, I'm going to speak for myself as well as other people who have transfered. First of all, you said just because little suzzie wanted to go to the ALLMIGHTY softball program doesn't mean she should get to if she doesn't live in the district. Therefore it's perfectly fine for them to go as long as they move, correct? You also said you think it's fine if it's for the right reasons. Personally, I did it for the right reasons but since you know eeeeverything you disagree. What you don't know is that my family situation did change. It very well could be the same situation for all these other girls each of you are pointing out. What if it's hard for those girls? What if they read this? Do you think it's okay to put them down the way you do? Just like everyone else when I came into the ALLMIGHTY softball program that I came to I had to try out and earn my position. I wasn't treated any differently than any other person on the team. When I transfered I came to a school that bettered my education, me as a person, prepared me for college, and becoming a better athlete was just a plus. You want the best for your daughter don't you? What if you could change her average grades to straight A's, go from decent teachers to great ones, better her SAT scores, get her into her dream college, and become a better softball player. I think you'd be absolutely crazy if you didn't want this for her. I have beaten all the same schools I did at my old school at my new one with the exception to ONE. I could've stayed at my old school and it wouldn't have made much of a difference.... therefore, softball wasn't the only thing that made me want to go to a different school. In the real world, after the ALLMIGHTY softball, what are you going to do if you have to transfer jobs? Are you not going go because you might take someone else's position? By the way, I know you aren't the only one who is cutting us transfers down but you are by far one of the worst.

    With looooove,
    the ALLMIGHTY transfer student

  8. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    i like your spunk and standing up.....

    .....for what you believe is the right thing! And you, 'lil Suzzie were polite as to how you posted your opinion......Now, don't forget that 18s and 48s can both be knowledgable as well as,...well, down right ignorant. There is one thing, however, that you, 'lil suzzie don't have quite yet, and thats the WISDOM of an adult who, at 50 yrs old say, has been there, done that. That same adult, right or wrong in their beliefs, is relying on experiences that come with growing older. Trust me, ask your folks, they know. No slander here Suzzie, from what I've read, you are an intelligent young adult with I'm SURE an awesome future. Good luck!
  9. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    Sorry, Sball4, let me make tis clear....

    ....in NO way was I referring of you when I said that we, 50ish folks are ignorant. The subject of my last post was not intended to agree or disagree with whatever ya'll are referring to. Sball4 has been 16-18 yrs old, 'lil Suzzie has not. With age is experience, and with experience their is knowledge. ......and Wow!, wouldn't it be cool to be 18 again!
  10. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 12, 2006

    As Marlin states U appear to be an intelligent and mature young lady. I am sure I have even coached against U at some time over the years. I also know the lady U have lashed out in your post. U are wrong, she is a very good person and is one of the most supportive parents and softball fans I have ever known. Her daughter faced some extremely tough times over the years and suffered through some discrimination and possibly some unfair treatment at her HS. They stuck it out and worked hard and things worked out. Her approach was different from U, tough to handle and so she felt strongly about that approach. Further, after reading her post, she never attacked u at all, she simply made up two different cases and commented on both. Read the paragraph before LIL Suzie and U will see what I mean.
    None of us on the board have a right to tell you or anyone else how to run their life, what decisions to make, or to chose this school or that school but we do have a right to an opinion when given facts or situations on the Board. No one is obligated to take the advise or even read the post and we should never make it personal! Neither should U!
    Look if U think it is anyone's business explain your decision, if not let it go and enjoy the decision U made because U and obviously your family thought it out weighted all the plusses and minuses and made the move U felt was right. Don't lash out as I personally think U are much bigger than that and will prove it over time! Best of luck, it sounds like U were interested in academics first and softball later so I think U maybe on the right track. LOL "Now go take on the day" as a well know radio personality would say!:FOFRBanana0518HL:

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