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High School vs Travel Ball - my kids aint thinkin

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by cheeze105, Feb 17, 2008.

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  1. Coach Roger

    Coach Roger Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2005
    SE NC
    Well stated. Sad that it's true.
  2. BringIt2WinIt

    BringIt2WinIt It's all for the girls!!!

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    Jul 30, 2007
    Middle of No Where NC
    There is a middle ground...

    There is a middle ground here Dawgswood. Out of courtesy to our HS coach I will provide him with a copy of dd's TB schedule; out of courtesy to our TB coach, I will provide him with a copy of dd's HS schedule. Since HS ball is currently in session and it would not be fair to put our HS team in a rough spot by an injury for my dd, if our HS coach says "I don't want your dd playing in these tournaments because I am concerned about injury" my answer will be "not a problem." And our TB coach will understand.

    IMO there is no reason for the two arenas to conflict. Most touranments will not seed during HS ball. While dd does practice weekly with her current TB, we work on drills, signs, fundamentals and building cohesiveness on the team - and our coach does not put them thru drills that could result quicker than others in injury to a player.

    It should not be a choice of HS ball or TB. It should be HS ball first, TB second - and isn't it nice that TB season happens to work out just that way :)
  3. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

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    Dec 12, 2006

    There is an article in the Observer today talking about the rash of injuries to young players. One of leaders, ACL tears and as U read the article, U find that one of major causes, OVERUSE! Maybe our kids need a few days off as someone indicated in a previous post. Working together, HS/TB could benefit the kid, the teams, the coaches, and the game. I do not think there needs to be a conflict between the two but as GURU states, some HS programs are not up to snuff and on the other hand some travel teams are not up to snuff so working together may help both sides which helps the only thing that matters, the player! Sure, I have wanted to have kids practice travel ball especially when I ran younger teams but that may not have been correct either.
    All this said, the travel teams are having to qualify for ASA Nationals and U only get a few chances and most seem to be prior to middle of June! Tough for all. There is no real way to keep all happy but working together we have a much better chance.
  4. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

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    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Agreed !!!

    I don't really believe there is a conflict between TB & HS, personally I think that some things are fabricated by parents to stir up issues. In essence if nothing else,HS ball keeps your young athlete in shape,and that will later benefit the TB team because of better endurance during those long hot days of summer!!!:punk:

    :sultan:----- Guru
  5. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

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    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Agreed !!!

    I don't really believe there is a conflict between TB & HS, personally I think that some things are fabricated by parents to stir up issues. In essence if nothing else,HS ball keeps your young athlete in shape,and that will later benefit the TB team because of better endurance during those long hot days of summer!!!:punk:

    :sultan:----- Guru
  6. LLTC Coach

    LLTC Coach Banned From TBR

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    Feb 14, 2005

    Not sure why HS has is practicing on Saturday. Playing games I understand, but you have Monday-Friday to practice.
    At one time I really thought HS coaches supported the TB programs but when our kids got to HS I realized it was more about the HS program than the kid.

    Its ok for us TB coaches to prepare the players to come in and start as a freshman and 10/12 of our players that I have had started as Freshman at some recognized HS programs. But when HS starts they don't want them near the TB anymore. Then they start changing their hitting and throwing skills. If it ain't broke don't fix it. I used to love HS softball in my area and would have done anything to be a part of it but since my players got to HS I found out that it is more about politics and less about helping kids.

    I don't schedule tournaments during the HS season but we do practice. There are some things that HS softball can't prepare a player for when getting ready for summer. There are only a handful of line ups that are going to give a strong pitcher problems and there are several programs whos pitching doesn't challenge hitters.

    I agree that if a HS has a practice scheduled then those players should be there but I don't agree with HS practicing on the weekends.

    But the double standard is the whole issue with the State Games. Tryouts on the weekends when TB is getting started. When are we all going to work together to make it great for the PLAYERS!!!!!!
  7. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County

    Mutiple Thread Above...clicked mouse too many times !!

  8. CougarCoach

    CougarCoach Full Access Member

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    Nov 8, 2006
    Ground Rules??

    Having coached travel ball and high school, I think it is very important to lay down ground rules before the season starts. We have our HS players and their parents sign an agreement with the coaches as to what we expect from them during the high school season. We set rules for missing practice and or games without excuses, being late for practice and behaviour on and off the field. We also outline punishment for each offense as well. If they miss a mandatory practice they don't play in the next scheduled game, if they are late for practice it is one lap around the outside of the fence for every minute late and that is done on your own time after everyone else finishes practice. Since the implementation of these rules, we have had very few ladies late for practice and the only time anyone has missed a game was over spring break on a scheduled family vacation. Kids need to know up front what the consequences to their actions are and if it is in writing and they signed it, there are no questions that can be asked.

    We had a situation a couple of years ago where one of our parents had the travel team that all of our girls were playing on in the summer. Everything worked great until he decided to let his daughter go and play for another team and disbanded the team all of our girls were depending on. The problem was that he did this the week before state playoffs...the team totally lost focus and started a lot of infighting because of the way the situation was handled. We still finished in the top 10 in the state, but travel ball play was banned during high school season as a result.

    LDFRDGUY Banned From TBR

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    Apr 13, 2007
    davidson county
    bottom line --- If you make a commitment to play hs ball and you have a practice you need to be there for your team. I believe you get more quality time at a travel ball practice but during the hs school season hs ball should come first.It's like this- you tried out and made the team- someone else was cut that wanted to play, it's not fair to anyone if you don't stand by that commitment. JMHO

    Before I get bashed I still think you get more from tb and way lots more exposure :wave:
  10. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    i agree with this statement. commitments need to be upheld, more so in hs as many other non-travel ball players depend on the travel ball players. coaching hs is a whole different ball of wax than travel ball....practice time is limited by many things, you cant recruit and you often have athletics who have no ball experience....practicing saturday is an excellent option, school doesnt conflict, concentration is there and if laid out correctly is better than two days of week day practice.

    you do receive more exposure with tb teams, but i know of a few college coaches who go to hs games to see just how a future recruit performs at the hs level, so we never know who's watching, do we???

    in the end, its all about respect.....
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