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Little League Question

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by BooneHeel, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    Go ahead and ban him Braves!

    One Putt just doesnt know when to stop!:winkiss::winkiss::winkiss::winkiss:
  2. Stretchlon

    Stretchlon Stars

    Likes Received:
    Nov 15, 2006
    Rocky Mount

    Plate Dad relative?
  3. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    Throwing inside?

    Not hard enough to move. And if it did hit, nats in the summer breeze hurt more.
  4. WHSpitcher6

    WHSpitcher6 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 19, 2008
    This is a parents perspective and not how everyone feels. I would like to make that very clear. Everyone on this board knows who I am and I try not to post alot. But I feel the need to defend this person. He coach 11 and 12 year olds last year in all stars and took them to the state tournament. It was only the third time in Watauga history that that has ever happened. He is not a bad coach. The other two times one was with a team that finished second in the state in junior league and the one before was argueably the best baseball team to ever step into a pioneers uniform when they had Johnny Green and company. I try to stay involved in LL because it was the best time of my life. Some kids do not like this coach because he can be considered bias towards his son. But on a board is not the place to vent your frustration. The clubs baseball committee is not the place to vent. Once the coach is picked he is there. Since when have parents ever been allowed to pick a coach? I agree it shouldnt be up to the board because thats also bias. I still think it should be the team with the best record but thats not the way it is anymore. I have participated and also watched his practice that he runs and from what I had heard I thought it would be pathetic but it was actually pretty good. As for his son. Why take low blows at him? has he done anything to deserve that? His son whether or not he deserved to be the catcher did deserve to be an allstar from the season he had. He was second in the league in homeruns if im not mistaken. He hit two of them off the allstar teams ace. Don't take personal shots at people on this board. Remember that all they are seeing is your side of the arguement so they only get your story. They can get the complete wrong view on a very nice guy that works very hard. Sorry I felt like that needed to be said.
  5. mynokona

    mynokona Member

    Likes Received:
    May 18, 2008
    all star coaches

    I think at 11-12 that the all-star players should be selected, then let the players select the coach they want!
    Doh! too simple
  6. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    The problem with All Star

    teams from my experience at this level is the regular season is just something you do to get to All Stars. The emphasis at these levels should be on skill development for all the kids and building a solid baseball foundation. The coaches should vote to see who coaches the All Star team. Hopefully the coaches would want the coach / coaches that they believe are the best to coach the post season team. But to me at these ages the most important thing is the players are learning the game and having fun while doing it.
  7. Stretchlon

    Stretchlon Stars

    Likes Received:
    Nov 15, 2006
    Rocky Mount
    Playing time drives complaints

    (followup in today's paper)

    The problem with Little League baseball is not the coaches.

    It is the parents who think their children are perfect and should be playing every inning of every game.

    It is funny to me that if a parent's child plays every inning of every game, there are never any complaints. The complaints start rolling in only when the child can't play every inning of every game.
  8. SoutherNo1

    SoutherNo1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 20, 2003
    Naw, that was actually Coach Diggs himself. He called to see if Britt or I would take him to everbody's house that he knows. His refrigerator at DIGGS' DOGOUT was empty, and he had the DTs. If you hadn't opened the door Stretchy, that little summitch was gon kick it down!
  9. BooneHeel

    BooneHeel Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 29, 2006
    I apologize for mis-identifying whspitcher6. I've edit my post and acknowledge my mistake. I and several other have not been happy about this situation from beginning to end. I'v taken out much of the stuff I had in there earlier. Call in venting and a mistake. I do, however, stand by the comment below. I also throw in some suggestions. No more editing.

    I'm not wrong when I say EVERY practice was batting practice. This became the practice: right handed batter- everyone move to left field;left-handed batter- everyone move to right field. There were 10 kids standing on one side of the field. He NEVER worked on game situations.

    ......why don't you send out surveys to every parent so they can evaluate the coach, practices, and games.

    I never said the coach didn't work hard. He just wasn't ready for this level (junior league) baseball. The coach you turned down had lots of experience in junior league AND travel ball. This year's coach should have been his assistant. That way he could have learned from someone more experienced. As mentioned above, NO skills were taught if you throw out 2 1/2 hours of batting. Perhaps have some kind of written guide for practices (suggestions) for coaches. Bring in outside/high school coaches to help.

    As far as his coaching last season, I've heard from others that he should have lost two games because of illegal substitutions, but no one called him on it. If the games had been played outside of Boone, the team would have forfeited. IF this is true, why not get a coach who knows the rules to coach. Also, I heard an ump disallowed a homerun because a third base coach touched the hitter before he touched home plate. Someone should have made sure he knew the rules.

    Last time.... does LL have to go through Optomist Clubs? Anyone?

    My last post on the issue.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2008
  10. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    The best coach is...

    ....is the guy who can take a group of kids and teach them to win while they lose.
    As for allstars? PHLGHHHHH... they're all allstars coach. The very second that you/me get caught up in a selection process, you/me are doomed. Its a no win gig.
    I love your comment on the importance of teaching at this age...and you are soooo right there my friend.

    with respect here, I'm excluding you in this next statement....

    you other coaches take whoever you want as all-stars, I'll give these fine youngsters big props,...and then I'll take 12 remaining kids who were not SELECTED as all-stars, in 2 weeks, your team won't win a game against them

    Been there done that!
    Play Ball!!!!

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