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Best High School Hitter for Average in North Carolina

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by homerun14, May 15, 2008.

  1. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County

    No Bueno....name calling.....personal offense.... red flag.... first warning..:tooth:--- Guru
  2. Dukedog4

    Dukedog4 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2005
    Scoring and scheduling impacts D1 also

    These factors come into play in college also. My DD's team has played against some teams whose fielders never make errors. These schools tend to have high BA but pitchers suffer with higher ERA's. You also see inflated averages in D1 ball. Schedule a DH vs Coppin State or Savannah State and score 60 runs and see what that does to offensive statistics! Western Carolina scheduled a number of these schools in the first year or that program (a good strategy for a young team). It helped the numbers but also the confidence that carried thru to conference play.

    Most D1 programs publish "conference only" stats. Given schedule inequities out of conference, these stats are the only accurate way to compare teams.
  3. BringIt2WinIt

    BringIt2WinIt It's all for the girls!!!

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2007
    Middle of No Where NC
    Sorry - I agree with Cheese and Guru here

    Stats are too easily manipulated - by inexperience, perception, how a particular statistician leans...and in some HS's by blatant favoritism.

    I, personally, am the tough as nails statistician. As such, when I keep stats, players on the teams I keep stats for will traditionally have lower stats than if someone else with more lenient standards had kept them. Couple of examples:

    Righty batter hits a stinger on the ground just shy to the left of the 3B player; ball passes by player, SS fields it behind, but too late to make the play on runner. My ruling: REC5. Why? Because had the player reacted to the ball coming off the bat as taught, they would have made a quick and smooth adjustment to the left, with no extraordinary effort, and presumably would have then made the play in plenty of time to get the runner at 1B. The more lenient statistician would be inclined to call this a hit, simply because the ball was a scorcher and therefore found it in no way playable. Wrong. Players are taught to read the bat and react.

    Lefty slapper up at bat. Hits a grounder towards, SS. Shortstop fields ball clean, makes a clean throw, ball beating runner to 1B. However, 1B's foot was not on the bag, player is called safe. My call RE5C3. Yes, part of the slappers job is to force an error. However, the error that is attempted is either the fielding of the originally hit ball or on a rushed throw. In college, the runner is often given a hit if a bad throw results in a safe at 1B - not always, but often. I ask: How bad was that throw? Did the throw in and of itself allow the runner to reach, or did the player to which the ball was thrown not anticipate the direction of the throw correctly? (This is actually a real situation in which I was informed by another, not the coach, that this was a hit. Wrong. It stood as RE5C3, whereas another statistician might have gone...oh, okay).

    All too often I see it reported in the paper that so an so went 4-5 at bat. Yet I was at that game, and I go...when did that happen? Sure they hit the ball 4 times, but 1 was a RE and another was a FC...which is 2 for 5.

    My own daughter was in the paper a while back for hitting 2 Doubles and getting 2 RBI's. She did not. She had a double, with 2 RBI's and a RE. This newspaper article is not part of the scrapbook I am building for her...because it is WRONG.

    Be leery of HS stats - ESPECIALLY when a student is keeping the books. I have found that around 20% of what is shown as a hit by a student is actually an RE or FC.
  4. BringIt2WinIt

    BringIt2WinIt It's all for the girls!!!

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2007
    Middle of No Where NC
    Complete agree guru!

    Yes, there are areas in the field that a long ball to the outfield will result in a hit. However, just because a ball is untouched does not make it a hit.

    What about the ball that bounces right in front of the right field player, then is allowed to roll past when proper tracking of the ball while in air would have resulted in an out? That is an error!

    Or the long ball hit to left field, that with the use of basic tracking, the LF'er would have taken 4 steps back and fielded it cleanly, rather than it bouncing to the ground behind them and rolling away. Sorry, error.

    Untouched does not go down automatically as a hit. Remember, error is the failure to make a play on the ball without EXTRAORDINARY effort. Tracking does not constitute extraordinary effort!
  5. BringIt2WinIt

    BringIt2WinIt It's all for the girls!!!

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2007
    Middle of No Where NC
    LMBO....right there with you ERMS.

    Not to mention, each year I tend to get a few nasty looks thrown my way by parents of dd's that feel their daughter's average should be MUCH higher.
  6. mrl21

    mrl21 Member

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    May 14, 2008
    North Carolina
    Very well put TriadPower16u......
    For instance.......pitcher delivers.......line drive back to pitcher....ball glances off glove...2nd base fields ball...throws to 1st........batter / runner safe...........is this an error or hit...........it is a hit......pitcher attempting to assume a defensive posture after delivering pitch , but has not assumed defensive position when ball glances off glove...........

    pitcher delivers ball.....line drive back to 2nd base....ball glances off glove...2nd base then fields ball...throws to 1st........batter / runner safe...........is this an error or hit...........it is an error......2nd base player should have already assumed a defensive posture before delivery of pitch

  7. cmmguy

    cmmguy *

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2006
    I have heard that a Pitcher cannot make a fielding error, only throwing errors...
  8. chachacha

    chachacha Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 14, 2006

    I beg to differ. If a fly ball hits the ground in the outfield I would say that is a hit. The rules (NCAA) state that misjudging a ball and then not being able to recover is a hit.
  9. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Please Point Me

    Please point me to this rule..... Thanks, Guru
  10. screwball_1

    screwball_1 Junior Member

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    Mar 3, 2006
    If a fly ball is misjudged and the fielder does not recover in time to gain good position, a hit is credited to the batter.
    Ordinary effort is the key word, the outfielder needs to be tracking the ball! The outfielder has to attempt to catch the ball. If they are covering a considerable distance and misjudge, then I would consider it a hit. Seen many outfielders just stand there and watch the ball drop before they attempt to field it. I don't consider that a hit.

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