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Legion Right move or not?

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by Plate Dad, May 10, 2007.

  1. oldbbguy

    oldbbguy bullpen

    Likes Received:
    Nov 16, 2007
    Thanks to Braves

    for banning such venom from being spewed, there is no place for it on this site.Opinions are one thing but name calling of this nature is juvenile and just mean spirited.Coach 27 thanks for the post, I could"nt agree more.
    I am not a veteran but was asst.to the athletic officer for post 132 in Johnston Co. for a few years up until we disbanded the program.The thing here was the same that other areas are experiencing,the membership was and is dying out and no (0) new members have joined the post in years.Just recently the post transfered its facility,land and assets to Johnston Comm. College which intends to start a baseball program in the near future.We had a storied past with our program but there was just no way to continue under the circumstances.
    This situation sent many of our players to the showcase circuit including both of my own,the oldest who now is on a college roster.He had the good fortune of playing with Coach Partins Dirtbag program which had a huge impact on his college choices, without Andy standing by him the way he did he probally would not be where he is today.There was a situation (injury) and Coach Partin helped us in ways that were over and beyond what anyone would have asked or expected of him.
    My youngest now is with the Hurricanes organization and we are finding the same type of caring and genuiene concern for the kids by all involved with the program. . There are several other great programs i.e. South Charlotte Panthers with the same type of reputation.My point,(I know I got long winded) is not to be an advertisment for showcase ball but just to say this.In an area like ours where we unfortunately have lost our legion teams, I feel blessed that there are men of baseball out there that care, and are running programs of this nature creating opportunites for players who in a different time filled the American Legion rosters.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2008
  2. Grayben

    Grayben Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 9, 2007
    little rich kids? give me a break

    In Wilson, we still have a Legion Program. However, you are always hearing that money is tight and we don't know how much longer we can hold on. I'm hoping this is just talk. It's a great venue. Fleming Stadium is just a great place to play and watch a game. My son was fortunate enough to do both (easy now, not at the same time). He played Legion ball this summer and was able to play with Andy and the Dirtbags this Fall. I know everyone cannot have it both ways, but again, we were lucky. He was able to keep the locals happy, play with his buddies, play at Fleming, and get some additional exposure by playing with the Dirtbags. Not everyone is so fortunate. Legion is struggling in some areas if it ever existed at all. We used to love to play Johnston County and you've already read where they have shut down. Now, Greene County (Snow Hill) is calling it quits. Like it or not, Showcase ball is alive and well and alot of people are thankful for the opportunity.
  3. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2005

  4. Grayben

    Grayben Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 9, 2007
    transfers over

    Not sure how many in Wilson we would get. I think most would either go to So. Central (Pitt) or Kinston. Wayne may get some but I think we may be the last on the list due to geographics. But you're right, these guys will need somewhere to play and there are some good ones in Greene County!
  5. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2005
    oh yes

    Snow Hill / Greene County.............one of those small time rural areas that just loves to take on the big boys in a game of country hardball, and beat ya more times than not. Rabbit Fulghum has taught the game to many a player that was better for it.
  6. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    Nellie Cooper and Tim Brayboy!!!!!.....

    .......are legends in the legion fame! I'm DAMN glad to have had the luck to be in their district of legion ball in the late 1970s. Yes, coach Fulgham is in that same class of elite builders of the game, AND way more! Cary American Legion......wow! ...now thats dear to my heart. Now to address this thread, the whole idea of carrying rosters in legion ball was originally just simply taking the "best" off of 3-4 HS rosters, and then competing in the summer against other equal teams. That was cool! LOTS of college coaches attending, most likely to observe the talent base, but we had no TB at that time. I must say, unfortunately times have changed. so have formats to showcase future prospects! JMO....and good luck to all, and we need a D1 football playoff system, ease up on the bowl games, and......and, well thats enough from me.
  7. Toots

    Toots Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 28, 2007
    I can speak from experience that American Legion baseball was absolutely the right move for my son. He is now a junior in college, playing at the next level. He tells me all the time how those were the best days of his life and he wishes he still had the opportunity to play. It was FUN, all of the pressure situations, the late summer night games, the lifelong friends made, the legion tournaments, nothing else could compare. He is fortunate that he has had the college experience and I don't mean just being on the team. He is a major contributor to his team and has been from the beginning; however, he is not having fun now. Believe me, it is work! The scholarship money helps but when you add up all of the hours he spends practicing, lifting weights, etc. it doesn't even equal minimum wage. Once again, he is luckier than most to get this opportunity to play at the next level but to all of those parents that have the urge to "push" your kid into that next level, listen to them and what they're saying to you. It is NOT the end of the world if it ends after high school. The college experience is something that most people never forget but it is not the same for an athlete. Just food for thought from someone who is living through it!
  8. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2005
    very interesting perspective. when it's not fun anymore.
  9. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    FUN---DEFINE ???

    Show me where a college education is suppose to be fun...the fun begins after you get the degree..that is what is wrong with our young people today, if isn't FUN I don't want to do it !!! How many out there can say that they are having FUN at work ?? Yes I'll agree your job should be something that you enjoy,but it isn't based on FUN, it should be based on responsibilities and achievements to continue in this dog eat world. I think what was said in the other thread about the college experience best tells the story....FUN is when you are 8,9,10,11,12 thru 17,but after that it's time to think about your future,and become a man or woman and except the reponsibilities of that age.College is not about FUN...Define...Getting Drunk,hanging out with friends,road trips....Where is study and hard work to obtain your goals fit in??..I think as parents we have shown our kids through our lifestyles that life is barrel of monkeys,and everything is to their dispossal, in essence we have ruined our kids..when a kid drives a better car than their parents the wrong message is being sent out. Why wouldn't a kid expect his or her lifestyle to continue after high school??...cell phones,nextels,beepers,etc......if I had all that when I was a kid I would expect it to continue into my adult life..I not saying there shouldn't be some fun ,but when fun becomes 85 % of why you are attending college something has been misconstrued to you either by your parents or by your peers !!!

  10. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 21, 2005
    Who said fun had to include drinking? College is about learning but not just in the classroom. I thought this was a Legion thread.

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