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Don't shoot me, but is it good or bad for legion ball that...

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by tj21, Jul 13, 2008.

  1. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    ...this year in the first round of the legion playoffs, recent powers Caldwell County, Garner and Kannapolis who seem like they have gone to nearly every state tournament since 2000, have all lost and gone home.

    I think it "MAY" be good, and I tell you what I'm thinking. Because yes Cherryville, Rowan County and Shelby are still playing, but there will definitely be new blood in the state tournament this year. One of the criticisms I hear many critics bring up occasionally is that legion ball is stacked with the "SAME OLD" powers dominating every year. Of course we have discussed that this is largely due to those certain communities embracing legion ball so much that its attractive for all the players to come out. But of course, the better teams all suffer personnel losses to travel ball and other venues,,, and I'm just thinking (as CRAZY AS IT SOUNDS),,,,,,,,,, maybe it is a GOOD THING for legion ball that so much new blood is winning this year.

    I have personnally witnessed Mooresville and they are the real deal, they can go far this year,,, same goes for Huntersville, both Hopewell and North Mecklenburg had super HS seasons, glad to see H'ville get all those boys out for their legion team.

    And besides, if these other legion programs have success it will only make their programs more attractive to younger players to want and play in years to come, which will keep their respective programs successful for years to come. Success breeds success.

    Any comments from others?
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2008
  2. huntersville321

    huntersville321 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 7, 2007
    tj21, you are right on. Maybe we can see some other communities get behind their legion programs and bring in some new blood. Although in H'ville this is highly doubtful. You are right in your assessment of the N.Meck and Hopewell programs. They were both talented clubs but our legion program is still attracting just a few of the players. We keep hoping one good year will persuade other players to give it a try. It was rather amusing hearing the Caldwell fans complain about not having all their available players. We stopped using that excuse several years ago.
  3. RaleighDevil

    RaleighDevil Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Jan 10, 2005
    Raleigh, where else.
    I don't believe your argument applies much to the eastern part of the state. Pitt 39 has been as successful over the past two decades as anyone in Area I, but their fan support is pitiful.

    This year, Kinston had its best season for as long as I've been in it. I would say they had fewer than 50 people when we played there for the No. 1 spot in our half of Area I East. In fact, there were as many people at our game at Tarboro as there were at Kinston.

    Garner has never drawn much of a crowd. In fact, we've often had as many fans as at their place as them.

    Snow Hill went to the state tournament twice, yet folded when Rabbit Fulghum retired.

    It's a sad state of affairs in the northeastern quadrant. Be thankful for what you have.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2008
  4. BaseballISreligion

    BaseballISreligion Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 28, 2008
    dont forget post 337

    You definitely cant forget pineville... they beat cherryville this year but they have lost to shelby twice. However, both games they played with shelby, pineville didnt pitch there ace or #2 pitcher. Darnell (elon signee) is putting up big numbers at the plate with somewhere around 14 or 15 homeruns in the little amount of games he has played. Also catcher matt crump (wingate) can change a game around with one swing of the bat.

    on top of that they're not limited to just those two hitters...Evan Wilkinson sets the tone as the lead off hitter and Hunter Glass (both Lenior Rhyne) with potential to turn a game around as well contribute to there success. David Chandick also carries a good bat behind darnell and crump.

    they are very good offensively and solid defensively with Glass and Johnny Eaker (UNCA signee) up the middle, Nick Verhien (Coastal Carolina) at third and a good glove with a long reach in Darnell at first... Not to mention they are loaded with guys that have above avg. arms in the outfield and can track down any ball hit out of the infield

    Watch out for Pinville post 337 to make some noise this year!
  5. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    Definitely no disrespect intended for Pineville, in recent years they have established themselves as among the elite when it comes to state legion powers, at least since 2003 when they went to the state tournament in Fayetteville.

    All I'm saying is that its great to see other programs doing well for a change, that is all.
  6. JM15

    JM15 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    May 11, 2003
    Old Cary, NC
    Not having Garner or Caldwell County at a Legion State Tournament will definitely be different. Not sure if Garner will make it back anytime soon... definitely not a knock on their current coach, but Moe Barbour had them playing the best baseball they could play when it counted. I am even more surprised by Caldwell not making it. Caldwell/Cherryville in a playoff situation is as good as you can get.

    Now if we could just get someone from Area I to step up and take out Wayne County, then it would really be something. Can you imagine Area I sending two teams to the State Tourney not named Wayne County or Garner? I'd like to see it, just to throw a wrinkle in "tradition".

    I think the Cary/Clayton winner has a very good chance to come out of Area I, along with Wayne County/Pitt County.
  7. luigiboy

    luigiboy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 10, 2006
    That may have been true in past years. The truth of the matter this year is that Caldwell County was only good enough to lose 6 games in a row when the games mattered the most and they were good enough to lose to the 7 seed in the playoffs. As fun as Cherryville/Caldwell games are in the bleachers, I'd much rather see C'ville play an above average team that will "show up" this time of year.
  8. Dbacks20

    Dbacks20 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jul 3, 2004
    Charlotte, NC

    You're right the first time....don't draw any attention to us Pineville boys, like I said earlier, we are just going to try and be competitive and give a good series to whoever we get next.....our boys are just happy to be here...:FO3DRfall:
  9. NPC Fanatic

    NPC Fanatic LakeNormanFan-lost pword

    Likes Received:
    Apr 11, 2004
    Congrats to Huntersville for the sweep and good luck in the 2nd Round!!!! :N1yeeaah: I know Dale Blythe must be proud; he's put in a lot of time with this team over the years. Heck, Dale's so good that some folks even mistake him for Tj21!! :biggrin:
  10. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    :deal::31:...you don't ever stop, do you?:coool:

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