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What do you think ?????????

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by LDFRDGUY, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. Crazecoach

    Crazecoach For HIS Glory...

    Likes Received:
    Sep 7, 2006
    Newton, NC
    I wish I could stay away from our high school team, but our school hired one coach who sometimes shows and sometimes doesn't. Meaning practices,etc. I have talked with the AD about not coaching, but they need to practice sometime. Also, if I do not help then the new coach's dad helps(hollars). I have even tried to wear jeans and a different color shirt so the umps would say something and let me go back into the stands. Believe it or not, I do not say anything to my DD until we get in the car. The head coach controls line-up and positions.

    LDFRDGUY Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Apr 13, 2007
    davidson county
    I guess sometimes we're left with no other choice but to help for the sake of the girls. It's just sadthat schools can't find someone that wants to coach and be there.
  3. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 12, 2006

    Could not resist posting on this subject:

    There are D-11 and D-111 colleges out there with no assistant and tututions and other expenses of $33,000+ a year! Every other sport has assistants! Some of these schools do not have grad programs so no grad assistants either and the coaches refuse to take any help from any source. Well the records of the schools prove they need to have some help. I totally understand the frustration. Before some say why did you allow your daughter to attend the school, well they had an assistant her first year and part of second year. Hard to leave when you have enough credits to be a second semester junior your sophmore year and you are excelling in the classroom and love the school.
    Life is not fair and we have learned to make the best of situation and laugh at some of the things that occur because we would cry if we did not. Money and budgets are a big part of the schools systems from grade to college and the CFO has to find a way to keep the schools in the black, money makers get the funds and others get the left overs.
    The kids for the most part still enjoy playing with their friends and classmates and althrough they do not like losing, they can live with it to spend time with friends. Good luck to all of you that face these issues! Things will get better.:biggrin:
  4. softballmom2008

    softballmom2008 Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Apr 25, 2007

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2008

    LDFRDGUY Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Apr 13, 2007
    davidson county
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2008
  6. jester

    jester Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2008
    North Carolina
    Dad Coaching

    I am a HS coach. I don't have a dd or other family member on the team. This is my 4th year coaching at this school. I am not a teacher or other school system employee. I became the softball coach because I played fast pitch for 15 years and absolutely LOVE this game. I am an Athletic Park Superintendent. During softball season, I go to work at 6:00 AM so that I can get my work done and get to the field for practice or get the bus for away games. I say all of this for this reason, my dd is 10, she will be at the HS in 4 years, if I am still the coach, I will coach her at the HS. If I am still the coach, I will have been there for 8 years at that time. Someone asked me last year if I was going to stop coaching when my dd got to the hs my response to them was ' why would I want to do that?'. I coached soccer and baseball when my oldest son played, although not the head coach, he and I didn't have any problems, nor did the other players and coaches. I feel like I am capable of coaching my kids fairly and honestly. Right now, my dd enjoys playing softball. When she wants to throw or hit, I'm glad to do it. I don't do it as a coach, I do it as her DAD. If she decides she wants to play ball in school, I'm gonna be there. I'm going to be her COACH on the field and her DAD at home. I'm sure at some point someone will accuse me of playing my dd, if she makes the team, only because she's mine. I will try to explain to her about that before hand. But that being said, I will play the ones who earn the opportunity to play regardless of who their parents are. Yes I have several parents who know much more about the game than I do. If you don't believe me, ask them. I have tried to explain to some that they have 1 dd on the team that they are concerned with, I have 20 or 25 with the JVs. When my dd gets to the school, if she wants to play and has the skills and commitment to play, she will become 1 of my 25 dd during softball season.
  7. stickwolf

    stickwolf Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 26, 2003
    Statesville/stony point NC
    Sounds good jester. You are what I wish we had. somebody COMMITTED to the betterment of the program. IF I THOUGHT I knew more than the coach I would NEVER say a word, if the coach was busting his /her butt to put an improved team on the field, Doing EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to be competitive. But we had our first practice today since MARCH 13. And some of the girls seemed burdened by the fact that they had to practice today. (Game tomorrow)I actually got to help, (COACH wasn't there ) and some seem very happy and content with last place, or close to the bottom. This parent doesn't care if a coach has 9 daughters playing if the coach is committed to the game. Thats all I want here.
  8. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    Don't get me started on this............
  9. jester

    jester Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2008
    North Carolina


    I think you and everyone else involved deserves a committed coach. I don't know if the coach is the one who needs to work on commitment or the school system. I also don't know, and wouldn't want to know, what may be going on in the coaches life that he/she may have to be more committed to (sickness in family, young children, etc) As I said, I am not a school employee. In our county, if a 'qualified' teacher wants to coach and there is an opening, they 'must' be given the position over 'non teachers'. I was concerned about this and asked the AD and Principal at the end of my first year if I was going to have to re apply for the job every year. Their answer was a resounding NO. As long as I wanted the job and they felt I was committed to teaching and coaching the game, and wasn't doing anything illegal, the job was mine. We actually had a new teacher come in and try to use that policy to replace a 'non teaching' coach. (Not me) They explained it to that teacher the same way. He now teaches and coaches at a different school. I guess, with how much I love the game and watching the girls grow, it's hard for me to understand why someone would want to coach if they weren't committed or didn't have the time to coach. Although I'm not as competitive as I was when I played, I'm still competitive enough to want the team to win. They can't win if I don't teach them how. If I don't have the time then I will get out of the way and let someone else coach. I'm really sorry for the situation your school and girls are in. I really do wish you the best.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2008
  10. JavelinCatcher

    JavelinCatcher Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 26, 2008
    Interesting topic...

    Wow, I could write a novel on this topic. Unfortunately, these kinds of things happen way too often. My youngest DD who is a decent (trying to be modest...) softball player refuses to play TB because she had three different teams who were all playing daddy/mommy/coaches friend ball. These experiences completely turned her off to competetive softball. Luckily, she still plays and enjoys school ball and is just now starting to show the potential she has but there are some, lets just call them issues, with her HS team. Makes me wonder how good she could have been if she had one good coach in 10U TB...

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