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Gold Scores from Alabama

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Lookin for 1st, Jun 7, 2008.

  1. ndsb05

    ndsb05 Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 4, 2005

    When and where do you play again??
  2. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007
    Devils Advocate.....

    ...ok!!!!....2 games, maybe 5 times at bat, maybe one or two might be a bunt situation.........AND, checkout some of the rosters in college that include many NC/SC pitchers/players, and the rosters, if you can get them of some of the NC 18s. THATS what you'll get in college!!......... THERE DOES exist the a powerful play/team/org group in our area that offers the same talent. No pun intended about the "same" talent but our kids rock here too. ........ Disclaimer!!! by the fishman....I'd be the first to book my flight. But I'm hooked!!!!
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2008
  3. cfastpitch44

    cfastpitch44 Full Access Member

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    Apr 17, 2004
    I was not saying that the kids in North and South Carolina do not have talent. When you play in the Gold qualifiers most of the time you are playing against players that are being recruited by the big dogs, heck alot of them are already playing for the big programs. It shows you where you stand with the rest of the country. My DD played all of the local showcase tournaments, including dynamites, hot times and others. She pitched and went 22-3 that summer. When she played at the gold level, she was some where around .500 The Gold Level was much more of a challenge. Just my 2 cents worth.
  4. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    I didn't say your team was NOT playing.....

    .....against the best. And FYI, you're preaching to the choir here. My point was only that, as you agree, to tbe the best, you've got to beat the best....say...like in your own back yard! I know whos who, or atleast the kids '06-'09 that you know as well. To me, the BEST coaching /DD playing experience was the ASA Nats. in ATL. 12U for us,....ohso it was 12U?. At that time there was NO participation of TB teams in NC towards ASA. Been there done that huckabuck. And I don't, for one second, dismiss what you're saying about the value of ASA. You are right. BUT bring it back to me on this one......(nevermind that your DD was a pitcher), At bat, 5 times in a tourn. gets your DD SQUAT!. JMO,.....and I had a ball traveling with my DD who played for teams from NC to NJ. As I said, the talent level exist here in NC/SC, but I'm not going to disagree with CF44. Talent abounds in the bigtime tourns.......I need more at bats, or have a DD that pitches!
  5. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    You R The Man !!!

    You know everybody here has a valid point, but what's important like I have heard from many of you as long as your DD is happy where she is playing that is all that matters....heck 10 years from now nobody will care where you've been or played !!! The key is did the DD get her education !!! My DD made All-District "So What ??" all it is a vote it will mean nothing in 5 years !!! It doesn't qualify her as a top ball player because she got a vote !!! Yesterday she hit another 100 basketballs, and now she is learning to slap a little, she is out working her butt off that is what will get her where she needs to be not travelling all over the country , or local events, etc....I'm not saying that stiffer competition want help her, but repetition is the KEY !!!

    Good Luck To All This 2008 !!!

    Last edited: Jun 11, 2008
  6. Eastern907

    Eastern907 Full Access Member

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    Jul 9, 2007

    Seems we have a whole lot of experts on this topic. I heard Alabama was a great experience for John and Legacy team. You win some, you lose some. These coaches are willing to take a chance and easy targets for everyone else when they are not winning. I suggest the two teams not mention anything on the board about their travels due too many experts on this subject. If you are playing the local circuit enjoy it. If you play in other states good luck. Whatever your choice enjoy the time as it goes by fast but don't criticize if you ask a question or you have a proven workout schedule that works for you.
  7. SarcA

    SarcA Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2007
    Great Points

    You have a great relationship with your DD. I can see why she made all conference and all district due to your dedication. Amanda McArthur was helped by your guidance in getting her scholarship to Mars Hill. Repetition is key in making players better. If you have any other advice to help us all in making our girls the best please let us know. I look forward to seeing your daughter on the all state team.
  8. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    I Think What Would Have Been Politically Correct !!

    To Each His Own..don't meddle in my business,and I want meddle in yours...if teams choose to span the country tour then that's their decision, but those teams that don't that's their business. I think if we all mind our own affairs including myself, we would all get along a little better !!!

  9. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    alright now, we have this debate every year, at least this year, its on the civil side. so lets get to the points that are going to be made sooner or later anyway...

    do you have to play gold to go to college?? no
    do you have to play gold to go to a D1 school??? no
    is the competition better in gold?? heck yeah in most cases.
    is it an awesome experience??? i would say yes, as traveling to other states and seeing new teams is an experience in itself.

    is it worth the money to play gold??? hey, its your money, you decide if it was worth the trip, no one else can do that except you......
  10. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Let's Clear Up One Thing !!

    Amanda McArthur did not need my help to get her scholarship,she is a total athlete in herself, my little bit of ability that I offered may have helped her in some respect, but her hardwork,and her endurance is what got her where she is today. Amanda was like one of my kids in the time span of 4 years, and I miss the team that I had the priviledge to help coach. They were some special kids that are now young ladies that are playing with some good organizations !!!


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