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Coach backstabbing

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by cks2036, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. cks2036

    cks2036 softball mom

    Likes Received:
    Jun 23, 2007
    :civilwar:I not sure how some people feel, but to me there is a time and place for everything. You might not know what situation started something but in all it hurts the girls that are playing. I am talking about a coach that tries to undermine another team. If the team post something and someone responds to that post. Well that coach of the other teams jumps right in the post and says no email me. Just like if girls are comeing out to tryout he will come out there and meet them and try to get them to go to his team. To me that is just poor sportsmanship. There has been a time he has even offered money to girls to leave one team to play on his. Am I Crazy or should this be ok
  2. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    welcome cks2036 to this board rocks softball forum. interesting first post. this is not how coaching is supposed to be and most like this will not last long as the word gets out. chin up...
  3. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005
    Are we talking about HS or TB....

    I am a little confused as to which we are talking about! I can only guess that we are talking TB since most of us, don't get to choose, what HS team we play for!
    No it is not right, but there are coaches that will do this!
    Now as far as offering money, people better be extremely careful on that one, THAT IS A HUGE NO NO with the NCAA!
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    No disrespect intended, but I'm not sure if you were being rhetorical or asking a question. If you are asking if this is acceptable, one would have to be an idiot to say yes. If this is directed to someone on the board, I'm glad you didn't mention names.

    As cheeze said, the softball community is pretty close; there are not many secrets and this kind of stuff does not go unrecognized.
  5. cks2036

    cks2036 softball mom

    Likes Received:
    Jun 23, 2007
    I don't want to mention names but yes in TB. I know it is around. I heard it all with my own ears and saw it with my own eyes. I watched it tear up one team. I just wanted other people to be aware of this situation when they are going out to try out for teams. I don't want my DD to be apart of that and I do belive most people would not. I was just wandering if anyone else has heard about it or have been in that situation. I wanted to get the word out without saying to much. My DD is on a good team and it happened to the team before we joined it. That coach came up to us and I flat out told him she would never play for someone like that.:freak:
  6. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County

    This term is called " Ambulance Chasing " , there was a major issue about 2-3 years ago with 2 major organizations that was being accussed of this very action, but I want name them because I'm going to be GOOD !! I probably know the issue above,but I want comment,because I'm going to try to stay neutral in all fads of softball this 2008, I've learned that life is too short to be involved in everybody's affairs, unless it concerns my immediate family....:detective:

  7. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    As the man in the movie said...........

    Choose wisely......

    Sometimes the best choice is the one without the hype....
  8. Crazecoach

    Crazecoach For HIS Glory...

    Likes Received:
    Sep 7, 2006
    Newton, NC
    Seems to be too much drama with a lot of teams now days. Thank God for true friends! Sad to hear that about your DD's team, hope things work out for the best. Remember, you never know who(college coach or team sponsor) is watching your DD play.
  9. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

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    Dec 12, 2006

    It is sad that all this stuff goes on in softball, a sport that all of us want for girls! Also a sport that should be fun, should be about helping kids achieve a goal and since there are lots of teams and lots of colleges, should not be a dog eat dog approach. However there are some sick people in the world and these types have a desire to destroy what they can not have.

    These type of things can be stopped if you overheard junk, U walk up and say, sorry to have heard your conversation but I do not agree with your approach. I had a kid, actually two kids that I had to convince college coaches they were quality kids and had great work ethics, (which they do) because of this type of "rumor mill" gossip. Also, the most recent item I have heard is I am dying and the Blues are folding! WOW these people have sick minds. Sorry to disappoint but neither is true, I am in great health and with my youngest child headed to college in fall, I will have even more time to devote to Blues.

    Please all of you that have young ladies playing softball, you can make a difference and help put an end to many of these issues and problems simply by not becoming a part ot them. Most of the players, coaches, and parents I have met through softball are wonderful! Some misguided by what we have disgusted many times on the board but most truly care about the kids and the sport! Make a difference today! Don't listen to gossip, support your team and kids, and if you have a true issue, address it yourself and don't allow others to know your business! LOL:gossip:
  10. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    WELL SAID !!!

    You don't look like you're dying to me, actually the last time I saw you @ Constance's Grandfather's funeral you looked real healthy...now on the other hand I believe I'm dying with this dang blasted bug, lost over 5-7 lbs.....like I really need more of a sunk in face !!--- LOL--- Rodney's right we've all been guilty of listening to gossip, and it does destroy relationships that probably would have blossomed into great times together. Most of my memories have been great,and I have some real close buddies that it excites me to see them every year. I like sitting around at the ball park and kicking back and laughing and having a great time together while our kids play ball....I know it's a competitive field,and if your childs looks better than someone's elses it appears that you have the edge, jealousy starts ,and guess WHAT ?? --- GOSSIP IS THE RESULT !!! Guru:laugh2: on cough medicine !!!
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2008

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