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Heels Lay an Egg

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by BaseballMan, Jun 18, 2008.

  1. 007

    007 Full Access Member

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    Mar 10, 2003
    One of the most impressive things about UNC's 3 year run at Omaha has been the infusion of contributing freshmen into the mix every year. This year, for whatever reason, it is not happening. When the guys (other than Harvey) do get their chance, they will be doing it with zero CWS experience.
  2. TheOriole

    TheOriole Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 27, 2005
    Charlotte, NC

    Dont think too much see it and hit it right back where it came from off the pitchers forehead........BE AGGRESSIVE and DO NOT allow y9ourself to fall down in the count!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........:N1Imgoingtostay:
  3. OurPasttime713

    OurPasttime713 Full Access Member

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    Sep 17, 2007
    High Point, NC
    In my opinion, you don't put too much stock in to how old someone is. You throw your best arms, and you put your best sticks in the lineup, regardless of their age. This is what Coach Fox has done in the past, and it's also what he's doing this year. It just so happens that in the past they have had freshmen who were key starters and everyday players, and this year, they don't.

    It's not that he's given freshmen an opportunity in the past, and isn't giving freshmen opportunities this year. It's simply that the 2008 freshman class isn't as strong as the 2007 and 2006 classes before it.

    As far as position players go, there's really no argument you could possibly make to get a freshman in the lineup other than that Ben Bunting could POSSIBLY see outfield time if Shelton's problems really snowball. But Shelton has been a tremendous player all season and a huge part of the team's sucess.

    On the pitching staff, White is the bonafide ace, and Warren was 22-1 in his career coming to Omaha. These guys are clearly going to start games 1 and 2. And after that, Fox started Harvey. Harvey is a freshman, and he probably has the 2nd best "stuff" on the team behind White.

    Wooten has appeared in so many CWS games in the past and has always had great success out of the pen for the Heels. The only argument you could make to get a freshman on the mound in relief is that I'm sure there are plenty of freshmen who can throw better than Moran has. That being said, as much as Moran has struggled I can't imagine he was like that in the regular season or else Fox wouldn't have him out there every game.

    I'm ranting, but my point is, don't get on Fox's case just because he's supposedly "not giving freshmen opportunities." He's putting the best players on the field, which is why UNC is in the final 4 for the 3rd straight year and might be headed to the championship series for the 3rd straight year after tonight. The best players in 2008 just don't happen to be freshmen.
  4. OurPasttime713

    OurPasttime713 Full Access Member

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    Sep 17, 2007
    High Point, NC
    Oh, and I agree with Braves. If Fresno pitches a right hander tonight which they're expected to do, I bet we will see Fleury in the lineup as the DH.

    Something to think about. The past two nights, UNC players who we all have confidence in (FedEx and Flack) have come through with huge homeruns despite the fact that they've been struggling as of late, or in Flack's case for the season as a whole.

    Will another Tarheel break out of a slump with a big hit tonight? I'm calling Kyle Shelton with a big knock to get his confidence back and help the Heels advance.
  5. 007

    007 Full Access Member

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    Mar 10, 2003
    I don't want to get you riled up, but you are contradicting yourself.
  6. OurPasttime713

    OurPasttime713 Full Access Member

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    Sep 17, 2007
    High Point, NC
    You're reading it wrong.

    You highlighted the one sentence where I said I'm sure that there are freshmen who may could do better out of the pen than Moran HAS DONE. But I followed that right up with a statement about how Fox wouldn't have Moran out there if Moran hadn't performed well all season long.

    And my main point of the whole entire post is, Moran is the ONLY player that you can make any argument whatsoever that some freshman should be pitching in his place. I see the argument there, and Moran scares me too, but I trust Coach Fox. My point is, it's not that he's neglecting to give freshmen opportunities. He's just putting the best guys out there who give UNC the best chance to win. Now isnt the time to give freshmen a chance just because they're freshmen and this'll get them some valuable experience. Now is the time to put your horses out there and try to bring a championship back to Chapel Hill.

    Anyone other than Moran, would be ridiculous to take out of the lineup for a freshman. All the position players, plus White, Warren, Wooten, etc. are no brainers to be in the lineup or on the mound. Point is, the '08 Freshman class isn't ready to contribute yet except for Harvey, and maybe Bates. And they have 3 classes of older guys who are getting it done.

    The two statements you highlighted don't even contradict each other. I said that I'm sure theres are freshmen who can throw better than Moran has in Omaha (true). I said that Fox is putting the best players on the field (also true). Just because Moran hasnt thrown the best doesn't mean he's not the best available player to put out there. Baseball is a humbling game and you go through ups and downs. Just ask Flack and FedEx. All a coach can do with his lineup is play the percentages and put the guys out there who give the team the best shot to win.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  7. TheOriole

    TheOriole Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 27, 2005
    Charlotte, NC

    beats hitting and will be the difference and SOMEONE will get a win out of it!:headbang:
  8. TheOriole

    TheOriole Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 27, 2005
    Charlotte, NC
    gotta be a sleeeeeeeper on the staff who can unnerve and keep the opposition's hitters off balance??
  9. 007

    007 Full Access Member

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    Mar 10, 2003
    If the truth be known, Coach Fox decided against using freshhmen as position players last fall. Bunting was the only one who got a real shot. None of the other guys had over 30 ab's.
    I'd take my chances with Greg Holt's .357 average over Gore or Fleury in the DH spot, but I don't think he's even on the postseason roster.
  10. OurPasttime713

    OurPasttime713 Full Access Member

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    Sep 17, 2007
    High Point, NC
    If you think Greg Holt is as good of a hitter as Gore or Fleury, I'll respectfully disagree with that. Just know that hardly anyone shares your belief. Holt isn't ready to play on this level yet. As I said, outside of Bunting and the pitchers, the 2007 class is weak compared to other recent ones.

    The '07 freshman class is nothing compared to the sophomore class of Ackley, Seager, Fedroff, White.

    This isn't the time to be worried about all that though. Whether Holt is on the postseason roster or not, he won't be DH'ing in place of players like Gore or Fleury.

    Anyways, its game time, so I'm going to go watch. GO HEELS

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