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Question concerning bat safety.....

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Mrs. change-up2, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    this is what i thought also coach, this bat is definately falling in that class, way too hot in my opinion. if this is true, it will mean a lot of bats being banned NOW, and explain why the bat cannot be found in stock.....jmho
  2. JavelinCatcher

    JavelinCatcher Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 26, 2008
    Breakin period?

    I wasn't aware that there was a breakin period for the bats. Is there a specific way you should breakin the bats?
  3. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    OK... All composite bats have a break-in period.....

    Usually takes between 150-200 swings to proper tune it...

    Exit speeds increase by 10-15 mph
  4. JavelinCatcher

    JavelinCatcher Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 26, 2008
    That is a lot more than I thought.

    Sorry if this is another silly question but... Does it matter what kind of swings? Meaning, does it have to be against a pitcher (more force) or does soft toss, dropping the ball from a bucket, hitting off of tees, using it for infield/outfield drills also work?
  5. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    As they say....

    Swing hard in case you hit it...

    High level men slow pitch guys actually hit wooden telephone poles
    with the bats to break them in..

    There is plenty of ways to illegally heat up the bat, by "rolling" it
    with a vise, etc...

    Read all the posts on the following thread.
    Tells you how people are making money, by illegally altering bats...

  6. hittingcoach

    hittingcoach Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 18, 2008
    okay thats not true

    composite bats made of prepreg material (for this you will have to do research) will have to start off at 91 MPH which is 1 MPH slower than wood and will break in to be 98 MPH over the lifetime of the bat.

    i could only imagine what 75mph start off would hit like....lol or how heavy it would have to be.

    i have tested a couple of these bats and you cant really tell the difference between the two bats

    way to freak people out windmiller

    combat, however, doesnt make their bats through prepreg. they are the only company that doesnt. thats why they dont take long to break in and that is why they cant withstand alterations.
  7. JavelinCatcher

    JavelinCatcher Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 26, 2008
    Yeah, I read through that and it is sad that a guy is proud of making illegal bats and being sued.

    I just want to make sure that I give our girls and parents the right information on how to break in their new bats.
  8. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    way to freak people out windmiller

    not half as freaked out as they will be if ASA bans that bat also, would hate to be the parent who shells out for a bat that becomes banned shortly after purchase. of course, we're speculating on this, but the basis of speculation comes from information coming out of ASA and they write the rules.
  9. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC

    First of all... I'm not freaking anyone out....

    This info comes from my 10 years experience as a college softball coach and the owner of a facility that sells over 300 fastpitch bats a year...

    But what do I know...

    Here is a letter from one of the bat manufacturers.... and their production
    schedules for next year.... I have attached it, with company specific info
    blacked out.....

    Believe what you want...

    As many of you have heard ASA is going to initiate changes for bats official in 2008-09. They have decided to stay with the 98 exit speed bat, but this must be the highest mph it can be at any time. What us manufacturers will have to do is incorporate some kind of metal sleeve, or fibers to keep the bats from going beyond that exit speed. We will probably have to start them in wrapper at around 70-80 mph to allow them to break in at 98 at their hottest point.

    What will this mean for retailers......ASA has decided to 'Grandfather' all the current models (fastpitch and slow pitch) for a period of at least 4 years. We will not be able to manufacture any of our current models after 6/1/08. What we will be doing is shipping these bats up til 6/15/08 and that will be it.

    How can you take advantage of ASA 's new rule.....We are now offering a limited ASA bat program to give you dealers a chance to bring in the current models with terms and discounts. Please see the attached program for details. The one thing I would like to point out to all of you is that once it becomes common knowledge to the softball community that the new ASA bats will not be as hot as the old ones their will be a mad dash to gobble up as many of these as possible.
    I know becasue I have had a lot of my college fastpitch coaches order extra bats this year to prepare for 09.
    They got the word early on the bat changes at the NFCA convention this past November.

    The slow pitch community will also respond the same way once word hits the street around summer.

    XXXXXXX is currently working on some prototypes to comply with the new rules. It is unclear right now how we will acheive the new exit speed, but we will be introducing a whole new line of ASA bats by late summer/Early fall.

    I believe it will be in your best interest to get as many of the current 'Grandfathered' bats as possible because they will be at a premium come fall. Please review the attachment and prepare yourselfs for what should be a mad dash to acquire these bats. I also believe that the demand will be so strong that a lot of players will pay premium price to get them. This will help you with margins that have not always been like they used to be. The program just covers slow pitch bats. Since we have xxx fastpitch bats, these bats will be discounted on our 2008 CWS program coming out in a couple of weeks.

    Feel free to call me with any questions regarding the new rule, or the program. I appreciate your business and happy selling!

    As info...
    The remaining 2008 bats they were speaking of, are all sold out...

    So, if you didn't pay attention when I told you this was coming 2 months ago, that


    Here is my original post from 2/26/08...
  10. lknsftbllfan09

    lknsftbllfan09 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2007
    Play it again sports in Mooresville has the fp combat in stock. They also have a store in Hickory that also has them in stock. My dd loves this bat

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