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High School vs Travel Ball - my kids aint thinkin

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by cheeze105, Feb 17, 2008.

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  1. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    Saturday practice, 4 hour drills on batting, live and pitching machine, great workout, all varsity and jv players, mandatory workout......and my two travel ball players decided to skip this workout to go to travel ball practice....oh my gawd.

    if i figured they would learn more from this travel ball practice, i wouldnt complain, but it aint that way.....and i wont go into detail about this, but take my word on this, they learn more from our hs practice then the tb practice they attended.

    what should punishment be?????? five poles??? five parimeter laps, outside of fence???? off the team????benched for a week???

    oh, did i mention that these two girls are two of the three pitchers???
    hey, sorry for venting, but hey, if you're a travel ball coach, dont interfere with highschool ball...how am i supposed to bring my team together if you schedule mandatory practices to interfere with mine???? my team is in season, your team is dead right now....all these years of my dd playing tb, our practices were always on sunday afternoon, always...never on saturday or during the week....

    i often wondered why hs coaches would ban their players from playing travel ball in hs season, this is one reason right here, the other is risk of injury....my players are now banned from practicing or playing any travel ball during our season, a first for me in seven years....after they get done doing laps tommorrow for your "mandatory" practice, i bet they're lookin for a new tb team......just sayin......
  2. softball nut

    softball nut Full Access Member

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    Jan 12, 2004
    Majority of older gals TB teams don't get fired up till after HS ball is over anyway. I would say they need at least 1 day off a week .
  3. Freedom Sball

    Freedom Sball Full Access Member

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    Apr 27, 2006
    This is why I don't allow or want, guess I really can't stop them from playing TB during HS season. IF you are going to practice TB then do it on a SUnday. We may get together a couple of times, but it will be hitting stations and soft BP off of me. NO way I'm risking getting a player hurt for TB that plays HS and ruin someone elses season..

    Give them the same punishment you would for anyone that misses practice
  4. jester

    jester Full Access Member

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    Feb 5, 2008
    North Carolina
    Hey cheese

    Know what you mean. As I stated in an earlier post, I had a player ask if she could skip my practice (during the week) to go to hitting practice for her TB coach. Gonna state an opinion I have, could be wrong, and I certainly don't think ALL are this way, but here goes...

    A family pays quite a bit of money for their dd to play TB. ( A figure I have heard for one team is ~$2,000.00) Now if the dd doesn't go to all the practices and show loyalty for TB over HS, will she still get to play? Did the parents just throw away a large sum? After all, if the HS coach benches someone for not coming to practice, didn't cost much, if a TB coach benches for same thing, could be quite a large loss.

    As I also stated in an earlier post, TB helps HS. I have a lot of repect for the time and dedication most TB coaches put in. I just feel there is a pretty big opportunity for a TB coach to hold a player and their parents hostage during the HS season. That being said, I also said that I encourage my girls to play TB. I just want them to do it during the TB season.
  5. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    "As I also stated in an earlier post, TB helps HS. I have a lot of repect for the time and dedication most TB coaches put in. I just feel there is a pretty big opportunity for a TB coach to hold a player and their parents hostage during the HS season. That being said, I also said that I encourage my girls to play TB. I just want them to do it during the TB season."

    I agree with you jester

    was a travel ball coach for over 10 years, never, never interfered with hs, just supported it and couldnt wait for it to get over so we could go to Florence and play ball.

    this was a mistake on the tb coaches side. should not have happened, but it did, and i have to deal with it correctly....parents arent payin much to play, not a successful team but thats a different story to be told another day.

    I just cant believe someone would do this the first week of hs practice/TRYOUTS...its insensitive, idiotic and the ones who are gonna suffer the most are the two players who didnt think about it....hopefully, the tb coach will suffer a little bit from the parents when they leave...
  6. Crazecoach

    Crazecoach For HIS Glory...

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    Sep 7, 2006
    Newton, NC
    I have avoided this conflict so far with our new high school coach. I gave her our TB schedule in order to plan in advance. We had events planned for the school team, but with the postponment of scrimmage games at BC that pushed everything back a week. Now on Mar.1 we have to be in two places at the same time. My DD said she would gladly sit out a game or run extra if needed, but has already committed to play TB for that weekend and can't go back on her word. The coach understood and excused her from the function without any extra work or penalty because she told her before tryouts what was happening. It is only a "parents day" and not a practice.
  7. Dawgswood

    Dawgswood Full Access Member

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    Feb 3, 2006
    Why would a HS Coach allow any TB play or practice during HS season? As far as I know it is not allowed in any respectable baseball program. Dont go out for the HS team if you cannot make it your priority. I'm sure there are other players who may have been cut that would love the opportunity. Pick one or the other.
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Wow...I gotta tell ya, the softball community is much, much different than baseball. Showcase teams would never dare think of interfering with the HS season. The player would get booted off the team and the college coaches would strike that name off their radar.

    That situation is so unthinkable, I couldn't give you an unbiased opinion for the repercussions of missing a HS's mandatory practice. Short of death in the family, it just doesn't happen.:omg:
  9. Throwing Heat

    Throwing Heat and Catching Heat

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    Oct 25, 2007
    My TB Team comes 2nd to HS

    I will start having practices with my TB on Saturdays in about 2 weeks, but I tell all my players that their HS season comes first. I don't make it mandatory, but expect them to be there if there is no HS practice that day. If their coach forbids them to practice, as I would if I were a HS coach, then there is nothing I can or will do about it. They are not mine until their HS season ends. Plain and simple. Our practices are mainly to work on plays, and let the girls get a feel for each other on the field. The girls are practicing 5-6 days a week with their HS teams, so they should be getting more of a workout with them than I can do in one day.
  10. Crazecoach

    Crazecoach For HIS Glory...

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    Sep 7, 2006
    Newton, NC

    We have a new coach at our school, but not new to coaching. She believes that TB makes her job easier and incourages our girls to play to strengthen their game. Her TB coach says to go to high school functions 1st, then his team. I'm afraid if she asked my DD to choose she may not like the answer given.****keep in mind, we never have a strong team and had 4 freshman make varsity****It is what it is, take what you get. She gets more out of TB than high school because our school team thinks it's "play time" and are not as serious as her TB team.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2008
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