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Another "you make the call"

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by chachacha, May 10, 2008.

  1. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 1, 2005
    Rule 8-3-3a Baserunning Awards

    The batter-runner is awarded four bases if a fair batted ball goes over a fence in flight between the foul poles.

    The award is in effect when the home run occurs. There are no exceptions listed that would empower an umpire to negate the award.

    The umpire incorrectly applied the "assisting the runner" rule. Giving a "high five" to the runner is not assisting the runner, especially since the four base award is automatic.

    Also, since there is no ball on the field and no play can be made by the defense, the "assisting" rule is irrelevant. Note: we are not assisting an injured runner in this case.

    This umpire needs some serious retraining or should be restricted to rec. ball.
  2. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

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    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    couple of things

    I was sitting with the NCAA umpire crew that is working the Fayetteville regional when I was told about this call..

    One point that should be noted is that the batboy is an adult special olympian...

    Only touching allowed is by 3rd base coach....and only on a HR...,
    and only a High Five type exchange.

    Any touching by the team at the plate before the hitter touches the plate, then the hitter would be awarded a triple and then called out.

    (Remember the video, where they could not assist the kid who injured herself returning to touch 1b after hitting a HR)

    The umps said to a person, that they " would not have seen "
    the S O batboy touch the hitter....due to him not knowing any better...
  3. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    WOW!!! Can you imagine how......

    ......this fine young man feels, and deals with the consequences of his actions all while in the very best nature and intentions. If, in fact, the batboy is a special needs kid, then,....uhhh, I don't know where to go with this. I'm appalled! If we at TBR have trouble understanding or rationalizing such an ignorant call or rule, the it PAINS me to think how it affects the guy. This goes down in the TBR "Hall of Fame" by virture of the pure disgust that we all feel right now. I'm sure Morgan could care less about another HR, thats the class kid that she is, but I'll bet my last dollar that she's feeling horrible. Wow! FUBAR. I'm done.
  4. nccoach32

    nccoach32 Member

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    Mar 27, 2008
    Sanford, North Carolina
    Understand the rule; buttttt,,,,,

    Why? The ball was hit over the fence and nothing was affected by her running the bases to finish the play.

    As heartwarming as it was to see on ES** the opposing TEAM carry that girl around the bases so that she could finish the play, both calls are silly and that is stating it lightly.

    We go from pine tar on a bat (KC) to giving a high five from someone other than the 3rd base coach? What exactly are we accomplishing here?

    Let's focus on the more serious issues here instead of something that only builds the ego of the blue.

    IMO this rule needs to be looked at closely and nixed. As far as I can tell, no High 5 has ever hindered the game in any way. Especially in a dead ball situation such as this.
  5. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007
    Poor poor Dad over at 3rd!!!lol......

    .....I can't believe that my bud didn't.......uhhhhh, well he did get run from the game! Big Moe has got way more control than.....________________
    fill in the blank! 1. Marlin 2. ....?????? Hey, Big Moe is one of the smartest coaches in the game period, not his first rodeo. But when I heard about this gig from Big Daddy, I fastlaned it from the big city down to Johnston Co. figuring I'd see my buddy in the back of his suburban with a cold drink in his hand. Nope, there he was, right back at third base.
  6. prklandsoftballdad

    prklandsoftballdad Set my brother FREE!!

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2004
    wow the pine tar incident. One of the great baseball videos of all time. I was livid since i was a huge KC and George Brett fan and patterned my hitting after that. (Wndmllr and I discussed the Charlie Lau theory of hitting not that long ago). Memories ahhh......
  7. Runey

    Runey Go West Johnston Wildcats

    Likes Received:
    Apr 8, 2008
    Smithfield, NC
    Last edited: May 11, 2008
  8. 3bagger15

    3bagger15 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 24, 2008
    Garner, N,C,
    appeared to be ejected!!

    1. After discussion after the game, the ruling was a disqualification. Meaning the coach is ristricted to the dugout for the remainder of game. There is no penalty after that. I did finish out the game at third base but not before the umpired followed me down the line after I made a comment about how ridiculous the call was. My back was turned to him walking away and he kept coming telling me I was next.

    2.The bat boy. Bobby is a special needs person. He has been around our team for as long as we have. His excitement sometimes gets so great, we have to tell him to be carefull. He was so sorry for what he had done that he kept apologizing to Morgan again and again. She, beintg the erson that she is, kept telling him not to worry that it wasn't his fault.

    3. As I mentioned in my previous post, This guy was all about him and not the game or the players. He also made the comment to me that he was not there for the record book. That in it's self would suggest that he saw an opportunity to squash a great moment no only for a great player but our entire team.

    I' done!!!
  9. JavelinCatcher

    JavelinCatcher Full Access Member

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    Mar 26, 2008
    Was this 'offiically' reported to the booking agent or the head of the umps? Are they doing anything about it?

    Is there anything that can be done to overrule/reverse the call and get Morgan her HR back? I suspect not since it sounds like the call he made was accurate as far as the rule book is concerned but we all agree it was a terrible call that should have never been made.

    How do you get to the rules committee to request a change to the rules?
  10. chachacha

    chachacha Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 14, 2006
    Has anyone determined the rule in high school yet? The NCAA says a warning is issued for the first occurence and only after the warning (the second time it happens) do you call the batter out and credit her with a triple.

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