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Good call or Bad call?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by bugsdad, Mar 21, 2008.

  1. bad2bone

    bad2bone Full Access Member

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    Mar 19, 2008
    It was def. interference because the SS had the ball and was going to throw it but the runner going to 3rd was in the way. She did not throw it because she didnt want to hit the runner in the helmet. I saw it while I was in the circle, only a few feet away. So I think it was a good call.
  2. bugsdad

    bugsdad Full Access Member

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    Apr 21, 2006
    If what B2B described is interference,should the runner have stopped,said to the SS "go ahead and throw,I'll wait"then continue on to 3rd?
  3. nctiger

    nctiger Full Access Member

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    Feb 21, 2007
    one possible other option, the ss could have thrown and hit the base runner directly in the mouth, what would the call have been then...
  4. LSSU57

    LSSU57 Junior Member

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    Mar 22, 2008
    Doesn't matter

    A good coach teaches his/her players to complete the play and let the umpire sort it out. If the fielder makes the decision to not complete the play that is her fault. Contact does NOT have to be made for interference but the player must complete the play. An example would be a player running at a fielder trying to throw the ball with her hands in the air. This is interference without contact. In this scenario, the runner was simply running. Is hitting a batter/runner running to first in the back interference? No, as long as the runner is not running in fair territory.The rulebook says simply running in front of a fielder is not interference.
  5. nc2aump

    nc2aump Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003

    B2B, Just because the SS didn't want to throw the ball for fear of hitting the runner in the helmet, has absolutely NOTHING to do with interference. As long as the baserunner is doing what she is legally allowed to do, and in this case, she went directly from 2b to third, without making any odd attempt to get in the SS's way, then interference cannot be called. Each player, both on offense and defense have a right to certain things, you cannot take the baserunners rights away from her just because the SS didn't complete the play.
  6. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007
    Why not.......

    ......use the option of throwing to 3B for an easy out?
  7. JefferMC

    JefferMC Full Access Member

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    Aug 10, 2005
    Upstate, SC
    Calling interference because F6 held the throw to third seems absurd. There doesn't have to be contact for interference, but the player had to act in such a way as to cause a problem for the fielder to field the ball or INTENTIONALLY interfere with the throw. Unless the girl has eyes in the back of her head...

    One example of non-contact interference I could give is slowing down and deliberatly passing in front of F6 just as the ball got there, when it is obvious she could have gotten by faster.

    But... I wasn't in that umpire's position, maybe he saw her swerve to get between the fielders (as opposed to rounding 3rd for home?)
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2008
  8. bad2bone

    bad2bone Full Access Member

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    Mar 19, 2008
    Now that I read, I can see both sides but some people who play high school softball don't play travel ball softball. It's hard to say something because they may not know and they don't think quick enough. But, I say it was and I'm going to back down from it. It's over and done with..East Rowan won, good game could've been better if outfield caught balls but enough said. It's hard for an 18 year old who plays travel ball and is going to play College ball play at high school level with players not knowing what to do with the ball. Everyone has seen it, she should've went to 3rd with the ball to get the force out, but people think different than others.
  9. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007
    Fastpitch is a THINKING game.....

    ......BBone. You are on the right track when you go over and over in your head what/how a certain situation could have different results by how a player decides what to do with the ball. In TB, you have the confidence in your teammates to know where/when to be on every pitch. In lesser talented or knowledgable teams, HS, Rec. ball, JV, middle school maybe, some kids just don't know what to do. So if a SS, for example, fields a ball, and she knows that one player or another might not be in the right position to accept her throw, or even catch the ball, then its time to go to the "stop the bleeding" role. Get an out period. I feel your pain, my DDs HS team fits your description to a tee! Keep your head up, and encourage others is the only advice I can give you other than.....enjoy HS while you're there! You'll know what I"m getting at in a few years. Good Luck!
  10. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    There's No Way !!

    There's No Way that is interference !!! E>O>T !!!

    [​IMG]---Now This Is Interference---[​IMG]--- Guru

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