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I just have to ask your opinion

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by papa bear, Mar 7, 2008.

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  1. fstptchdad

    fstptchdad Banned From TBR

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    Feb 13, 2008
    send a letter

    Maybe someone or some people needs to mail the principal a letter since the ad seems to think it's ok. I can tell you this, something better get done about this or somebody is going to get in trouble or hurt and no one wants it to get to that point. Put 2 and 2 together, the right parent will only stand for so much and then it's going to turn bad. Please try and make a game at your place a joy to go and watch, don't have it overshadowed by a bunch like that.
  2. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

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    Jul 1, 2005
    A spirited crowd is always a factor in raising the intensity of the game. Its a fact of life that large crowds and student sections make lots of noise. That's something relatively new to high school softball at top level games, and both Randleman and Central Davidson play in that category. In addition to perfecting the skills necessary to play at that level, the athletes need to learn to function in front of those kinds of crowds and feed off of the crowd's intensity.

    Yes, high school student sections sometimes need some guidance. Not because what the opponents like or don't like, but rather to make sure that taunting or whatever doesn't backfire on the home team. I'm sure the Randleman girls are a lot more thick skinned than their parents are aware. A misbehaving home crowd can easily create something for the visitors to rally against.

    The Randleman folks should go home and work on creating their own student section and increase their school spirit. Maybe Central will be playing at Randleman next year. Randleman is good now, and will be even better the next time these two teams meet.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2008
  3. prklandsoftballdad

    prklandsoftballdad Set my brother FREE!!

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    May 25, 2004
    Ok i guess i'll weigh in on this one. Couple of years ago, we were playing our first game against Reagan at North Forsyth little league. A group of young men were sitting over on a picnic table throwing all sorts of barbs at our kids. Happened for quite a little while but then died down some. Don't know if someone said something to them or what but the next time we played there that did not occur.
    Unfortunately, this is a reflection of the times we live in. When defensive linemen on a team losing 28-0 late in the fourth makes a sack and celebrates like he scored a touchdown, or if you watch any NBA game this is an acceptable practice. It's called "smack talking" and is completely ignored or hearlded as "passion for the game" in society now days. Is it right? absolutely not, does it belong in softball? duh nope. Does someone need to bring it to the principals attention? definately Will he do anything about it? doubt it But you reap what you sew and karma is a mean mother.

    LDFRDGUY Banned From TBR

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    Apr 13, 2007
    davidson county
    that wasn't spirit what they were saying was rude statements towards the girls, calling them crude names. How would you like it if it was your dd being called names while she batted. I guess I was just raised old school, you know ,where people and schools showed respect for each other
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2008
  5. web651

    web651 Junior Member

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    May 31, 2007
    If a group of loudmouth fans, students or adults, get to the point where they taunt the opposing team, by making degrading and humiliating statements, it should be the duty of the umpire, or AD, or Coach to ask them to stop. If they do not, they should be escorted away from the field and not be allowed to return to ballgames until they learn how to show school spirit in a proper way. Too many athletic events are spoiled by the unruly behavior of a few jerks. If the fans have to jeer instead of cheer, they aren't there to enjoy the game, they are there to show everyone how stupid they are. Law enforcement can always be called in to handle the situation, if needed. I am tired of seeing disrespect toward opposing players, and something needs to be done about it. Persons who are paid to be in authority, need to exercise it!
  6. sftballjunkie

    sftballjunkie Full Access Member

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    Jun 6, 2007

    I am sorry but you will NEVER see our student section showing school spirit by degrading the opposing teams players. YOU need to look in the dictionary and see exactly what the definition of school spirit means! That was not what was shown at Central Davidson Thursday night.
  7. Sballdreams

    Sballdreams Junior Member

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    Mar 8, 2008
    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this addressed by several teams/parents last year? The "rumors" were that coaches, school administrators and parents called to express complaints over the derogatory statements being made by the "student section" toward their team's players. I was told by multiple parents that CD's head coach and principal fully supported their fans support/actions. I attended one game early in the season and witnessed the "student section" in action. During the game, I was impressed by their attendance and support of their lady spartans. They even reminded me of the "cameron crazies" the way they pounced up and down on pitches with 2 strikes with their "k" signs. It wasn't until later that I began to hear parents/players complaining about the statements they were making directly toward opposing players. I wasn't able to hear any of these statements, but as much as people are complaining about it, there has to be a lot of truth to it. I see where some of the Tiger faithful have posted that some of the spartan players have called to apologize and thats admirable, but if they "truly" don't support it then why don't they take it to their coach? Apparently he has failed to act upon the complaints of other coaches/parents/school administrators, but surely he would listen to his own girls/players! If they are aware of the statements, then he has to be hearing the same thing that they called to apologize for. This team is truly a good team with maybe the best pitcher in the state. Its a shame that the "student section" can't simply put all of their energy into supporting their team, instead of directing disparging comments toward their opponents. I don't fault the kids as much, because children will act as children and display their immaturity when allowed. It is the responsibility of the adults (coaches/principal/parents, etc) to enforce the announcement they make before the game referencing good sportsmanship, etc. It just sounds like this isn't being done!
  8. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

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    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    Lack of control from the coaching staff and Umps

    Everything falls from the top.....the good, bad and this is classified as ugly.

    This would never be allowed at a collegiate game.
    Umpires would never allow this.

    Rule states that any fan misbehavior is to be controlled by the head coach. Umpire give 1 warning. Either stops, or coach is ejected..

    NCAA also requires home team to provide a "game management" person
    at all athletic events, to control the crowd, walk out the officials, and maintain order.

    Anyone that buys into this type of behavior is completely missing the
    the concept of what playing a sport is about and what it provides to the athletes...

    I can't believe some of the comments that has been posted on this thread condoning this.

    Makes you look crass, uneducated and certainly does nothing to promote the sport of fastpitch.

    Attached Files:

  9. Daddydobber*

    Daddydobber* Where Did He Go ???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    Well said coach BAD SPORTSMANSHIP should NOT be TOLERATED !!!!!!!
    (not to sure about my spelling though)
  10. cmmguy

    cmmguy *

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    Apr 27, 2006
    It seems that you have lost your compass...
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