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Question concerning bat safety.....

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Mrs. change-up2, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. sftbl4ever

    sftbl4ever Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 9, 2007
    I sent my daughters Combat back; it arrived to them on Friday. I spoke with the company on Wednesday and they have sent a new one. Combat said the bat was shipping out that afternoon UPS ground and should be to her in about 5 business days.
  2. hittingcoach

    hittingcoach Member

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    Apr 18, 2008
    safety first

    The endcap popping out of the bat is a safety thing. As the walls of a composite bats break in the barrel starts compress more. This leads to balls coming off the bat harder and increased distance. However, when a bat starts to compress too much and become dangerous a well made composite bat will either form a sharktooth shaped crack or blow its endcap. This is a sign to the parents and players that the bat is dangerously hot and needs to be replaced. Once the bats endcap has come all the way out the bat is no longer dangerous.

    I understand your concerns about the opposing team pushing the endcap back in and continuing to use it but they were actually going up to bat with a safe bat. If the endcap popped all the way out, your players were more likely to get injured by a flying endcap than a ball coming off that bat.

    In my dealing with bats, I am impressed that Combat has actually created a bat that will break when it gets to a point of being too hot and in turn protects our girls from serious injury.
  3. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
  4. hittingcoach

    hittingcoach Member

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    Apr 18, 2008
    distributor??? now you have me curious. who did you talk to?
  5. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    i trade bats with another distributor, i carry certain brands, he carry's what i dont, that kinda thing.....he's about to drop this line, as in his opinion, they will all be illegal before the year is out and he's tired of explaining why they're breaking so fast. dont blame him, went through this very same thing with the 2005 rt...crummy bat it was, crummy
  6. hittingcoach

    hittingcoach Member

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    Apr 18, 2008
    There is a possibility that a new bat whose endcap did not dry would pop out but this would happen within the first 25 to 50 swings. It would take a whole lot of force to break in the walls of the bat in that amount of swings. That is a defected bat.

    But it sounds like the bat used in the game in question was a well broken in bat and the endcap popping out was due to the walls compressing not a glue defect.
  7. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    glue is not used in the production of this bat, end cap is compressed on, this info directly from rep. its not swedged on like the rocket tech, and even the swedged caps will come off if hit directly on the end cap. think about it, high impact area, lots of flexing of the bat, cant think of a glue that would stand up to that, and i do a lot of work with the bonding of phenolic, carbon fiber and plastic to steel and aluminum. dont know the cure, but lots being sent back in.

    will say that bat is hot, probably too hot and may be one of the bats ASA is getting ready to ban in the second round, in an effort to keep our kids safe.
  8. hittingcoach

    hittingcoach Member

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    Apr 18, 2008
    I think about it all the time. First of all your right glue is not used in the production of the bats. The bats are compressed on a machine and then dried... endcaps are added later. And I wasnt implying that glue was the only thing keeping these endcaps in. Have you seen an endcap pop all the way out. There is a knitch in the endcap that fits into the barrel of the bat. If this was the only way an endcap was attached, the first time the walls around this knotch started to break it would come out. We all know how much FP players use the end of their bat. So a glue was added to this process to more stability in the endcap. If an endcap clue has not set long enough, you will see a bright green, sticky substance around the endcap.

    If the fibers in composites are grey, black and white
    the resin is clear
    and the endcap is plastic

    where does the green stuff come from?

    and your friend who is a combat dealer.... does he have any Virus FPs on his shelf right now cause I know 5 of my kids who want them. Where is he located?

    its good talking to you... i like hearing everyones opinion on how bats are made. What rep did you talk to about this? The RT guy?
  9. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    dont know what the green stuff is, but saw a picture of a popped out end cap and know what groove you're taking about. asked buddy about bats, none on shelf and stated he wasnt willing to order due to upcoming decision???? he wouldnt go into detail and i'm not going to guess on this one. but i know more than one combat dealer, i will contact some of them today and try and pm ya with info of where to obtain...know that another dealer puts a substance between end cap and barrel to absorb shock, not a glue mind you as it doesnt dry completely according to them, wonder if this is same thing???
  10. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    The upcoming decision they are referring to is the new rule that all bats must not exceeed the 98 mph limit AFTER BREAKIN....
    which means they will be coming out of the wrapper at 75-80 mph....

    See my previous thread...
    It is gonna happen...


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