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More Truth About College Athletics

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Prepster, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. Prepster

    Prepster Full Access Member

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    Jan 8, 2003
    Charlotte (formerly)
    Here is another in a multi-part series of articles in the "New York Times" about college athletics. In this case, the writer focuses upon the challenge of juggling responsibilities to both athletics and academics.

    My point in drawing attention to this issue is not to deter the highly motivated player from aspiring to play at the college level. Rather, my hope is that by knowing in advance that much is expected of the college baseball player, he can begin early on to prepare for the challenge.

    Preparation in the classroom is every bit as important as preparation on the field; not to mention that the accomplished baseball player who has good grades will always attract coaches' attention before a similarly-skilled player who's done less well in the classroom.

    "It's Not an Adventure, It's a Job"


    (You may be required to go through a one-time, free registration to view the article.)
  2. Stretchlon

    Stretchlon Stars

    Likes Received:
    Nov 15, 2006
    Rocky Mount

    This is a very good look at reality. One thing that really sounds like a shame is that some of the kids are not getting the true college social experience.
  3. flotg

    flotg Full Access Member

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    Aug 16, 2005
    we all have different opinions about college social life...

    my interpretation of college social life, based on what i've heard about my kids friends who are attending college, it that its one big party - drinking, partying, staying out til all hours, who knows what else.

    if my kid is going to pay for college, which is the case - we're not paying the loans - then i'd much prefer he not be a part of the "college experience" (no offense intended) - hed just be wasting his money

    he has an athletic scholarshop, he was recruited, and no, he didn't have any idea of the committment (not really)

    but, we - as his parents - tried to prepare him for it - we made sure he realized the seriousness of the committment to play baseball in college - the early mornings for weight training, the practices every day in the fall and spring, the offseason training, the game traveling, KEEPING THE GRADES UP, etc etc etc. We did actually tell him to look at is as a JOB - after all, the coaches were investing $$ in him and he had to treat it just like a job - do a good job, cuz youre getting paid for it. He has done just that. his "college experience" is becoming a part of a brotherhood of baseball players - IMHO as good as any fraternity out there. he was on the schools honor roll the first semester and is actually getting limited playing time as a frosh (hit his first career HR the other day!). hes even commented that he doesnt understand why people think college is so hard - and cant imagine how they flunk out. Is that to say he wont get burned out? no, theres always that possibility - but for now he went in with eyes wide open and things seem to be going very well so far.....

    but back to the point - the article is great - these kids need to know what is ahead for them - if theyre going to school to party - dont bother with the athletics - if theyre going to school to learn and continue to play a sport they love - then by all means do that - and be prepared to work hard!

    whats the alternative? go get a job right out of high school - for the rest of your life...........
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2008
  4. BaseballMan

    BaseballMan Full Access Member

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    Mar 18, 2005
    I believe that college athletes get much of their social life from interacting with other athletes. My son's freinds are the guys that he spends most of his day with on the field, in the training room, in the weight room, and in the locker room. This should not be discounted.
  5. A2662G

    A2662G Junior Member

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    Oct 25, 2006
    Both articles are good..

    My daughter plays D3 softball and she works so hard. This fall was spent running, lifting weights and more running. She was also required to attend mandatory study halls and team meetings.
    Now, in season--they practice from 3:30 until dark and have a mandantory hitting session at some other time during the day (when they are not in class). Their schedule is also filled with weekend tournaments out of town.
    She is not being "paid to play," but her coach requires her to commit as if she is (as he should--wearing an NCAA uniform is a privilege).

    Here is when a student-athlete has to decide do they love the game enough to endure all that comes with it....or not.
    Although, the time commitment was more than she had anticipated--she is loving it and I am very proud of her. She will never regret her experiences.
    Now, to keep in the baseball theme--my son will be "paid to play" next year and I do hope he has learned from his sister!

    What a privilege to be a parent of two who are living their dream!

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