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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Big Mark, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. scfan

    scfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 9, 2003
    It is good to yell and pull for your team mate but I can't stand the orgainized cheers. If I want to hear that I will go to cheerleading competitions. Thank god our girls have never done the cheering thing
  2. scowall

    scowall Full Access Member

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    Jul 20, 2007
    Our players have each chosen a "batter up" song. Its played before she gets into the box, 10-20 seconds. When she steps into the box we stop the song and announce thier name. If you've seen college ballgames it is done there too. Playing Southern Lee Friday Night some of thier parents threatened to "whup some a**" because they thought it was messing with the pitcher. Our AD asked us to stop to prevent any further escalation, so we did. Do you think playing songs for batters is inappropriate?[/quote] yes i think its inappropriate, and your wasting time. my girls only cheer for their team and teammates, NO cheering against the pitcher or other team. have some sportsmanship, but not all teams do!!!!!
  3. playball24

    playball24 Full Access Member

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    Feb 1, 2006
    I haven't seen a high school do it this year. I have noticed at the bigger tournaments in travel ball you seldom see it. That is how we usually pick out the inexperienced teams.
  4. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

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    Dec 12, 2006

    Many college teams play songs for each batter and we have seen some give live stats, etc. Many college coaches require their players to stand up and cheer for each and every batter as she hits. Girls are different from boys, if U do not like the cheers, watch baseball! It is a part of the game and the game is for the girls, so let them enjoy it as long as it does not downgrade the other team. Central Davidson and other schools have a huge following of backers who cheer and support their team with a passion and it is their school why not? Bet ya when we were their age, we cheered and supported our teams and fellow players. :loveit:
  5. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007
    No BS on this one...

    ....folks. The chants, cheers, etc. that made for a great team bond at 10 yrs old does not go over quite the same when the kids are driving to and from the park. Cheering, chants, etc. in the dugout, ALL will be remembered for a lifetime. The kids will remember them like they yelled them out yesterday. Hell, I wake up in the middle of the night, thinking "holy cow, its a foul, moooooove it over". You'll know when I actually sing out that cheer in the late night, by just looking at the black eye that Mama will hand my way. I hope she doesn't catch me with the backside of her wedding ring!....
  6. JavelinCatcher

    JavelinCatcher Full Access Member

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    Mar 26, 2008
    How true!

    That is hilarious marlin! I can't tell you how many times someone in our household has said Holy Cow and three people immediately said, it is a foul moooooooove it over! We all start laughing our heads off!

    As we have said before, it is all about the girls. This makes them happy (you can see it on their faces), helps them bond with the team (even the ones they don't like), and like marlin said, is something they will remember forever.

    Go on girls! Chant your heads off and love every minute.
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I chuckled :pepper:
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    :balloon::balloon::balloon:does that go for me too?:supergrin:
  9. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    This was cool.....

    ....my DDs last TB 18u game this fall, most of the kids were rising seniors and had committed to play in college. Even though they have one more year left, they knew that this game could be their last with their longtime friends and teammates. We, the parents, also knew that, maybe the kids wouldn't play togeter as a team anymore. Well....Bam! The parents sat in the stands and sang every cotton pickin chant we could remember. I'll never forget that day! ......"we got spirit, how 'bout you!"
  10. SIFan

    SIFan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 9, 2007
    Hey Mark,
    I looked at your site and I think your pics are very good, thanks and please come again! Everyone should check it out, some interesting stuff on there.

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